Небывалые былицы для Алешки
My cat Sausage came to my house on her own. She rang the door. It was not she, of course, but Nataliya Mikhaylovna from the flat thirty-five rang the door and said,
‘Mew!’ It was not Nataliya Mikhaylovna, but Sausage said, Mew!’, but Nataliya Mikhaylovna from the flat thirty-five said,
‘Well, Vasiliy Alexandrovich, I’ve brought you your cat.’
‘This is not my cat’, I said.
‘It should be yours’, said Nataliya Mikhaylovna with surprise. ‘It was sitting on your mat in front of the door.’
‘The mat is mine, but the cat isn’t, dear Nataliya Mikhaylovna,’ I said.
Frankly speaking, I was very busy at that moment and I didn’t care about cats.
‘You know, dear Vasiliy Alexandrovich,’ said Nataliya Mikhaylovna, ‘Intelligent and educated people never throw cats into the street, at least they give them into good hands.’
I got angry and said,
‘I didn’t throw out the cat into the street; it was sitting on my doormat. But still it isn’t my cat.’
‘Isn’t it yours? It should be yours!’ said Nataliya Mikhaylovna with indignation, ‘You’ve told yourself, that it was sitting on your mat!’
“If I sit on your mat, will I be considered yours?’ I asked.
Nataliya Mikhaylovna looked at me strictly and said,
‘No, you won’t.’
‘Why not,’ I asked.
‘You won’t, because, firstly you are a big man and you won’t fit on my mat; secondly you can neither mew, nor bark. What’s the use of you as a pet?
I got offended, that I would be of no use.
‘What’s the use of a cat, for example?’ I asked.
‘The use is the following,’ answered Nataliya Mikhaylovna, ‘A cat is tender and merry, it can catch mice.’
‘I don’t have mice.’
‘You don’t have now, but in future you may have them,’ said Nataliya Mikhaylovna. ‘You will remember suddenly, but it will be late. Mice will gnaw all your pictures.’
‘How can mice appear on the ninth floor?’ I asked.
‘There are special flying mice, they are called bats,’ answered Nataliya Mikhaylovna,’ I’m afraid of them.’
I only opened my mouth to offer Nataliya Mikhaylovna the cat, as she was afraid of mice, at that very moment we heard terrible crash from the room. We both ran to see what had happened. It turned out that Sausage, who wasn’t Sausage at that time yet, but simply anybody’s cat, jumped at my desk, overturned the vial with Red Indian ink on itself, got dirty all over and, feeling scared, it started to run all over the pictures, the sofa, the armchairs, the carpet, leaving red footprints everywhere.
‘Vasiliy Alexandrovich,’ shouted Nataliya Mikhaylovna. ‘You’d better catch the cat; otherwise it will make dirty everything.’
We caught Sausage and washed it in the bathroom for a long time. Nataliya Mikhaylovna even brought her lovely shampoo, but we failed to wash ink off Sausage. And after all that Nataliya Mikhaylovna said,
‘I’m sorry, Vasiliy Alexandrovich, now I see, that it is not your cat. But I think, we cannot simply push it out, we must give it into good hands.’
‘What about my hands, Nataliya Mikhaylovna?’ I asked, ‘My hands are good, too, and I’m used to the cat. Besides, the cat suits my furniture: it is in red spots and the cat has got red spots, too. It is quite original, nice and pleases my eyes.’
‘What a kind man you are, Vasiliy Alexandrovich. May I come to you and visit the cat?’
‘Mew-mew!’ said Sausage and rubbed against Nataliya Mikhaylovna’s legs.
‘You see,’ I said. ‘It agrees and I will be glad, too.’
Then Nataliya Mikhaylovna came to see us and brought Sausage different tasty things and even took it for a walk. In the street she kept Sausage on a lead, like a watchdog. To our surprise, Sausage liked the lead. Sometimes Sausage asked,
‘M-m-muzzle, m-m-muzzle.’
But I think, a cat in a muzzle isn’t decent, and if you are a cat, you shouldn’t imagine that you are a dog. Am I right?
Nataliya Mikhaylovna visited us very often. One day I thought why she should run from one flat to another. It would be better, if we lived together. I told Nataliya Mikhaylovna about that and she agreed. After that we got married. Sausage was the main guest on our wedding, and I uttered a toast,
‘Sausage, a thousand thanks to you! I know now, how useful domestic animals are. We love you very much. All the guests shouted, ‘Hooray!’, and Sausage looked proudly at them, winked and said loudly, ‘Mew-mew!’ What nice Sausage I have got!
Я никогда в своей жизни не встречал ни одной говорящей собаки, кроме той, что живет у нас в подъезде. Нет, не то чтобы она всё свое свободное время проводила в беседах с жильцами. Чего нет, того нет. Я – то уж врать не буду! Но каждое утро, когда я иду на работу, она очень дружелюбно виляет хвостом и говорит: «Доброе утро!» А вечером, когда возвращаюсь домой, мы с ней немножко болтаем о том о сём. Тут я, правда, должен признаться, что наша собака самую капельку врушка и чуть-чуть хвастунишка. И имя у нее совсем не шикарное, а так себе – Жуля. Я иногда задумываюсь: если бы меня звали Жуля, кем бы я мог стать? Думаю, в лучшем случае одиноким, несчастным пиратом на необитаемом острове. И был бы я весь в татуировках. Знаете, что я на себе бы написал? «Я не жуля, я честный пират!» Вот.
А Жулька совсем не унывает. Но имя-то ладно! Рост у нее смешной. Похожа она на батон колбасы, такая же продолговатая и кругленькая. Я когда на нее смотрю, то мне кажется, что ей не хватает парочки ног посередине. Другими словами, Жулька, конечно, не красавица, но характер у нее нежный и улыбка обаятельная. А то, что она врушка и хвастунишка – ерунда. Потому что собака она геройская и очень отважно нас защищает.
Однажды произошел такой случай. Стояла глубокая ночь. Жильцы нашего дома уже давным-давно спали. И вдруг: трах-бах-тарарах! Грохот, звон разбитого стекла, крики:
– На помощь! Помогите!
Мы все, кто в чем был, в пижамах и ночных рубашках, выскочили на улицу. И что мы там видим? Вор-домушник с целым узлом украденных вещей отбивался от нашей Жули. А она с такой радостью облизывала бандита, что он вопил: «На помощь! На помощь!» Я же говорил вам, что у Жули характер нежный и собака она ласковая. Один из соседей сказал:
– Надо немедленно вызвать полицию!
Другой рассердился:
– Это просто безобразие! Грабить людей ночью!
Тут, конечно, вор-домушник испугался. А третий сосед сказал: