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Как самому сделать атомную бомбу (на английском языке)

U-235 is slightly, but only slightly, lighter than its counterpart, U-238. A system of gaseous diffusion is used to begin the separating process between the two isotopes. In this system, Uranium is combined with fluorine to form Uranium Hexafluoride gas. This mixture is then propelled by lowpressure pumps through a series of extremely fine porous barriers. Because the U-235 atoms are lighter and thus propelled faster than the U-238 atoms, they could penetrate the barriers more rapidly. As a result, the U-235's concentration became successively greater as it passed through each barrier. After passing through several thousand barriers, the Uranium Hexafluoride contains a relatively high concentration of U-235 -- 2% pure Uranium in the case of reactor fuel, and if pushed further could (theoretically) yield up to 95% pure Uranium for use in an atomic bomb.

Once the process of gaseous diffusion is finished, the Uranium must be refined once again. Magnetic separation of the extract from the previous enriching process is then implemented to further refine the Uranium. This involves electrically charging Uranium Tetrachloride gas and directing it past a weak electromagnet. Since the lighter U-235 particles in the gas stream are less affected by the magnetic pull, they can be gradually separated from the flow.

Following the first two procedures, a third enrichment process is then applied to the extract from the second process. In this procedure, a gas centrifuge is brought into action to further separate the lighter U-235 from its heavier counter-isotope. Centrifugal force separates the two isotopes of Uranium by their mass. Once all of these procedures have been completed, all that need be done is to place the properly molded components of Uranium-235 inside a warhead that will facilitate an atomic detonation.

Supercritical mass for Uranium-235 is defined as 110 lbs (50 kgs) of pure Uranium.

Depending on the refining process(es) used when purifying the U-235 for use, along with the design of the warhead mechanism and the altitude at which it detonates, the explosive force of the A-bomb can range anywhere from 1 kiloton (which equals 1,000 tons of TNT) to 20 megatons (which equals 20 million tons of TNT -- which, by the way, is the smallest strategic nuclear warhead we possess today. {Point in fact -- One Trident Nuclear Submarine carries as much destructive power as 25 World War II's}).

While Uranium is an ideally fissionable material, it is not the only one. Plutonium can be used in an atomic bomb as well. By leaving U-238 inside an atomic reactor for an extended period of time, the U-238 picks up extra particles (neutrons especially) and gradually is transformed into the element Plutonium.

Plutonium is fissionable, but not as easily fissionable as Uranium. While Uranium can be detonated by a simple 2-part gun-type device, Plutonium must be detonated by a more complex 32-part implosion chamber along with a stronger conventional explosive, a greater striking velocity and a simultaneous triggering mechanism for the conventional explosive packs. Along with all of these requirements comes the additional task of introducing a fine mixture of Beryllium and Polonium to this metal while all of these actions are occurring.

Supercritical mass for Plutonium is defined as 35.2 lbs (16 kgs). This amount needed for a supercritical mass can be reduced to a smaller quantity of 22 lbs (10 kgs) by surrounding the Plutonium with a U-238 casing.

To illustrate the vast difference between a Uranium gun-type detonator and a Plutonium implosion detonator, here is a quick rundown.


[1] Uranium Detonator

– ---------------

Comprised of 2 parts. Larger mass is spherical and concave.

Smaller mass is precisely the size and shape of the `missing'

section of the larger mass. Upon detonation of conventional

explosive, the smaller mass is violently injected and welded

to the larger mass. Supercritical mass is reached, chain

reaction follows in one millionth of a second.

[2] Plutonium Detonator

– -----------------

Comprised of 32 individual 45-degree pie-shaped sections of

Plutonium surrounding a Beryllium/Polonium mixture. These 32

sections together form a sphere. All of these sections must

have the precisely equal mass (and shape) of the others. The

shape of the detonator resembles a soccerball. Upon detonation

of conventional explosives, all 32 sections must merge with the

B/P mixture within 1 ten-millionths of a second.

=== Cut ===

С yважением, MeteO

– -- GoldED 3.00.Beta3+ * Origin:

Мой адpес не дом и не yлица, мой адpес (2:5020/1376.43)


– Diagram

– ----------- ____________________________________________________________________________


[Uranium Detonator] | [Plutonium Detonator] ______________________________________|_____________________________________

_____ |

| :| | . [2] .

| :| | . ~ \_/ ~ .

| [2]:| | .. . ..

| :| | [2]| . |[2]

| .:| | . ~~~ . . . ~~~ .

`...::' | . . . . .

_ ~~~ _ | . . ~ . .

. `| |':.. | [2]\. . . . [1] . . . ./[2]

. | | `:::. | ./ . ~~~ . \.

| | `::: | . . : . .

. | | :::: | . . . . .

| [1] | ::|:: | . ___ . ___ .

. `. .' ,::||: | [2]| . |[2]

~~~ ::|||: | .' _ `.

.. [2] .::|||:' | . / \ .

::... ..::||||:' | ~ -[2]- ~

:::::::::::::||||::' |

``::::||||||||:'' |

``:::::'' |





[1] = Collision Point | [1] = Collision Point

[2] - Uranium Section(s) | [2] = Plutonium Section(s)


| ______________________________________|_____________________________________ ============================================================================

Lead Shield

– ---------

The lead shield's only purpose is to prevent the inherent radioactivity of the bomb's payload from interfering with the other mechanisms of the bomb. The neutron flux of the bomb's payload is strong enough to short circuit the internal circuitry and cause an accidental or premature detonation.

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