How to understand everything

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How to understand everything

How to understand everything
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From the Author

Hello, the Seeker of Truth!

I invite you to come with me on an unforgettable adventure through the Horizons of Reality, where you can get the knowledge you need about truth in simplicity, – without piling up of obscure terms…

And let the Mysteries of the Universe be revealed for us!

Go on!

Chapter I: The Objective World that everyone understands…

The better we know our world, the better we can understand it…

There is so much knowledge, so how can we understand everything? Especially when that "everything" is itself an obscure thing… And if that's the case, then from the “everything” we start:

Everything is that which is possible everywhere and every time of eternity. Thus, everything is an infinite number of variations of what ever was, is, and will be everywhere.

Everywhere is the totality of all spaces (the Universe).

Space is any region of the universe.

Human is a form of life capable of learning sciences, expressing feelings, conducting an inner dialogue. Intuitive perception downgraded.

Animal is a form of life capable of expressing feelings, having an inner dialogue. Intuitive perception is strongly developed.

Plant is a life form with intuitive perception. Ability to express feelings is lowered.

Inner dialogue – conscious thinking, expressing analysis of what is happening

Intuition – unconscious thinking, relying on feeling from what is happening.

Consciousness – understanding one's self ("I am," "I feel good/bad, etc.)

Subconscious – the self ("who I am in my subconscious is me")

Sleep – the body's mode of autonomous operation

Dreaming – the brain's ability to visualize the underlying motives of the subconscious mind.


If you learn to understand, you can understand everything.

Understanding is the mechanism of recognition.

To understand is to accept information.

To understand oneself is to accept oneself…

To understand someone is to recognize yourself in someone (accept without judgment, as self-indulgence)

To understand something is means to know why it (something) is necessary and how it works.

To understand is simple: just imagine yourself as the object of understanding.

As one loves oneself and strives to live happily, so everyone loves himself and his own. (simple truth) Knowledge – information about something that exists.

To know – to believe in the existence (of something/someone) To know is possible:

– by analyzing collected data, based on one's own perception.

– as a result of accepting third-party analysis of data.

Analysis – a detailed study (of a subject or topic of interest).

Life is a time of being.


Everything has its time.

Time is the space of events.

An event is a point in time.

Time has come

What is inevitable is inescapable.

Time can be divided into:

– past

– now

– future The past is the space of events that have happened.

The future is the space of events that have not yet occurred.

Since time does not go backwards, it is obvious that the past spreads into the future. And at the boundary of the propagation of the past is what is happening now.

Scientists have proved,that the speed of propagation of the past is approximately equal to the speed of light. Which means that "now" occurs, practically, at the speed of light. Thus, we are hurtling at tremendous speeds into the future, which is happening now.

Time of everything

Everything is for everything every time…

(Buddha) Now is the time of origin of everything.

Everything that happens now is happening.

If something does not exist now, then it does not exist, even if it was before or will be after.

That is, our actual existence is also tied to the "now," which is happening for us while we are.

Life Time

The past is past… There is no future yet.

No matter how hard you try, you won't wake up yesterday and find yourself even five minutes into tomorrow.

Every day is today.

The only time you have is now.

The now that lasts a lifetime, that will not end or repeat.


Light is information about the source.

The perception of light depends on the organs of vision. Everything we see round us is reflected light. The pupils of our eyes absorb it and translate the picture of the real world outside into its virtual copy in our imagination – our inner world.

New knowledge gained in the course of life adds detail and variety to the inner world. And, since the brain has a large amount of memory, the possibility for expansion of the inner universe is almost endless.


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