Riding a yellow genie
– Tell me the truth, have I got any chance to become an agronomist?
– I am sure this will happen someday!
– But I don`t have a diploma…
– Do you think not? Look at your pocket.
When I put my hands into my pocket I found a paper with the necessary stamps and signatures on it saying “Elementary school diploma”.
– Dear cap, but I am too small!
– Don`t worry, someday I will give you some height as well.
A few days have passed and I reached a place that looks like a desert. No human can be seen around here. Several times I saw a flock of birds, and even snakes chewing each other`s tail. With my cap on my head I headed further. Suddenly I reached a huge field with thousands of trees. A 100-hectare field was divided into several plots, with kids of my age working there.
– Whats`up fellas, – I greeted one of the boys.
– Don`t waste my time, – he said.
– Hello, I said!
– I said I have no time to talk, – he said and raised his head. He saw me and blushed. – I`m
sorry. I thought that you are our specialist Shavkat.
– No problem my friend. Which country is this?
– This isn`t a country, this is a desert.
– What are you doing here?
– Mowing the grass.
– Whose cotton is this?
– Ours. Me and five of my friends planted ten hectares. As soon as the cotton
grows we shall pick them up by ourselves.
– Don`t you need an agronomist?
– No. We ourselves will become agronomists soon.
Then I tried to test my luck on the next section. There were some guys digging the field for melon seeds.
– What are you doing?
– Cultivating the land. – They were working very hard and fast.
– Don`t you need an agronomist?
– No.
– Why not? Maybe you need one?
– Because we are agronomists.
Then I went through other fields trying to get any information. The fields were amazing and beautiful. All types of fruits could be seen. I counted some twenty types of grape. I found a girl feeding chickens.
– Dear, don’t you need a zootechnician?
– What makes you think that we need a zootechnician?
– He could teach you.
Конец ознакомительного фрагмента.