Преподобный Симеон Новый Богослов и православное предание
Hunger. Badwesen = H. Hunger. Zum Badwesen im byzantinischen Kl"ostern. — Kl"osterliche Sachkultur der Sp"atmittelalters. Wien, 1980. S.353–364.
Hussey. Learning = J. M. Hussey. Church and Learning in the Byzantine Empire. Oxford, 1937.
Ivanka. Origenismus = E. von Ivanka. Der philosophische Ertrag der Auseinandersetzung Maximos des Bekenners mit dem Origenismus. — Jahrbuch der "Osterreichischen byzantinischen Gesellschaft, 7. 1958. S.23–49.
Ivanka. Plato = E. von Ivanka. Plato Christianus. Paris, 1990.
Jaeger. Works = W. Jaeger. Two Rediscovered Works of Ancient Christian Literature: Gregory of Nyssa and Macarius. Leiden, 1954.
Janin. G'eographie = R. Janin. La g'eographie eccl'esiastique de l'empire byzantin. Paris, 1953.
Janin. Monachisme = R. Janin. Monachisme byzantin au Moyen Age, commande et typica (Xe-XIVe si`ecle). — REB 22. 1964. P.5–44.
Jefeys. Literature = EM. and M. J. Jefeys. Popular Literature in Late Byzantium. London, 1983.
Jenkins. Glory = D. Jenkins. The Glory of Man. London, 1967.
Joanta. Roumanie = R. Joanta. Roumanie. Tradition et culture h'esychastes. Bellefontaine, 1987.
Katz. Mysticism = S. T. Katz. Mysticism and Religious Traditions. Oxford, 1983.
Kazhdan. System = A. Kazhdan. Das System der Bilder und Metaphern in den Werken Symeons des»Neuen»Theologen. — Unser ganzes Leben Christus unserem Gott "uberantworten. Festschrift F. von Lilienfeld. G"ottingen, 1982. S.221–239.
Kazhdan — Constable. People = A. Kazhdan — G. Constable. People and Power in Byzantium. An Introduction to Modern Byzantine Studies. Washington, 1982.
Kazhdan — Epstein. Change = A. Kazhdan — A. W. Epstein. Change in Byzantine Culture in the Eleventh and Twelfth Centuries. Berkley — Los Angeles — London, 1985.
Kelly. Doctrines = J. N. D. Kelly. Early Christian Doctrines. London, 1968.
K"oder. SC 156 — J. Koder. Introduction. — Sym'eon le Nouveau Th'eologien. Hymnes. T. I. SC 156. 1969. P.17–104.
Krausm"uller. Stoudios = D. Krausm"uller. The Monastic Communities of Stoudios and St Mamas in the Second Half of the Tenth Century. — The Theotokos Evergetis and Eleventh-Century Monasticism. Ed. M. Mullet and A. Kirby. Belfast, 1994. P.67–85.
Krivoch'eine. = B. Krivoch'eine. . St Symeon the New Theologian and Early Christian Popular Piety. — Studia Patristica II. TU 64. Berlin, 1957. P.485–494.
Krivoch'eine. Essence = B. Krivoch'eine.«Essence cr'e'ee»et»essence divine»dans la th'eologie spirituelle de saint Sym'eon le Nouveau Th'eologien. — Messager de l'Exarchat du Patriarchat russe en Europe occidentale, 75–76. Paris, 1971. P.151–170.
Krivoch'eine. Ivresse = B. Krivoch'eine. Le th`eme de l'ivresse spirituelle dans la mystique de saint Sym'eon le Nouveau Th'eologien. — Studia Patristica, V. TU 80. Berlin, 1962. P.368–376.
Krivoch'eine. SC 96 = B. Krivoch'eine. Introduction. — Sym'eon le Nouveau Th'eologien. Cat'ech`eses. T. I. SC 96. 1963. P. 15–203.
Krivoch'eine. Writings = B. Krivoch'eine. The Writings of St Symeon the New Theologian. —
Krivoch'eine. Zealot = B. Krivoch'eine. The Most Enthusiastic Zealot. St Symeon the New Theologian as Abbot and Spiritual Instructor. — Ostkirchliche Studien 4. W"urzburg, 1955. P.108–128.
Krueger. Cynics = D. Krueger. Cynics, Christians and Holy Fools: The Late Antique Context of Leontius of Neapolis' Life of Symeon the Fool. Ph. D. thesis. Princeton University, 1991.
Krumbacher. Geschichte = A. Krumbacher. Geschichte der byzantinischen Literatur. M"unchen, 1897.
Lamb. Psalms = A. Lamb. The Psalms in Christian Worship. London, 1962.
Lampe. PGL = G. W. H. Lampe. A Patristic Greek Lexicon. Oxford, 1991.
Lampe. Seal = G. W. H. Lampe. The Seal of the Spirit. London — New York — Toronto, 1956.
Lascaris. Liberation = D. Lascaris. The Liberation of Man in Symeon the New Theologian. D. Phil, thesis. Oxford, 1969.
Lawson. Theology = J. Lawson. The Biblical Theology of Saint Irenaeus. London, 1948.
Leloir. D'esert = L. Leloir. D'esert et communion. Spiritualit'e Orientale 26. Bellefontaine, 1978.
Lemerle. El`eves = P. Lemerle. El`eves et professeurs `a Constantinople au Xe si`ecle. Paris, 1969.
Lemerle. Humanisme = P. Lemerle. Le premier humanisme byzantin. Paris, 1971.