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– And yet she manages to keep Henry tied to her," Brigid said grudgingly. – Do you find Anne Boleyn bland? I thought you liked her.

– She can be bland and I like her at the same time! – not at all ladylike, Alienor giggled. – Her face is plain, really, but her eyes… Such eyes! They enchant, envelope, invite… If I were a man, I would definitely fall into her net!

– If I were a man, I would be happy to have a woman like Catherine of Aragon as a wife! – said Brigid firmly, displeased at her best friend's sympathy for the horrid, vile woman who broke the heart of the Queen of England. – Ah, Alienor, how can you like that lecherous woman? They say all she does is party, dance and get gifts from the King!

– That's exactly what I like about her! She's not boring, which is more than I can say for your favourite Catherine," said Alienor. – I like to live and be merry, and to spend the whole day in the prayer room, like the Queen and her ladies in honour, would make me dull with boredom… Oh, my dear, don't be sad," she added affectionately, seeing the sadness on Brigid's face. – The king will not marry her. As long as Catherine lives…

– I pray to God that the Queen will live long and happy years, – bitterly whispered Brigid and shook her head. – But I don't want to hear any more about all this. The only thing I wish for is William Tury, but it is time for me to tear him from my heart. He wanted to marry you, Alienor. – A flame of envy flickered in the girl's eyes, but it was not black or evil. – He asked for your hand in marriage.

– My sweet, kind, and naive Brigid," Alienor sighed patiently. – He did not want to marry me. The purpose of his proposal was to be related to my father. You do remember the influence that Lord Norton wields at court, don't you?

– Are you sure? What if he sees you in his dreams?

– It's not me he sees in his dreams, it's how he's going to get into the King's retinue. The King is always lavishing favours on his retinue. And I'm the only way William Tury can get into the palace.

– Miss Guise! Your father told me to find you! – they heard behind their backs, and turned round to see a servant girl walking quickly in their direction.

– Father is calling…" Brigid said thoughtfully. – I must go.

– I'll be in the garden. I felt like writing a couple of sonnets to nature today," Alienor smiled encouragingly.

Brigid smiled and headed for the castle, wondering what her father wanted from her, as he had said he would be very busy today and asked not to be disturbed.


Lord Norton walked slowly across the garden, re-reading for the umpteenth time the little note he had received from London only a few minutes ago. His full lips, hidden beneath a thick golden moustache, smiled enigmatically.

– How nice to see you so happy, father," said a woman's gentle voice behind him, which made Sir Norton shudder with surprise and laugh heartily at himself.

– Ah, it is you, my pearl! – He went up to his daughter and kissed her white, high forehead. – Are you walking alone? Where is Brigid?

– 'Her father sent for her…' Alienor shrugged her shoulders, and then bowed her head and squinted her sky-blue eyes. – You shine like the midday sun. And what has made you so happy?

– I can't hide anything from you, my beauty! – Sir Norton bent down to the girl's ear and whispered softly: – 'News from London! Do you remember how quickly His Majesty left our castle?

– How could I forget such a thing? Oh, don't let me die from curiosity! – whispered Alienor impatiently.

– Henry has sent an ambassador to the Vatican to bring the Pope's consent to the divorce of our King and Queen Catherine! My secret attorney also reports…" Lord Norton whispered quickly, quickly.

– Wait, wait! Father, are you sure about this? – Alienor's eyes widened and she said aloud: the news her father had shared with her astonished her, and her whole being could not believe that King Henry had decided to divorce his old wife after all. How could such a thing be possible? And how had Anne Boleyn managed to induce him to take such a serious, ungodly step? Did he not care at all what his subjects had to say about him?

"But why am I surprised? It was so obvious! The old faithful horse is going to the stall, and the young and stroppy one is preparing to be ridden," thought the girl with a sarcastic smile. – Catherine had better kindly, quietly step down and give her place to her rival, for she has long since won their duel for the heart and favour of this lustful fool!"

– Have I ever been wrong, my rose? – replied the girl's father ingratiatingly, and bent again to her ear: – A man loyal to me, a courtier who is among Henry's closest friends and favourites, has also reported that Catherine, that Spanish fox, has somehow discovered about her husband's secret messenger to the Pope, and has also sent a man to the Vatican… But this is but the last agony: once the King has made his decision, he cannot be changed, however foolish it may be… Do you realise what awaits us all now, my daughter?

– Changes, Father, and I'm sure for the better. But when will you persuade the King to take me as his wife's retinue? This spanish nun may soon fall, but while she's at court, I could be her lady in waiting…

– No, no, just think how Anne would feel about my request. She's soon to be the new Queen of England, and she will certainly not forget that I begged her rival to take you as her lady in waiting. It will cast a shadow over you, my dear. And on all the Nortons! And I do not wish to end up like Brigid's father.

– Then beg Anne! She will be pleased to hear that the young daughter of Henry's councillor stays awake at night, so eager to serve her! – Alienor pleaded.

– What if Henry should die? Anything could happen! Would he die without divorcing then Catherine will remain Queen-mother of the heir to the throne! This woman is soft, but she will not forget those who have hurt her and trampled on her name! No, my little bird, I can't risk it! We will wait," Sir Norton insisted stubbornly.

– Wait? But, Father, I'm already seventeen! I don't want to enter the palace as an old woman! – Alienor snarled resentfully.

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