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Империя: чем современный мир обязан Британии

Frank Felsenstein (ed.) English Trader, Indian Maid: Representing Gender, Race, and Slavery in the New World: An Inkle and Yarico Reader(Baltimore/London, 1999)

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Grant, Douglas The Fortunate Slave: An Illustration of African Slavery in the Early Eighteenth Century(New York/Toronto, 1968)

Hughes, Robert The Fatal Shore: A History of the Transportation of Convicts to Australia, 1787-1868(London, 1987)

Hunter, James A Dance Called America: The Scottish Highlands, the United States and Canada(Edinburgh, 1994)

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Jeffery, Keith (ed.) An Irish Empire: Aspects of Ireland and the British Empire(Manchester, 1996)

Jones, Maldwyn A. The Limits of Liberty: American History, 1607-1980(Oxford, 1983)

Jones, Rufus M. The Quakers in the American Colonies(London, 1911)

Knight, Franklin W. (ed.) General History of the Caribbean, vol III: The Slave Societies of the Caribbean(London, 1997)

Langley, Lester D. The Americas in the Age of Revolution, 1750-1850(New Haven, 1997)

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Martin, Bernard John Newton: A Biography(Melbourne/London/Toronto, 1950)

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Middleton, Arthur Pierce Tobacco Coast: A Maritime History of Chesapeake Bay in the Colonial Era(Newport News, Virginia, 1953)

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Oxley, Deborah Convict Maids: The Forced Migration of Women to Australia(Cambridge, New York, Melbourne, 1996)

Pestana, Carla Gardina Quakers and Baptists in Colonial Massachusetts(Cambridge, 1991)

Quinn, David B. Explorers and Colonies: America, 1500-162j(Lon-don/Ronceverte, 1990)


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Riley, Edward Miles (ed.) The Journal of John Harrower: An Indentured Servant in the Colony of Virginia, 1773-1776(Williamsburg, Virginia, 1963)

Rouse, Parke Jr. Planters and Pioneers: Life in Colonial VirginiaThe Story in Pictures and Text of the People who Settled England's First Successful Colony from its Planting in 1607 to the Birth of the United States in 1789(New York, 1968)

Smith, Abbot Emerson Colonists in Bondage: White Servitude and Convict Labour in America, 1607-1776(Chapel Hill, 1947)

Thomas, Hugh The Slave Trade: The History of the Atlantic Slave Trade 1440-1870(New York, 1997)

Walvin, James England, Slaves and Freedom, 1776-1838(Basingstoke, 1986)

Walvin, James Britain's Slave Empire(London, 2000)

Ward, J. M. Colonial Self-Government: The British Experience 1759-18j6(London, 1976)

Whiteley, Peter Lord North: The Prime Minister who Lost America(London, 1996)

Глава 3

Blaikie, W. The Personal Life of David Livingstone LL.D.D.C. L(London, 1880)

Chinnian, P. The Vellore Mutiny1806: The First Uprising Against the British(Erode, 1982)

Gelfand, Michael Livingstone the Doctor, His Life and Travels: A Study in Medical History(Oxford, 1957)

Helly, Dorothy O, Livingstone's Legacy: Horace Waller and Victorian Mythmaking(Athens, Ohio/London, 1987)

Hibbert, Christopher The Great Mutiny: India 1857(London, 1978)

Holmes, Timothy Journey to Livingstone: Exploration of an Imperial Myth(Edinburgh, 1993)

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Liebowitz, Daniel The Physician and the Slave Trade: John Kirk, the Livingstone Expeditions, and the Crusade Against Slavery in East Africa(New York, 1999)

Metcalfe, С, Т. Two Native Narratives of the Mutiny(London, 1898)

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