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Происхождение скотоводства (культурно-историческая проблема)

Лянчжу, археологическая культура

Маглемюзе, археологическая культура

Матвеев Курган, пос.

Менье, пос.

Мертар, пос.

Меримде, пос.

Мохэ, археологическая культура

Мунхатта, пос.

Мурейбит, пос.

Мяодигоу II, пос.

Натуфийокая культура

Неа Никомедия, пос.

Неолит капсийской традиции, археологическая культура

Неолит суданской традиции, археологическая культура

Новорозаноеское, пос.

Номухун, археологическая культура

Нонноктха, пос. и могильник

Нубийская группа А, археологическая культура

Нубийская группа С, археологическая культура

Осиноозерская культура

Палегавра, пещера

Паомалин, археологическая культура

Пещера духов

Пикимачай, пещера

Прекукутени, археологическая культура

Райниоклектон, археологическая культура

Ракушечный Яр, пос.

Рамад, пос.

Релкинскиц могильник

Руфиньяк, пещера

Саксаульская, стоянка

Санг-е Чаксамак, пос.

Сапалли-тепе, пос.

Сараб, пос.

Себильская культура

Смитфилд, археологическая культура

Сороки, пос.

Сосруко, стоянка

Средиземноморский неолит, археологическая культура

Среднестоговская культура

Стар Карр, пос.

Старчево-криш-кереш-кораново, археологическая культура

Субердэ, пос.

Сурско-днепровская культура

Сэлькуца, археологическая культура

Таштыкская культура

Тенере, археологическая культура

Тилвара, стоянка

Триполье, археологическая культура

Трольдебьерг, пос.

Уан Мухуджиаг, стоянка

Убейд, городище

Уилтощ археологическая культура

Уиндмилл-хилл, археологическая культура

Улу Леанг, пещера

Ур, городище

Усатовская культура

Усть-Нарым, стоянка

Усть-Полуй, пос.

Усть-полуйская культура

Фаюм, пос.

Франчти, пещера

Фронтовое, пос.

Хагошрим, пос.

Хаджи Фирус, пос.

Хаджилар, пос.

Хауа Фтеах, пещера

Хелуан, стоянки

Хоабиньская культура

Хор-Дауд, пос.

Хоту, пещера

Хэмуду, археологическая культура

Цинляньган, археологическая культура

Цюйцзялинь, археологическая культура

Чайоню Тепези, пос.

Чатал Гуюк, пос.

Чох, пещера

Шанидар, пещера

Шатонеф-ле-Мартигю, пещера

Шнуровой керамики, археологическая культура

Шулавери-шомутепинская культура

Эйнан, пос.

Эль-Хиам, стоянка

Эртебелле, археологическая культура

Ябруд, пещера

Ямная культура

Яник Тепе, пос.

Яншао, археологическая культура


V. A. Shnirelmart

The study of the origins of agriculture is at present of great interest to both natural and social scientists. Although many theories have been developed concerning this matter the problem of the rise of animal husbandry as one of the most significant aspects of the Neolithic Revolution is far from being well understood. Therefore the author of the present work has paid particular attention to the problems of both animal domestication and early stages of the evolution of animal husbandry. The latter has been treated not only as a new powerful technological factor but also as an economic system of great culture-historical importance. The structure of the book has been to a certain extent influenced by the character of the sources used: archaeological, ethnographical, biological, palaeoclimatological etc. To make chronology more precise the author has utilized the calibration curve for radiocarbon dates developed by the scientists of the Pennsylvania University.

Chapter I is a general survey of different theories on the origins of animal husbandry. Here the evolution of the «Three stages of man» theory is analysed and the reasons it was given up are argued. At the end of the XlXth century two new approaches were formulated. One of them was stimulated by the works of Ed. Tylor who believed that agriculture and animal husbandry had been each developed independently. Many of Tylor’s followers affirmed that the earliest animal husbandry was nomadic in character. The second approach was advanced by Ed. Hahn who stressed the interaction of early forms of agriculture and animal husbandry. He and his supporters considered nomadism to be the most specialized form of animal husbandry born only relatively recently. The problem of the causes of animal domestication was also treated in different ways. Most workers in the social sciences tried to resort to one or another of four theories in search for explanation: the economic theory, the theory of pets, the theory of symbiosis, the religious theory. V. G. Childe and some other authors ascribed the origin of food production to the influences of climatic events.

The pioneering works of soviet biologists headed by N. I. Vavilov elaborated the idea of primary and secondary centres of the origin of food-producing economy. This idea has greatly influenced the evolution of the science and even now its importance can hardly be overestimated.

The problem in question became one of the most significant ones after the World War II owing to archeological investigations in different primary centres of food production (the Near East, South-East Asia, East Asia, Africa, Mesoamerica, South America) and to the development of new theoretic approaches and concepts both in archeology and ethnology.

Chapter II contains an analysis of archaeological data on the origins of animal husbandry. A main source for researches into the early history of animal husbandry is osteological material. Unfortunately we at present lack any unified method of examining such data. Therefore an interpretation of palaeozoological materials must be done very carefully.

Early productive economy had been developing during the period of serious climatic fluctuations, which must be taken into account. The most significant ones took place at the end of the Pleistocene and the beginning of the Holocene c. 15 000—8 000 B. C. Then a slow rise of temperature followed during the IX–IV mill. B. C. The Near East was one of the most important centres of the origin of animal husbandry. Here one could find such wild ancestors of domesticated animals as the bezoar goat (Capra aegagrus), the Asiatic moufflon (Ovis orientalis), the aurochs (Bos primigenius) and the wild boar (Sus scrofa). The inhabitants of the Zagros Mountains domesticated dogs at the end of Upper Palaeolithic. The domestication of other animals was interconnected with the development of intensive food gathering, which led to the emergence of agriculture, and with sedenterization. Goats and sheep were domesticated in the Zagros Mountains around the IX mill. B. C. Agriculture and animal husbandry appeared in Anatolia iby the IX–VIII mill. B. C. and domesticated goats and sheep were introduced to Syria and Palestine during the VIII mill. B. C. Aurochs was domesticated in Anatolia around the VIII mill. B. C. and cattle spread widely in the Near East in a millennium. Pig raising arose by the VIII mill. B. C., but it hardly played an important role in aboriginal neolithic economy.

Our knowledge of the appearence of the productive economy in the Caucasus is far from satisfactory. Agriculture and animal husbandry seem to have arisen here around the VII mill. B. C. Apparently this process was partly promoted by influences from the Near East.

The emergence of food production to the south and east of the Caspian Sea appears to be interconnected with some migrations from the west, during the VII mill. B. C.

Agriculture and animal husbandry arose in South Asia also as a result of the complex processes linked with both autochthonic development and influences from more developed peoples. The latter has already infiltrated into South Baluchistan during the VII mill. B. C., but they penetrated the Indus valley and Central India much later, around the V–IV mill. B. C. The process of domestication continued here and included buffalo and local species of wild boar.

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