Литература об Уинстоне Черчилле
Paul Addison, Churchill on the Home Front 1900—1955, London, Cape, 1992.
Jean Allary, Churchill: un petit-fils de Marlborough, Paris, Hachette, 1945.
Keith Alldritt, Churchill the Writer: his Life as a Man of Letters, London, Hutchinson, 1992.
Keith Alldritt, The Greatest of Friends: Franklin D. Roosevelt and Winston Churchill 1941—1945, London, Hale, 1995.
Maurice Ashley, Churchill as Historian, London, Secker and Warburg, 1968.
Dennis Bardens, Churchill in Parliament, London, Robert Hale, 1967.
Elizabeth Barker, Churchill and Eden at War, London, Macmillan, 1978.
Tuvia Ben-Moshe, Churchill: Strategy and History, Hemel Hampstead, Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1992.
Isaiah Berlin, Mr. Churchill in 1940, London, Murray, [1964] (первые
Geoffrey Best, Winston Churchill, London, Hambledon, 2000.
Princesse Bibesco, Churchill ou le courage, Paris, Albin Michel, 1956.
Lord Birkenhead, Churchill 1874—1922,ed. John Colville, London, Harrap, 1989.
Robert Blake and W. Roger Louis, Churchill. A major Reassessment of his Life in Peace and War,Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1993.
Robert Blake, Winston Churchill,Stroud, Sutton, 1998.
Piers Brendon, Winston Churchill: an Authentic Hero,London, Secker and Warburg, 1984.
Lewis Broad, Winston Churchill: Architect of Victory and Peace,London, Hutchinson; пятое издание вышло в 1956 году (первое — в 1941 году); перевод на французский язык осуществлен Delachaux и Niestle в 1946 году.
Mаrу С. Bromage, Churchill and Ireland,Indiana, University of Notre Dame Press, 1964.
Raymond A. Callahan. Churchill: Retreat from Empire,Tunbridge Wells, Costello, 1984.
John Charmley, Churchill: the End of Glory. A Political Biography.London, Hodder and Stoughton, 1993.
John Charmley, Churchill's Grand Alliance. The Anglo — American Special Relationship,London, Hodder and Stoughton, 1995.
Jacques Chastenet, Winston Churchill et l'Angleterre du XX siecle,Paris, Fayard, 1956.
Michael J. Cohen, Churchill and the Jews,London, Frank Cass, 1985.
Patrick Cosgrave, Churchill at War: Alone 1939—1940,London, Batsford, 1974.
Virginia Cowles, Winston Churchill: the Era and the Man,London, Hamish Hamilton, 1953.
Saul David, Churchill 's Sacrifice of the Highland Division,France 1940, London, Brassey, 1994.
David Day, Menzies and Churchill at War,St. Paul, Minn., et New York, Paragon House, 1987.
Frederick William D. Deakin, Churchill the Historian,Universite de
FranAois Delpla, Churchill et les Fran A ais.Paris, Plon, 1993.
Robert Denniston, Churchill's Secret War: Diplomatie Decrypts, the Foreign Office and Turkey 1942—1944,Stroud, Sutton Publishing Co., 1997.
Robin Edmonds, The Big Three: Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin in Peace and War,London, Hamish Hamilton, 1991.
Alfred Fabre-Luce, La Fumee d'un cigare,Paris, L'Elan, 1949.
Sean Faughnan, The Politics of Influence: Churchill, Eden and Soviet Communism,Cambridge Ph. D., 1993.
Robin Fedden, Churchill at Chartwell,Oxford, Pergamon Press, 1969.
Herbert Feis, Churchill, Roosevelt, Stalin,Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1957.
Victor Feske, From Belloc to Churchill: Private Scholars, Public Culture, and the Crisis of British Liberalism 1900—1939,Durham, University of North Carolina Press, 1996.
Brian Gardner, Churchill in his Time: a Study in a Reputation, 1939—1945,London, Methuen, 1968.
Annand Gatti et Pierre Joffroy, La Vie de Churchill,Paris, Seuil, 1954.
Martin Gilbert, Churchill: a Life,London, Heinemann, 1991.
Martin Gilbert, Churchill and Zionism,London, World Jewish Congress, 1974.
Martin Gilbert, Churchill's Political Philosophy,Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1984.
Martin Gilbert, In Search of Churchill: a Historian's Journey,London. Harper/Collins, 1994.
Martin Gilbert, The Origins of the «Iron Curtain» Speech,Folton, Missouri, Westminster College (The Crosby Kemper Lecture), 1981.
Martin Gilbert, Winston Churchill(Oxford Monographs), Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1966.
Martin Gilbert, Winston Churchill: the Wilderness Years, London, Macmillan, 1981.
Stephen R. Graubard, Burke, Disraeli and Churchill : the Politics of Perseverance, Cambridge Mass., Harvard University Press, 1961.