Доктрина шока
Moss М. Iraq's Legal System Staggers Beneath the Weight of War // New York Times. 2006. December 17; Kraul C. War Funding Feud Has Iraqis Uneasy // Los Angeles Times. 2007. April 28.
Gordon M.R., Trainor В.Е. Cobra II, pp. 4, 555; Borger J. Knives Come Out for Rumsfeld as the Generals Fight Back // Guardian. London. 2003. March 31.
Scahill J. Blackwater: The Rise of the Worlds Most Powerful Mercenary Army. New York: Nation Boob, 2007. P. 199.
Maass P. The Way of the Commandos // New York Times. 2005. May 1; Jim Steele Bio // Premiere Speakers Bureau, www.premierespeakers.com; Hirsh M., Barry J. «1he Salvador Option» // Newsweek. 2005. January 8.
Email from Cpt. William Ponce // PBS Frontline: The Torture Question. 2003. August, www.pbs. org; White J. Soldiers'
Об этом рассказала Кристиану Миллеру бригадный генерал Дженис Карпински, командовавшая в то время тюрьмой Абу-Грейб. Wilson S., Chan S. As Insurgency Grew, So Did Prison Abuse // Washington Post. 2004. May 10.
На следующее утро Санчес разослал еще одну служебную записку, уточняющую и отчасти смягчающую сказанное в предыдущей; второй документ породил много неясностей относительно того, какие техники можно применять. Sanchez R.S. Memorandum, Subject: CJTF-7 Interrogation and Counter-Resistance Policy. 2003. September 14, www.aclu.org.
Информация в следующих трех абзацах взята из: No Blood, No Foul: Soldiers' Accounts of Detainee Abuse in Iraq. 2006. July // Human Rights Watch, pp. 6-14, www.hrw.org.
No Blood, No Foul: Soldiers* Accounts of Detainee Abuse in Iraq. 2006. July // Human Rights Watch, pp. 26,28.
Formica R.P. Article 15-6 Investigation of CJSOTF — AP and 5th SF Group Detention Operations. Finalized on 2004. November 8, рассекречено, www.aclu.org.
USMC Alleged Detainee Abuse Cases Since 11 Sep 01, в открытом доступе. 2004. July 8, www.aclu.org.
Web Magazine Raises Doubts Over a Symbol of Abu Ghraib // New York Times. 2006. March 14; Интервью с Хаджи Али 29 апреля 2005 года. «Несколько плохих мужчин?» (Few Bad Men?) // PBS Now.
Haj Alis Story // PBS Now website, www.pbs.org; Kraul C. War Funding Feud Has Iraqis Uneasy.
Leadership Failure: Firsthand Accounts of Torture of Iraqi Detainees by the U.S. Army's 82nd Airborne Division. 2005. September // Human Rights Watch, pp. 9,12, www.hrw.org.
The New Iraq? Torture and Ul-Treatment of Detainees in Iraqi Custody. 2005. January // Human Rights Watch, pp. 2,4, www.hrw.org; Graham B. Army Warns Iraqi Forces on Abuse of Detainees // Washington Post. 2005. May 20; Moss M. Iraq's Legal System Staggers Beneath the Weight of War.
Maass P. The Way of the Commandos.
Moss М. Iraq's Legal System Staggers Beneath the Weight of War; Cambanis T. Confessions Rivet Iraqis // Boston Globe. 2005. March 18; Maass P. The Way of the Commandos.
Там же; Burns J.E Torture Alleged at Ministry Site Outside Baghdad // New York Times. 2005. November 16; Moore S. Killings Linked to Shiite Squads in Iraqi Police Force.
Collins A. In the Sleep Room: The Story of the CIA Brainwashing Experiments in Canada. Toronto: Lester and Orpen Dennys, 1988. P. 174.
McKew M. Confessions of an American Hawk.
Krauthammer Ch. In Baker's Blunder, a Chance for Bush // Washington Post 2006. December 15; Kagan RW. Choosing Victory: A Plan for Success in Iraq. Phase I Report. 2007. January 4. P. 34, www.aei.org.
Jamail D., Al-Fadhily A. Iraq: Schools Crumbling Along with Iraqi Society // Inter Press Service. 2006. December 18; Crain Ch. Professor Says Approximately 300 Academics Have Been Assassinated // USA Today. 2005. January 17; O'Hanlon M.E., Campbell J.H. Iraq Index: Tracking Variables of Reconstruction & Security in Post-Saddam Iraq. 2007. February 22 // Brookings Institution. P. 35, www.brookings.edu; Redmond R. Iraq Displacement. 2006. November 3. Press briefing, Geneva, www.unhcr.org; Iraq's Refugees Must Be Saved from Disaster // Financial Times. London. 2007. April 19.