ГУЛаг Палестины
have imposed those tests.
Not more chemicals, but fewer chemicals, not an increase of drugs, but a drastic reduction of drugs, and not a multiplication of animal
experiments, but a total abolition of all such "alibi" experiments, are the inescapable premise for a betterment of living conditions and
an improvement of public health. The present book brings ample proof of this, besides unearthing some information that many powerful
individuals in America and abroad would prefer to keep buried forever.
The above reprinted from NAKED EMPRESS.
World Without Cancer and The Politics of Cancer Therapy
by G. Edward Griffin
WORLD WITHOUT CANCER (first published 1974, latest edition 1996) is a book about the story of Laetrile, commonly called vitamin
B17. Separated in two parts, WORLD WITHOUT CANCER firstly explores the remarkable success of Laetrile in treating cancer victims;
and more importantly, the second part describes the politics of cancer therapy in which Griffin blows the lid off an all-powerful
international chemical and drug cartel that has dominated the direction of health care since early this century. Not only has the
Rockefeller-Farben combine been instrumental in fostering chemical-based drug treatment as the basis for health care, they have been
the dominant adversary against safer non-drug treatments.
Griffin's interest in the subject was aroused back in 1971 when his friend Dr John Richardson presented him with his findings on a
control for cancer. The physician had stumbled across a revolutionary concept of cancer and a means of treating cancer. Using a safe
natural substance called Laetrile, Dr Richardson had been able to successfully treat terminal cancer patients. However, the physician's
"unorthodox" approach was fiercely opposed by other members of the medical profession including the American Medical Association,
the American Cancer Society, and doctors on the staff of the hospital where he practiced. He was labelled a "quack" and was pressured
to abandon his fruitful research and therapy. Upon questioning the motives behind the medical profession's opposition to an effective
control for cancer, Griffin had started what turned out to be a 3-year research project which was to lead him to the uncovering of one of
the most amazing stories of the Twentieth Century. His research covers world history, World War II, cartels, industry, the Nazis,
foundations, and the information is taken primarily from government hearings. Hearings that took place between the years 1928 and
1946. A very important time in world history that saw the conglomeration of the world's chemical and drug giants.
Griffin's investigation revealed that "In the years prior to World War II, there came into existence an international cartel, centered in
Germany, that dominated the entire world's chemical and drug industries. It had spread its operations to ninety-three countries and was
a powerful economic and political force in all countries. It was known as I.G. Farben." When John D. Rockefeller interlocked his
American-based, international empire with that of I.G. Farben in 1928 "there was created the largest and most powerful cartel the world
has ever known. Not only has that cartel survived through the years, it has grown and prospered. Today it plays a major role in both the
science and politics of cancer therapy."
In order to expand their drug operations the Rockefellers set about "educating" the medical profession. "Abraham Flexner, author of the
famous Flexner Report of 1910, led the crusade for upgrading the medical schools of America. All the while he was in the employ of
Andrew Carnegie [a Rockefeller stooge] and John D. Rockefeller who had set up gigantic tax-exempt foundations for that purpose. The
end result was that all medical schools became heavily oriented toward drugs and drug research, for it was through the increased sale
of drugs that the donors realized a profit on their donations."
The medical profession and universities weren't the Rockefeller's only target for infiltration. "A brief backward glance at the total
landscape will help us to appreciate more fully the present extent of cartel influence, not only in the FDA [United States' Food and Drug
Administration], but at all levels of the federal government, for it is an historical fact that the centers of political power long have been the
easy target of cartel penetration and control.... The list of men who are or were in key positions within the Rockefeller group reads like a
'Who's Who in Government'."
Griffin is well known because of his unique talent for researching obscure and difficult topics and presenting them in clear, concise
terms that all can understand. He is the author of numerous documentary books and films under diversified and controversial topics
including the United Nations, the Supreme Court, US foreign policy, The John Birch Society, the Communist Party, and international
banking. The information revealed WORLD WITHOUT CANCER adds to this impressive list of topics - his painstaking research and
thorough analysis of the international chemical and drug cartel and their powerful allies is in our opinion one of the most authoritative
and well-written treatise on this least understood subject.
THE POLITICS OF CANCER THERAPY is an audio tape recording of a one-hour lecture by Griffin on the above subject. Based on the