Очерки теории идеологий
Zizek S. The Sublime Object of Ideology. L.: Verso, 1989.
Zizek S. Tarrying with the Negative. Durham: Duke University Press, 1993.
Zizek S. Introduction: The Spectre of Ideology// Mapping Ideology. L.: Verso, 1994.
Zizek S. The Indivisible Remainder. L.: Verso, 1996.
Zizek S. Plague of Fantasies. L.: Verso, 1997.
Zizek S. Da Capo Senza Fine // Contingency, Hegemony, Universality: Contemporary Dialogues on the Left / ed. by J. Butler, E. Laclau, S. Zizek. L.; N.Y.: Verso, 2000.
Zizek S. In Defence of Lost Causes. L.; N.Y.: Verso, 2008.
Zizek S. On Belief. L.; N.Y.: Verso, 2001.
Zizek S. Why Does Law Need an Obscene Supplement? // Law and the Postmodern Mind: Essays on Psychoanalysis and Jurisprudence / ed. by P. Goodrich, DC. Carlson. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press, 1990.