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– You are so pale… My poor, my good one… – Alienor wet a cloth and began to wipe her friend's face. – How you frightened us all! And I wasn't even allowed to take care of you!

– I'm sorry.

– Silly girl, how can anyone apologise for something like that?

– I think you should leave me. Your parents will be very sad if you fall ill too," Brigid smiled weakly. But how she liked her friend's concern! Alienor's voice was invigorating, enveloping her like a beautiful, cheerful song.

– I won't. My health is undefeated, as my grandmother says! And she is a wise woman, she has seen and learnt many things in her life. – Alienor continued to wipe her friend's face with a wet cloth, and then touched Brigid's forehead with the inside of her palm. – It doesn't help… You're burning up.

– But I feel so much better than I did this morning… I wish I could have had a word with Queen Catherine. She looked so sad, and it was as if the royal retinue didn't notice her at all. It was as if she had been abandoned by everyone," Brigid sighed.

– It was her own fault. If she hadn't made so many demands on Anne Boleyn, he would have played with that beauty and then traded her for another, as he usually does. My father tells me everything that goes on at court. When he is there, I get long letters from him, and when he comes home for a week or two we only talk about the court. I persuade him to take me with him and introduce me to the Queen, but he says she is now too disturbed by the behaviour of her lady in waiting, Anne, and will not take a new, younger, and prettier lady in waiting. Though, if the King insists… But he only saw a glimpse of me. He was only looking at his precious favourite, and that one, shameless girl, just devoured him with her eyes… Come on, my dear, don't be upset: the King is understandable. He's married to an old Spanish woman.

– She's only six years older than Henry.

– Six years, to think of it! – Alienor shook her head unhappily. – A woman should never be older than her husband! Never!

– But why? – Brigid wheezed in despair. Her chest was full of bitterness and pain for Catherine.

– Because when the wife is older, happens things that constantly happens to the Queen: miscarriages and constant adultery of her husband" – admonished Alienor, but seeing the tears in the eyes of her dear friend, gently added: – But all is in God's hands. Perhaps he will let the Queen bear the boy? Then the King will come to his senses and surround her with the same love that warmed her in their younger days.

– Let us hope so. Amen! – Brigid whispered fervently and touched her cross lovingly.

– Amen," Alienor said.

But she was lying: the last thing she wanted was for Catherine and Henry to be at peace again. She despised the Queen, her iron patience, and the dignity with which she bore the insults and mocking giggles of her own ladies-in-waiting behind her back. If Alienor had been Queen, she would have instantly silenced the mockers and envious, but it seems that the daughter of the great Isabella could not defend herself even from the barking in her direction of the little court dogs that her husband loved so much. Did such a woman, such a Queen deserve respect and love? "No", thought the persistent and self-confident Miss Norton. Catherine would fall, and that fall she would deserve.

Chapter 5

Although Brigid felt better after three days, she had to stay in bed for a week: her mother had insisted, fearing that a draught might cause another attack. When people almost lose their favourite creature, they become overzealous in protecting it. But Miss Guise was not bored, for her dear friend was at her side and spent almost all her time at her bedside. Alienor, who was as anxious for Brigid's health and life as the latter's parents, felt a certain guilt: it was she who had insisted on that ill-fated walk in the field. But could she have foreseen that the light white clouds would be replaced by black storm clouds? After all, she does not possess the gift of foresight, so could she have known that it would rain in a way that would make the frail Brigid sick?

– I'm sorry, my dear, but it seems your favourite hood is lost forever. I looked for it after that storm, and then again, with a couple of maids… But don't be sad: I will give you a new and even more beautiful one," Alienor said affectionately to her friend as the girls strolled through the garden.

Miss Guise was allowed to leave her chambers and the castle, but not for long, so they did not go further than the large, well-tended garden behind the castle. The girls held tightly to their hands, and behind them, silent as a shadow and true as a dog, walked a boy-parlour carrying a small basket of candied fruit. This little procession was closed by two armed servants, who had been ordered to guard the life and peace of Miss Norton and her friend.

– 'You are so kind,' smiled Brigid. – 'I shall be glad of such a gift! I only hope your father will not scold you for such a waste?

– Ah, he will do anything I ask," Alienor waved her hand. She knew her father as well as anyone. And she spoke the truth: he never refused her anything. Whatever the price, whatever his daughter asked of Sir Norton was bought without argument. – But tell me, was your mother angry with you? For that poor hood was a gift from her?

– I confessed my loss to her, but she only smiled and said it was a small payment for the Lord not taking me away from her," replied Brigid, and at this recollection a warmth sprang into her bosom. A happy smile touched her lips, and she whispered in her friend's ear: "She has changed so much! This illness must have been God's blessing to me! My mother was never so caring and caring… She even took pity on me and my foolish love for William… "He is not worthy of you," she said!

– And your father?

– He, too, has suddenly become caring and even kind to me… Of course, he doesn't express it as openly as my mother does, but this morning he said that he would find me a worthy suitor, more intelligent and richer than William… – Brigid frowned: even though she had accepted her shame and the fact that her dream would never come true, the girl still suffered at the thought that she was not destined to marry for love.

After all, who would marry her? Who would want a fresh, beautiful rose when her family was in disgrace and barely making ends meet? To marry Brigid Guise would be to fall into the king's disfavour, for along with her beauty her husband would have a stain on his name.

– I will ask my father to find you the handsomest and bravest knight in all England," Alienor said hastily, as if she had read her friend's thoughts, and she laughed merrily as she patted Brigid's cheek. "And William will eat his own sword when he hears that you have been married to an earl or even a duke's heir!

– That will never happen. I might be beautiful, but…" Brigid sank her head sullenly.

– Might be? How modest you are! – Alienor exclaimed and kissed her friend on the cheek. – There is no girl in England more beautiful than you! Not even the King's favourite can match you! Have you seen her? Bland as a rotten fish!

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