Черный пес у слезной реки. Некоторые представления о пути в мир мертвых у индейцев Америки и их евразийские корни
Nimuendaju C. The Serente. Los Angeles, 1942. (Frederick Webb Hodhe Anniversary Publication Fund. Publ. 4).
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Pereira A.H. O Pensamento Mнtico do Rikbaktsa. Sгo Leopoldo, 1994. (Pesquisas, Antropologia. No. 50).
Purez Lуpez E. El Pбjaro Alferez. Mйxico: Instituto Nacional Indigenista, 1996.
Quinter L.A., Kuhler-Rolefson I. The ‘Ain Ghazal Dog: a Case for the Neolithic Origin of Canis familiaris in the Near East // Studies in Early Near Eastern Production, Subsistence, and Environment. Berlin, 1997. Vol. 4. P. 567—574.
Reichel-Dolmatoff G. Some Kogi models of the Beyond // Journal of Latin American Lore. 1984. Vol. 10. No. 1. P. 63—85.
Reichel-Dolmatoff G. Los Kogi. Una Tribu de la Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia. Segunda Ediciуn. Vol. 2. Bogotб, 1985.
Reichel-Dolmatoff G., Reichel-Dolmatoff A. The People of Aritama. Chicago, 1961.
Roe P.G. The Cosmic Zygote: Cosmology in the Amazon Basin. New Brunswick, 1982.
Sablin M.V., Khlopachev G.A. The Earliest Ice Age Dogs: Evidence from Eliseevichi I // Current Anthropology. 2002. Vol. 43. No. 5. P. 795—799.
Sadek-Kooros H., Kurten B., Anderson E. The Sediments and Fauna of Jaguar Cave // Tebiwa. 1972. Vol. 15. No. 1. P. 1—45.
Sahagin B. de. Florentine Codex: General History of the Things of New Spain. Part 3. Santa Fe, New Mexico: School of American Research and University of Utah Press, 1952.
Savolainen P., Ya-ping Zhang, Jing Luo, Leiter T. Genetic Evidence for an East Asian Origin of Domestic Dogs // Science. 2002. Vol. 298. P. 1610—1613.
Schleidt W.M., Shalter M.D. Co-evolution of Humans and Canids. An Alternative View of Dog Domestication: Homo Homini Lupus? // Evolution and Cognition. 2003. Vol. 9. No. 1. P. 57—72.
Schultz H. Informaзхes etnogrгficas sфbre os Umutina // Revista do Museu Paulista. 1962. Vol. 13. P. 75—314.
Schwartz M. A History of Dogs in the Early Americas. New Haven amp; London, 1997.
Schutz A.J. Nguna texts: a collection of traditional and modern narratives from the central New Hebrides. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press. 1969. 325 p.
Sebeok T.A., Ingemann F.J. Studies in Cheremis: the Supernatural. New York, 1956 (Viking Fund publications in anthropology. Vol. 22).
Skinner A. Social Life and Ceremonical Bundles of the Menomini Indians. N.Y., 1913. (Anthropological Papers of the American Museum of Natural History. Vol. 13. No. 1).
Smith D.L. Folklore of the Winnebago Tribe. Norman, 1997.
Soppitt C.A. An Historical and Descriptive Account of the Kachari Tribes in the North Cachar Hills with Specimens of Tales and Folk-Lore. Shilong: Assam Secretariat Printing Office, 1885. 85 p.
Staller J.E. Reassessing the Development and Chronological Relationships of the Formative of Coastal Ecuador // Journal of World Prehistory. 2001. Vol. 15. No. 2. P. 193—256.
Staller J.E. An Examination of the Palaeobotanical and Chronological Evidence for an Early Introduction of Maize (Zea mays L.) into South America: A Response to Pearsall // Journal of Archaeological Science. 2003. Vol. 30. P. 373—380.
Staller J.E., Thompson G. A Multidisciplinary Approach to Understanding the Initial Introduction of Maize into Coastal Ecuador // Journal of Archaeological Science. 2002. Vol. 29. P. 33—50.
Stansbury H. Cherokee Star-lore // Boas Anniversary Volume. Anthropological Papers Written in Honor of Franz Boas. N.Y., 1906. P. 354—366.
Swanton J.R. Social Conditions, Beliefs, and Linguistic Relationship of the Tlingit Indians // 26th Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology. Washington, 1908. P. 391—485.
Tchernov E. Two New Dogs, and Other Natufian Dogs, from the Southern Levant // Journal of Anthropological Science. 1997. Vol. 24. P. 65—95.
Toivonen Y.H. Pygmдen und Zugvцgel. Alte kosmologische Vorstellungen // Finnisch-Ugrische Forschungen. 1937. Bd. 24. H. 1-3. S. 87-126.
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Vanstone J.W.E.W. Nelson's Notes on the Indians of the Yukon and Innoko Rivers, Alaska. Chicago, 1978. (Fieldiana: Anthropology. No. 70).