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Rosenthal-Kamarinea. Symeon = I. Rozenthal-Kamarinea. Symeon der Neue Theologe und Symeon Studites. Ein Vorbid der Liebe des Schulers zum Lehrer. — Oecumenische Einheit 3, 1952. P. 103–120.
Rosenthal-Kamarinea, Studites = I. Rozenthal-Kamarinea. Symeon Studites, ein heiliger Narr. — Akten des XI Internationalen Byzantinistenkongresses 1958. M"unchen, 1960. S.515–520.
Rossum. Problem = J. van Rossum. The Ecclesiological Problem in St Symeon the New Theologian. M. Th. thesis. New York, 1976.
Rousseau. Pachomius = H. Rousseau. Pachomius. California — London, 1985.
Russell. Deification = N. Russell. The Concept of Deification in the Early Greek Fathers. D. Phil, thesis. Oxford, 1988.
Ryd`en. The Holy Fool = L. Ryd`en. The Holy Fool. — The Byzantine Saint. Ed. S. Hackel. London, 1981. P.106–113.
Salaville. Messe = A. Salaville. Messe et communion d'apr`es les Typica monastiques byzantins. — OCP 13, 1–2. 1947. P.282–298.
Schmemann. Introduction = A. Schmemann. Introduction to Litugrical Theology. New York, 1986.
Schmemann. Tradition = A. Schmemann. Liturgy and Tradition. Ed. Thomas Fisch. New York, 1990.
Sevcenko. Hagiography =!.§ev'eenko. Hagiography of the Iconoclast Period. — Iconoclasm. Ed. A. Bryer and J. Herrin. Birmingham, 1975. P. I 13–131.
Sherwood Ambigua = P. Sherwood. The Earlier Ambigua of Saint Maximus the Confessor and His Refutation of Origenism. Rome, 1955.
Sherwood. Exposition = P. Sherwood. Exposition and Use of Scripture in St Maximus as Manifest in Quaestiones ad Thalassium. — OCP 24. 1958. P.202–207.
Sherwood. Origenismus = P. Sherwood. Maximus und Origenismus. — Arche kai telos. Berichte zum XL Internationalen Byzantinistenkongress. M"unchen, 1958.!'
Simonetti. Giovanni = M. Simonetti. Giovanni 14:28 della; controversa Ariana. — Kyriakon. Festschrift J. Quasten. Vol.2. M"unster, 1970. S.151–161.
Simonetti. Interpretation = M. Simonetti. Biblical Interpretation in the Early Church. Edinbugrh, 1994.
Spidlik. Joseph = T.$pidlik. Joseph de Volokolamsk. Roma, 1956.
Staats. Macarios = R. Staats. Einleitung. — Macarios/ Symeon. Epistola Magna. G"ottingen, 1984. S.11–83.
Stathopoulos. Gottesliebe = D. Stathopoulos. Die Gottesliebe bei Symeon, dem neuen Theologen. Bonn, 1964.
Stewart. Working = C. Stewart.«Working the Earth of the Heart». The Messalian Controversy in History, Texts and Language to AD 431. Oxford, 1991.
Sullivan. Image = J. E. Sullivan. The Image of God. The Doctrine of St Augustine and Its Influence. Dubuque, Iowa, 1963.
Sylvia Mary. Tears = Sister Sylvia Mary. St Symeon the New Theologian and the Way of Tears. — Studia Patristica X. Berlin, 1970. P.431–435.
Taft. Athos = R. Taft. Mount Athos: A Late Chapter in the History of the Byzantine Rite. — DOP 42. 1988. P.179–194.
Taft. Hours = R. Taft. The Liturgy of the Hours in East and West. Collegeville, Minessota, 1986.
Thayer. Lexicon NT = J. H. Thayer. A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament. Edinburgh, 1901.
Thunberg. Man = L. Thunberg. Man and the Cosmos. The Vision of St Maximus the Confessor. New York, 1985.
Thunberg. Microcosm = L. Thunberg. Microcosm and Mediator. The Theological Anthropology of Maximus the Confessor. Lund, 1965.
Thunberg. Symbol = L. Thunberg. Symbol and Mystery in St Maximus the Confessor. — Maximus Confessor. Actes du Symposium sur Maxime le Confesseur. ibourg, 1982. P.285–308.
Torjesen. Proc'edure = K. J. Torjesen. Hermeneutical Proc'edure and Theological Method in Origen's Exegesis. Berlin — New York, 1986.
TrigS- Interpretation = J. M. Trigg. Biblical Interpretation. Wilmington Delaware, 1988.
Turner. Fatherhood = H. Turner. Symeon the New Theologian and Spiritual Fatherhood. Leiden — New York — K"oln, 1990.
Veilleux. Liturgie = A. Veilleux. La liturgie dans le c'eno-bitisme pachomien au quatri`eme si`ecle. — Studia Anselmiana 57. Roma, 1968.
Veniamin. Transfiguration = Ch. N. Veniamin. The Transfiguration of Christ in Greek Patristic Literature. D. Phil, thesis. Oxford, 1991.
Verrnes. Bible = G. Vermes. Bible and Midrash: Early Old Testament Exegesis. — The Cambridge History of the Bible. Vol.1. Cambridge, 1970. P. 199–231.
Volk. Klosterbibliotheken = O. Volk. Die byzantinische Klosterbibliotheken von Konstantinopel, Thessalonike und Kleinasien. M"unchen, 1974.;
V"olker. Maximus = W. V"olker. Maximus Confessor als Meister des geistlichen Lebens. Wiesbaden, 1965.