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Психология стресса

Стр. 97. Стрессоры сдерживают работу желудочно-кишечной функции: Desiderato, O., MacKinnon, J., and Hissom, R., “Development of gastric ulcers following stress termination,” Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology 87 (1974): 208; Hess, W., Diencephalon; Autonomic and Extrapyramidal Functions (New York: Grune and Stratton, 1957); Kiely, W., “From the symbolic stimulus to the pathophysiological response,” in Lipowski, Z., Lipsitt, D., and Whybrow, P., eds., “Current Trends and Clinical Applications” (New York: Oxford University Press, 1977); Murison, R., and Bakke, H., “The role of corticotropin-releasing factor in rat gastric ulcerogenesis,” in Hernandez, D., and Glavin, G., eds., Neurobiology of Stress Ulcers (New York: Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1990), vol. 597, 71; Tache, Y., “Effect of stress on gastric ulcer formation,” in Brown, M., Koob, G., and Rivier, C., eds., “Stress: Neurobiology and Neuroendocrinology” (New York: Marcel Dekker, 1991), 549.

Стр. 97.

Стресс ослабляет сокращения в тонком кишечнике: Thompson, D., Richelson, E., and Malagelada, J., “Perturbation of gastric emptying and duodenal motility through the central nervous system,” Gastroenterology 83 (1982): 1200; Thompson, D., Richelson, E., and Malagelada, J., “Perturbation of upper gastrointestinal function by cold stress,” Gut 24 (1983): 277; O’Brien, J., Thompson, D., Holly, J., Burnham, W., and Walker, E., “Stress disturbs human gastrointestinal transit via a beta-1 adrenoreceptor mediated pathway,” Gastroenterology 88 (1985): 1520. Стресс усиливает сокращения в толстом кишечнике: Almy, T., “Experimental studies on irritable colon,” American Journal of Medicine 10 (1951): 60; Almy, T., and Tulin, M., “Alterations in colonic function in man under stress: experimental production of changes simulating the ‘irritable colon,’” Gastroenterology 8 (1947): 616; Narducci, F., Snape, W., Battle, W., London, R., and Cohen, S., “Increased colonic motility during exposure to a stressful situation,” Digestive Disease Science 30 (1985): 40.

Стр. 99. Химические посредники симпатической реакции на стресс вызывают изменения в сокращениях: Williams, C., Peterson, J., Villar, R., and Burks,

T., “Corticotropin-releasing factor directly mediates colonic responses to stress,” American Journal of Physiology 253 (1987): G582. Also Burks, T., “Central nervous system regulation of gastrointestinal motility,” in Hernandez, D., and Glavin, G., eds., Neurobiology of Stress Ulcers (New York: Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1990), vol. 597, 36. Glucocorticoids are not mediators of the contractions: Williams,

C. , Villar, R., Peterson, J., and Burks, T., “Stress-induced changes in intestinal transit in the rat: a model for irritable bowel syndrome,” Gastroenterology 94 (1988): 611.

Стр. 99. Mayer, E., “The neurobiology of stress and gastrointestinal disease,” Gut 47 (2000): 861.

Стр. 99. Стресс и синдром раздраженного кишечника (СРК): Whitehead, W., Crowell, M., Robinson, J., “Effects of stressful life events on bowel symptoms: subjects with irritable bowel syndrome compared with subjects without bowel dysfunction,” Gut 33 (1992): 825; Bennett, E., Tennant, C., Piesse, C., “Level of chronic life stress predicts clinical outcome in irritable bowel syndrome,” Gut 43 (1998): 256; Gwee, K., “The role of psychological and biological factors in postinfective gut dysfunction,” Gut 44 (1999): 400; Stamm, R., Akkermans, L., Wiegant, V., “Interactions between stressful experience and intestinal function,” Gut 40 (1997): 704.

Стр. 101. Отсутствие сокращений при СРК во время сна: Murison, R., “Gastrointestinal effects,” in Fink, G., ed., Encyclopedia of Stress (San Diego: Academic Press, 2000), vol. 2, 191.

Стр. 101. СРК и деятельность симпатической нервной системы: Heitkemper, M., Jarrett, M., Cain, K., “Increased urine catecholamines and cortisol in women with irritable bowel syndrome,” American Journal of Gastroenterology 91 (1996): 906.

Путаница в отношении уровней глюкокортикоидов: Heitkemper, ibid.; Munakata, J., Mayer,

E. , Chang, L., “Autonomic and neuroendocrine responses to recto-sigmoid stimulation,” Gastroenterology 114 (1998): 808.

Стр. 101. Травматический стресс в начале жизни повышает риск СРК во взрослом возрасте: Drossman, D., Talley, N., Leserman, J., “Sexual and physical abuse and gastrointestinal illness: review and recommendations,” Annals of Internal Medicine 123

(1995) : 782; Walker, E., Katon, W., Roy-Byrne, P., “Histories of sexual victimization in patients with irritable bowel syndrome or inflammatory bowel disease,” American Journal of Psychiatry 150 (1993): 1502.

Стр. 101. Классический психоаналитический взгляд на эти болезни см. в Alexander,

F. , “Psychosomatic Medicine” (New York: W. W. Norton, 1950). See also Aronowitz, R., and Spiro, H., “The rise and fall of the psychosomatic hypothesis in ulcerative colitis,” Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology 10 (1988): 298; Ramchandani, D., Schindler, B., and Katz, J., “Evolving concepts of psychopathology in inflammatory bowel disease,” Medical Clinics of North America 78 (1994): 1321.

Стр. 102. Исследования, в которых не было обнаружено связи со стрессом при колите (отметьте, что первые два исследования относятся к одной группе): Helzer, J., Stillings, W., and Chammas, S., “A controlled study of the association between ulcerative colitis and psychiatric diagnoses,” Digestive Disease Science 27 (1982): 513; North, C., Alpers, D., and Helzer, J., “Do life events or depression exacerbate inflammatory bowel disease? A prospective study,” Annals of Internal Medicine 114 (1991): 381; Tartar, R., Switala, J., and Carra, J., “Inflammatory bowel disease: psychiatric status of patients before and after disease onset,” International Journal of Psych Medicine 17 (1987): 173; Drossman, D., McKee, D., and Sandler, R., “Psychosocial factors in the irritable bowel syndrome: a multivariate study of patients and nonpatients with irritable bowel syndrome,” Gastroenterology 95 (1988): 701; Camilleri, M., and Neri, M., “Motility disorders and stress,” Digestive Disease Science 34 (1989): 1777.

Стр. 102. Исследование, использующее временной анализ для показа связи с симптомами стресса: Greene, B., Blanchard, E., and Wan, C., “Long-term monitoring of psychosocial stress and symptomatology in inflammatory bowel disease,” Behaviour Research and Therapy 32 (1994): 217. Обсуждение некоторых методологических проблем исследования стресса в этой области: Whitehead, W., “Assessing the effects of stress on physical symptoms,” Health Psychology 13 (1994): 99. Люди обычно допускают неточности, рассказывая о событиях более чем трехмесячной давности: Jenkins, C., Hurst, W., and Rose, R., “Life changes: do people really remember?” Archives of General Psychiatry 36 (1979): 379.

Стр. 103. Селье был первым, кто указал, что стресс может вызывать пептическую язву (Jenkins, C., Hurst, W., and Rose, R., “Life changes: do people really remember?” Archives of General Psychiatry 36 (1979): 379). Первопроходцами в систематическом исследовании роли психологического стресса в возникновении язвы желудка были Brady, J., Porter, D., Conrad, D., and Mason, J., “Avoidance behavior and the development of gastroduodenal ulcers,” Journal of Experimental Analysis of Behavior 1

(1958) : 69; and Weiss, J., “Effects of coping responses on stress,” Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology 65 (1968): 251.

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