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numerous times. His home and offices were frequently raided by the police. Business files, books, printing plates and

computers were confiscated. Zьndel advisor and witness in the 1985 and 1988 Great Holocaust Trials.

Fred Leuchter

Arrested and jailed in Germany. Financially ruined.

Background and contribution:

An American execution expert, Leuchter designed and maintained gas chambers for several US penal

institutions. He was sent by Ernst Zьndel to investigate Auschwitz, Majdanek, Dachau, Hartheim and

other alleged "Nazi Death Camps" and "gassing facilities." Author of the devastating series of Leuchter

Reports. (I, II, III, IV) and many articles and videotaped presentations that resulted from these investigations, Leuchter was

blacklisted in the US and hounded by the Holocaust Promotion Lobby and the world's lapdog media. He was arrested and

jailed in Germany for giving an anti-Holocaust lecture for Gьnther Deckert, a well-known political party leader. Allowed out on

bail, Leuchter returned to the US. and chose not to go back to Germany to stand trial. Nonetheless, he lost his livelihood as a

result. Sensational Zьndel witness in the Great Holocaust Trial in 1988. Leuchter, although present in the courtroom in Munich,

was not allowed to testify about his research findings in Auschwitz for Ernst Zьndel in the German (Munich) Trial in 1991.

David Irving

Convicted, jailed, fined, deported and barred from numerous countries and hounded world-wide by

Holocaust Enforcers.

Background and contribution:

A prolific British author of approximately 36 books and recognized authority on Hitler and World War II,

Irving pretty much believed and accepted the standard Holocaust version - until he read the Leuchter

Report. He agreed to testify as the last witness for the defense in the 1988 Zьndel Trial. His appearance was a sensation! In the

following years, he went on widely publicized and acclaimed Canada- and America-wide lecture tours. He traveled as a

speaker through several European countries, with headlines and controversy dogging his every step. He drew packed houses

and infuriated the Holocaust Lobby, which reacted with vicious smear campaigns and managed to have Irving arrested and

convicted in Munich, Germany, for "defaming the dead." This conviction caused Irving to be ultimately banned from Canada,

Australia, Italy, New Zealand and South Africa. He was deported in handcuffs from Niagara Falls, Ontario, after a farcical

Immigration hearing, during which he was held and treated in jail like some common criminal - for weeks! He has been

hounded by the Holocaust Enforcers ever since. A combative man, Irving has lately gone on counter-attacks and is suing the

British Board of Jewish Deputies and American Jewish Holocaust Promoter, Deborah Lipstadt and her publishers. Zьndel

witness in the 1988 Great Holocaust Trial.

Ivan Lagace

Became the target of several Royal Canadian Mounted Police raids. Resigned from his job as crematory

director after receiving endless threats by anonymous callers and from thugs claiming to be the Jewish

Defense League.

Background and contribution:

A crematory expert from Calgary, Alberta, who had been responsible for the disposing of 10,000 bodies in

his career, Lagace finally sorted out - publicly and in open court all the fanciful lies about the Germans supposedly

"cremating multiple corpses in single corpse retorts" in Auschwitz, Birkenau and elsewhere. Lagace's testimony put an end to

the wild claims by so-called "death camp survivors" about ". . . cremating bodies in five minutes" etc. His testimony - together

with Fred Leuchter's findings as well as the lab results presented by Dr. James Roth of Alpha Laboratories from the soil and

rock samples Leuchter had brought from Auschwitz to the USA - spelled the death knell of fanciful "survivor" claims. Lagace

was raided by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police in his crematory office where he was making notes and keeping

photographs taken for future court cases hidden in a container for human ashes. Zьndel witness in the Great Holocaust Trial

of 1988.

Gerd Honsik

Convicted, fined and driven into exile.

Background and contribution:

Honsik, an Austrian writer and poet, wrote several devastating books one exposing Simon Wiesenthal, one

titled "Freispruch fьr Hitler" and a third "33 Witnesses against the Gas Chamber Lie." He was convicted in

Austria and Germany to fines in excess of DM 50,000 and forced to go into exile in Spain where he now lives,

Gerd Honsik writes a monthly Revisionist newsletter in tabloid format titled "Halt!" ("Stop!") - meaning "Stop the hatred and


Walter Lьftl

President of Austrian Chamber of Engineers relieved from his elected post after questioning Gas Chambers story on

enginering grounds

Background and contribution:

Lьftl was elected to represent 4000 austrian Architects and Construction engineers and was for years a court approved expert

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