Преподобный Симеон Новый Богослов и православное предание
Bois. Hesychastes = J. Bois. Les Hesychastes avant de XIVе siecle. Echos d'Orient V. 1901–1902. P. l-11.
Borgen. Bread = P. Borgen. Bread om Heaven. — Novum Testamentum. Supplement 10. 1965.
Bornert. Commentaires = R. Bornert. Les commentaires byz-antins de la divine Liturgie du VIIе au XVе siecle. Paris, 1966.
Bouyer. Eglise = L. Bouyer. L'Eglise de Dieu. Paris, 1970.
Bouyer. Histoire = L. Bouyer. Histoire de la spiritualite chretienne, 3: La spiritualitd orthodoxe et la spiritualite protestante et anglicane. Paris, 1965.
Bouyer. Incarnation = L. Bouyer. L'incarnation et PEglise-Corps du Christ dans la theologie de saint Athanase. Paris, 1943.
Bouyer. Meaning = L. Bouyer. The Meaning of Sacred Scripture. London, 1958.
Brock. Iconoclasm = S. Brock. Iconoclasm and Mono-physites. — Iconoclasm. Ed. A. Bryer and J. Herrin. Birmingham, 1975. P.53–57.
Brock. Introduction = S. Brock. Introduction. — Ephrem the Syrian. Hymns on Paradise. New York, 1990. P.7–75.
Brock. Isaac = S. Brock. St Isaac of Nineveth and Syriac Spirituality. — Sobornost 7/2. 1975. P.79–89.
Brock. Luminous Eye = S. Brock. The Luminous Eye: The Spiritual World Vision of St Ephrem. Rome, 1985.
Brock. Mary = S. Brock. Mary and the Eucharist: An Oriental Perspective. — Sobornost 1/2. 1979. P.50–59.
Brock. Perspectives = S. Brock. Syriac Perspectives on Late Antiquity. London, 1984.
Brock. Prayer = S. Brock. The Prayer of the Heart in Syriac Tradition. — Sobornost 4/2. 1981. P.131–142.
Browning. Enlightenment = R. Browning. Enlightenment and Repression in Byzantium in the Eleventh and Twelfth Centuries. — Past and Present, 69. Oxford, 1975. P.3–23.
Browning. Literacy = R. Browning. History, Language and Literacy in the Byzantine World. Northampton, 1989.
Buckler. Education = G. Buckler. Byzantine Education. — Byzantium. An Introduction to East Roman Civilization. Ed. N. H. Baynes and H. St. L. B. Moss. Oxford, 1953. P.200–221.
Bulgakov. Church = S. Bulgakov. The Orthodox Church. London, 1935.
Bunge. Geistgebet = G. Bunge. Das Geistgebet. Studien zum Traktat»De Oratione»des Evagrios Pontikos. K"oln, 1987.
Bunge. Vaterschaft = G. Bunge. Geistlische Vaterschaft. Christiische Gnosis bei Evagrios Pontikos. Regensburg, 1988.
Burghardt. Image = W. J. Burghardt. The Image of God in Man according to Cyril of Alexandria. Woodstock, 1957.
Burton-Christie. Cassian = D. Burton-Christie. Scripture, Self-Knowledge and Contemplation in Cassian's Conferences. — Studia Patristica XXV. Louvain, 1993. P.341–345.
Burton-Cristie. Word = D. Burton-Christie. The Word in the Desert. Scripture and the Quest for Holiness in Early Christian Monasticism. Oxford, 1993.
Bury. System = J. B. Bury. The Imperial Administrative System in the Ninth Century. London, 1911.
Butterworth. Deification = G. W. Butterworth. The Deification of Man in Clement of Alexandria. — Journal of Theological Studies, 17. 1916. P.157–169.
Byzantine Books — Byzantine Books and Bookmen. A Dumbarton Oaks Symposium. Washington, 1975.
Cairns. Image = D. Cairns. The Image of God in Man. New York, 1953.
Campenhausen. Authority = H. von Campenhausen. Ecclesiastical Authority and Spiritual Power in the Church of the First Three Centuries. Stanford, California, 1969.
Cavarnos. Macarios = C. Cavarnos. St Macarios of Corinth. Belmont, Massachusetts, 1972.
Cavarnos. Nicodemos = C. Cavarnos. St Nicodemos the Hagiorite. Belmont, Massachusetts, 1974.
Chitty. Desert = D. Chitty. The Desert a City. Oxford, 1966.
Christ — Paranikas. Anthologia = Christ W., Paranikas M. Anthologia graeca carminum christianorum. Leipzig, 1871.
Chryssavgis. Ascent = J. Chryssavgis. Ascent to Heaven. The Theology of the Human Person According to Saint John of the Ladder. Brookline, Massachusetts, 1989.
Classen. Konzil = P. Classen. Das Konzil von Konstantinopel 1166 und die Lateiner. — Byzantinische Zeitschrift, 48. 1955. S.339–368.
Clavis = Clavis patrum Graecorum. Vol. I-IV. Ed. M. Geerard. CG. 1974–1983.
Congar. Deification = Y. M. — J. Congar. La deification dans la tradition spirituelle de l'Orient. — Chretiens en dialogue. Paris, 1964. P.257–272.