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Or, say, without your knowledge of how new and supernovae stars form, an ambulance would not come to you, you would have studied it, wouldn't you? By the way, they are formed in the following way (this will come in handy later on): two stars (one has already cooled down a bit and the other is still very hot) orbit around each other at a very close distance. There are a lot of star systems like this. Eventually the stars get so close to each other that a huge amount of hydrogen begins to flow from the hotter to the less hot one. When this amount of hydrogen reaches a critical point, a thermonuclear reaction begins – and a massive thermonuclear explosion occurs, resulting in the appearance of a star in the sky, which is called a "new" star. After some time, the surface of the star on which the explosion occurred, cools down – and from the companion star again begins to come hydrogen, creating the conditions for the next thermonuclear explosion. The first such star was observed by astronomers 500 years before our era.

And now imagine the next process in terms of energy scale – the explosion of a new star of such a high power that it leads to a chain reaction and subsequent explosion of the whole star, not just the hydrogen that flowed to it! The scale and power of this explosion are so great that not only it affects significant distances around itself, but also at the place of the explosion instead of the former star a "neutron" star or (if the mass of the original star was significant) a black hole is formed! At the same time, the explosion itself can be observed for 2-3 days, and then only its consequences can be seen.

Such explosions are called supernovae and are much rarer than new explosions. The first supernova explosion was recorded by Chinese astronomers in 164 B.C., and the second – only in 1604. The closest supernova explosion to Earth occurred at a distance of 168 thousand light-years in 1987, and then even managed to record the corresponding neutrino flux. What is this for in our mission? Perhaps it was such an explosion that was perceived on Earth as the phenomenon of the Star of Bethlehem and, accordingly, the start of the story that globally changed and is changing the world. You see, what a connection. And if we take into account the event of the present day, which was influenced by religion (and it could be the history of missionaries to the Indians of America or the aborigines of Polynesia), then the cascade of events that connect cause and effect is mystical.

I am telling this for the following reason: we, people, have created civilization and seem to be proud of it, but we do not want to accept, and sometimes on purpose make a misunderstanding look that it is our fault and even vice – we ourselves are ignorant and destroyers of civilization, i.e. science and culture. That is, we may well go down the path of regression and become feral. Why? Because we do not study this science and culture en masse. To understand this, it is enough to give a few primitive examples. Look, what is the situation (this is what I wrote above): in order for some scientist to promote the fruits of his labor, he needs the public understanding of the result of his work. For example, you have created a measuring tool – a ruler – in a society that does not understand precise measures. So what? You need to form a notion of utility in the household of your invention. It is another matter if something is required by society and your invention is accepted, and even with a reward for you. That was often the case with weapons. But, for example, if you now offer a new technology for reading people's thoughts, it is likely to be of interest only to special services, even if you announce it in public. And in this and similar cases the factor of faith plays the same role as for adherents of religion the hope to be in paradise. If what is claimed is justified and has the attributes of reality, then it is believed. And, for example, only those who have avant-garde-abstract imagination believe in the method of recording consciousness on a material carrier, transferring it to another brain, and even at incredible distances with instantaneous speed by means of the paradox of quantum-entangled pairs. However, it is the future. And, accordingly, it is a component of postulates of new beliefs in the New Age.

It's like the invention of the telephone. When you or those who are interested in your discovery can create a device that is compact, uncomplicated and inexpensive enough to be used by the masses, then your invention will instantly conquer the world. Because it gives them, above all, the comfort of being. But if in order to use it, a person will have to learn a special alphabet, take special courses to use this technique, and if it will require deep knowledge in chemistry and physics – your innovation will be used only in special institutes or similar structures. For the sake of simplicity I will say: the same thing approximately happens when training drivers to get a driver's license, but now the society is reasonable and prepared to understand it quickly. But, for example, in ancient times, when people didn't know the alphabet and only knew numbers up to a hundred, it would have been much more difficult to teach such complex wisdom. Do you understand the comparison? If not quite, imagine that you need to drive a jet airplane, and even a passenger airplane, and even in the area of intensive flights. A simple driver's ed course won't do it. And someday it will become necessary in everyday life, maybe in a slightly different version, but still, as now the ability to drive a car or, for example, the use of options in a smartphone. After all, even now not all sufficiently advanced users can create everything that is possible with the help of various programs. And in the same way programming: now (for now) it is the domain of specialists, but more and more ordinary users need at least a minimal understanding. You got the general point (I hope). I wanted to say: over time, the knowledge that was once the top flight of reasoning and thinking becomes common. And this can be technical knowledge as well as spiritual knowledge. Once it was almost supernatural for society to know about the structure of matter, for example, the existence of molecules. Now any schoolchild knows it, it is not surprising. Now, for example, when we discover life in space, especially intelligent life, at first it will be a sensation, and then, when we realize that life in space is boiling, there are many such systems, it will be something ordinary. It is like a flight into space, which for now is something difficult, expensive and not so necessary for us. But the time will come – we will be trained to drive spacecraft just like driving a car. And finally, one last example to understand some spirituality of people in the society, social order and time where we will go. Once simple truths "don't kill", "don't steal" were elevated to the highest priority for a human being. This happened at a certain stage of society's development in historical progression. As if when it "matured". Before that, society, time after time wanting to follow this, tried to protect itself, while violating these norms. This is the paradox. The society could not compel itself and its individuals to follow this rule, to be vital. Everyone thought: this cup will pass me by, the main thing is to strike first and be strong. But there was always a stronger one for the strong one. And when the society was saturated with atrocities – it thought: where is God? Where is he? Why does he allow such things? So people became disappointed in faith in general. But since the faith in some indefinite protection is formed in human consciousness a priori in the period before birth as a factor of some protected abode, a man, his consciousness, cannot live without faith in the Creator and His care and protection. That's why in such crucial periods for the society's consciousness the faith in the God that is, breaks down, but at the same moment the faith in the new God is born. Just as from belief in the solar God people moved to fire. Accordingly, there is antagonism and conflict of moral postulates. And in moments of crossroads, people often turn to the beliefs of those who already have the religious interpretations they want to have as manifestations of God to them. It is then that they begin to sympathize with the faith of others. So there is a reasonable suspicion: the saying that the chief priests were against Christ is such a diversionary ploy. That was exactly their design. And the whole thing is a huge production with an audience and actors.

Now we are going to the world where the events that took place in our world at the time, which later we defined as the beginning of a new era, are taking place. And there we will try to make adjustments, taking into account our earthly history, so that this, reflected in other worlds, will affect the course of events in our world and prevent the prediction – a certain event, which we call the apocalypse.

Guided by the principle "informed means armed", let us take into account some peculiarities: the first and very important note – in that era, punishment in the form of death penalty was imposed for a small number of crimes, mostly crucifixion was sentenced for political crimes. And non-recognition of the religious cult of the emperor was equated to a conspiracy to overthrow the emperor, an attempt on his life or the lives of his officials. And the religious cult of the emperor's personality meant equating him with the divine essence. Accordingly, asserting oneself as a son of God, vicar of the deity on Earth and the like was an unprecedented insolence and insult to the emperor. As for the method of execution itself – crucifixion – the Romans used it frequently, in all metropolises of the Republic. At home, in their native lands, although they did not execute their citizens (to denote the highest caste), but the method of execution was widely used. Suffice it to recall the three great slave revolts. Let me remind: only supporters of Spartacus were executed more than 6 thousand by the method of nailing to the cross. In Judea no less were crucified in the aggregate. For example, in 4 B.C. the Roman commander Varus crucified 2 thousand Jews. In the times leading up to and after the Gospel events, the Romans carried out many mass crucifixions in the territories where the theater of these events took place, as the historian Josephus Flavius testifies. However, according to the Gospel, Pilate put the fate of Jesus in the hands of the crowd, which demanded his crucifixion, accusing him of heresy. According to the laws of Judea, the punishment for such a crime was stoning. Crucifixion was a Roman penalty for sedition, not for religious beliefs.

That is, Pilate was trying to implement a kind of popular trial or jury trial. But he executed according to Roman rules. That is, he doubted the reality of the threat to Jesus from the high priests. He suspected that there was a playfulness, a spectacle, which always accompanies the struggle for power. He also realized that the representatives of the religious authorities wanted to have Jesus punished by the representative of Rome in order to show the people the unanimity of the imperial power.

Chapter 3: Dream, reality and technology

(An experiment to search for a similar environment in the Universe using the method of moving consciousness to a parallel world. Venue: Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR) in Dubna. Experiment setup: Nuclotron-based Ion Collider fAcility (NICA). Key element of the research setup: MPD (Multi-Purpose Detector). Displacement Consciousness: scientific director of the Sphere research center, Master Paschow. Stage: moral and psychological preparation. The session is conducted by a psychotherapist of the highest qualification, Professor Zamira Faikovna).

– Every day, when you fall asleep, you find yourself in some parallel world, in which everything seems to be the same as in your life, in the system of being in which you live, but a little different. Do you agree that it is so? Yes, your body is where you lie, but your consciousness… You will not deny your ability (if you take your consciousness, not your body, for the notion "you") to make decisions there, in that world, in which your consciousness finds itself? You can argue as much as you like....

– I've heard that before," Ruthra interrupted her, to which the psychoanalyst responded with a pause and an open palm gesture of 'calm.

Ruthra had visualized this moment many times before. The moment of launching the process of consciousness transfer. It was similar in moral categorization to the moment of launching a spaceship with a crew hurtling into the void relative to the native air. No matter how confident Ruthra was in his technology, in his theory, in his hypothesis, doubts still gnawed at his soul. He doubted and worried, like everyone in his position. He was also tormented by the question – would he fall into a dream or would the really mysterious property of the quantum world transport his consciousness to the far reaches of the universe? One thing sounded from the psychological training specialist, but the question in Rutra's mind was: when, at what stage does a child begin to understand the phenomenon of sleep? Do we remember when we had our first dream? What if, when we sleep, our body is transported from one place to another? For example, from a warm land to a cold one, to another part of the world, to another society… the dream would still be the same, but when we wake up, we would see a different world.

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