Practical Course. Past Life Recalls
The practical course «Past Life Recall» has been designed for all of you, for any person who wants to know themselves, understand their issues and build the needed model of current life. To recall your past lives, you don't need to be a psychic, have clairvoyance, or possess any special talents. Anyone is able to recall their past lives by doing exercises from this course. The most important thing is the intent of doing it, everything else can be learned. Just reading the book is not enough, you need to perform the exercises that are described in this course and are available for each person.
Why is it necessary to remember past lives
The subconscious mind of any person keeps in its depth all the necessary knowledge and answers to vital questions. This course will teach you how to turn to your subconscious mind in order to remember who you were and where you were born in your past lives. Such memories are not just a fascinating journey to other times or other worlds, it is your path to freedom and happiness in the current life. Recalling your past incarnations, you will be surprised to discover how the past, present and future are intertwined. It is not possible to choose the right way in present without understanding who you were, who you are now and where you are going tomorrow.
And the most important thing that you will get by doing exercises from this course is understanding what goals and objectives you have set for your lives, how to properly manage this life and what to strive for in order to become a harmonious person and realize your intents in life.
The goals of the course
– To teach any person to independently recall and view their past lives, without contacting expensive specialists.
– To teach a person to get rid of pain, illnesses and suffering in this life, to cut the karmic knots that prevent development, to find a way to harmony and happiness.
– To find out the purpose of your life, your destination, which had been planned by you before you were born in this life.
– To teach you to understand the life tasks standing before you throughout all your previous lives.
– To see opportunities for your growth and development, to choose the right path from an infinite set of possibilities leading to your goal.
– To become rich in every sense.
– To understand the relationships with your loved ones, to establish relationships with kindred spirits, to see the goals of the incarnations of your relatives.
– To learn to understand the opposite sex through the memories of your female and male incarnations.
– To receive answers to personal questions by reaching out to the higher essence (both your own and that of any individual).
– To build a right career based on engaging in an occupation that brings you strength, joy, and energy.
– To learn to love yourself, the people around you and the infinite universe.
The difference between this course and regression with a hypnotist
Now many psychologists and hypnotists offer to put a patient into a trance and direct him to past lives or to the so-called
The goal of our spiritual community is to provide every individual with the opportunity to independently recall past lives and solve current challenges. By making each person's life better, we overall increase the amount of positive energy on our planet and make our whole world more joyful and comfortable.
Benefits of the self-paced course "Past Life Recall":
There is no interference of someone else's personality in the process of past life recall.
Any regression therapist, hypnotist, or psychologist, when guiding a patient through a session of past life recall, introduces their own personal motives into this process and leads a patient along a pre-planned path. By recalling past lives independently, you will be free from unnecessary guidance and personal interference from another individual.
There is a smooth and gentle development of your higher Self.
Psychologists and hypnotherapists, when working with your consciousness, forcefully address past lives, pursuing their own goals (such as exploring the space between lives). Often, their questions do not fully align with what you yourself wanted to know. In our methodology, there is no forceful addressing of past lives; instead, there is a natural development of your spiritual essence, which gradually grows as you understand the tasks of past lives.
Confidentiality of the method.
No one but yourself will disclose the information obtained during the process of past life recall. In the books by renowned regression therapist Michael Newton, recordings of his patients are presented, describing not very pleasant moments from the lives of people who remembered past lives. Although names are changed, the stories are still open to a wide circle of readers. Not everyone wants their personal stories to become public knowledge.
And finally, an important point is the necessity of finding a regression therapist in your own city or traveling to another city and paying a high price for a session (usually requiring at least 5-10 sessions). This self-paced course allows you to save time and money, while achieving the same results as sessions with a regression therapist.
Why isn't the course free?
Any work (course development, book writing, group training, etc.) should be compensated as it is the law of life. No one should work for free. Furthermore, many people do not value what they receive for free and consider such knowledge to be of little worth. Therefore, this course, presented in the form of a book, is not free but has a reasonably affordable price.