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Even though I finished the letter, I found no strength to give it to our principal. With eyes closed I finally went directly to Otajon Azizov`s room.

– What do you want son? – The principal asked.

– Hello dear teacher! – I said.

– Hello.

Without saying any word, I handed over the letter. Unfortunately, the situation later on was awful. An hour had passed, but there was no way the principal was going to stop explaining to me how all my proposed for exclusion subjects were important. According to him, without knowing these subjects it is impossible to become neither agronomist, nor an engineer, nor a zootechnician. But my inner voice at that moment was saying: “Rather than studying math, better to take a spanking from mom.

– Am I right? – The principal asked.

– No way! – I said. – Look at our agronomist Anorvoy. He has no education!

– He had no choice, he was forced to go to war to protect our lives!

The bad day was only beginning for me. The first subject was my “lovely” math.

– Ruziev, tell me, what was the previous lesson about? – our teacher asked suddenly.

Slowly standing up I tried to push Orif, who was sitting by me. He turned his face away, like he didn`t understand me. I pushed him harder, and he started to mumble something.

– Imple equations, – I stated.

I don`t know why, but the whole class started laughing. I joined them with great pleasure. I found out later that instead of “simple” I said “imple”.

– Ok, tell me the definition of simple equation? – The teacher continued.

– I know it, but don`t know why, it is hard to pronounce it teacher!

– Answer!

– Just a second, teacher, it is on the tip of my tongue!

– Sit down!

I try not to remember that day. Sometimes, I think: I wish I had never been born. Thank god I have Orif. He allowed me to let my anger out on him. When we went to the street, I said:

– Look, why did you hit my dog?

– I have never hit your dog!

– You hit it last year!

– Are you kidding?

– Let me show you how you did it! Eat this! – I said and threw my fist on his head. We had

a great fistfight. With clothes torn apart, our faces were bleeding. Despite this, I was happy. He always gets excellent marks and nothing happens if he helps me sometimes!

So the mood was perfect. Thinking of plov2 being cooked by mom, I headed home. When I got home I realized that the door was locked from inside. I knocked on it. When I looked through the peephole I saw mom coming with a stick! Her first question was: Whom have you fought against this time?

– No one mom…

– I have heard that you fought against Orif!

– No way! He started first!

– You are a liar! You never do your lessons, don`t help with chores, play all day long!

I’ll punish you!

At that moment I realized that if I would not slip away immediately, I could get a smack. I didn`t know where to go and I was very hungry…

Chapter 2

How I pricked God`s arm with a needle

Frankly speaking, mom did a good job by forbidding me to enter the house. Because at that time I was busy seeking a magic cap, searching for it in abandoned houses and yards. Everything started a month ago, when my grandma came to us and told me a story about a magic cap. Anyone who gets this cap can become a superhero, she said. But, it is impossible to find it.

– Dear grandma, what is the color of that cap? – I asked.

– It is made from a white wool.

– Where can I find it?

– The last owner has hidden it at one of the yards nearby.

– Do you think, can I find it?

– Why not? If you seek it, you`ll surely find it son.

I have been searching for the cap all day long and have lost my mind already. I have visited each place in the village. But there is only one place left. It is located in the ancient part of the village. Nobody knows whose yard it was before.

When I reached the destination, I discovered how ugly the place was. Wherever I looked, I saw a ghost or something evil staring at me. I even saw a wolf. Then I realized that it was a cat. Searching every corner didn`t give any results.

I was very tired and thirsty and started to fall asleep. No way! I should not sleep, I told to myself. Then I entered deeper. There was a rag on the floor. I took it into my hand. Can you believe that I finally found it! It was exactly the cap I was looking for! Made of white wool and so beautiful!

– Hello my dear cap! – I cried out.

– Hello Khoshimjon! – the cap replied.

– I have been looking for you for a long time!

– I have been waiting for you all the time…

I put the cap on my head and flew back home like a bird. Because I had to test it. When I entered the house my mom was sewing a dress for Dono. I approached her and with a low voice called “Moooom”. She looked around but saw nothing.

– Oysha, did you see your brother?

– I don’t know mom, – said Oysha.

– Oh my poor boy, where are you?…

– This is all your fault mom, you always punish him…

Standing near the fridge I took my cap off. Both Oysha and mom were surprised and asked:

– Where have you been?! How?!

– I was inside the fridge…

Mother started crying and kissing and hugging me.

– Oh dear boy, you must have caught cold…

With a hot tea they prepared a blanket for me. After each sip I coughed and did my best to look like I have got sick.

Visiting Sorahon, the soothsayer3 was the first thing on my agenda the next day, as our teacher always says that Sorahon is a cheater. If she is a cheater, I wonder, why so many people visit her. You can`t even find so many people in the hospital. Moreover, all of them bring something, someone could bring a sheep, someone could bring somsa (Uzbek food), and most of them surely bring money. Her son Mirobiddinhuja is my classmate and has two bicycles! People believe that Sorahon can talk directly with God. Mirobiddinhuja always boasts that they hear God`s voice every day.

When I entered her yard I saw seven women, five old men and three kids. All of them seemed sick. With the help of my cap I entered the house. A woman with a kid was sitting in front of Sorahon, the madam soothsayer.

– A yellow genie must have attacked your son, – said the soothsayer.

Then I heard strange voices sounding like a drum playing coming either from the wall or from the roof. Thank god I was not alone. Otherwise who knows what would happen. Once those voices ended, I heard someone saying “Amen”.

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