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Рубикон. Триумф и трагедия Римской республики

Green, Peter: Classical Bearings: Interpreting Ancient History and Culture (1989, Berkeley and Los Angeles): Alexander to Actium The Historical Evolution of the Hellenistic Age (1990, Berkeley and Los Angeles) Greenhalgh, Peter: Pompey: The Roman Alexander (1980, London): Pompey: The Republican Prince (1981, London)

Griffith, R. Drew: The Eyes ofClodia Metelli' (1996, Latomus 55)

Gruen, Erich S.: The Last Generation of the Roman Republic (1974, Berkeley and Los Angeles): The Hellenistic World and the Coming of Rome (1984, Berkeley and Los Angeles): Culture and National Identity in Republican Rome (1992, New York)

Gurval, Robert Alan: Actium and Augustus: The Politics and Emotions of Civil War (1998, Ann Arbor)

Hallett, Judith P. and Skinner, Marilvn B. (eds): Roman Sexualities (1997, Princeton)

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Hughes, J. Donald: Pan’s Travail: Environmental Problems of the Ancient Creeks and Romans (1994, Baltimore)

Hughes-Hallett, Lucy: Cleopatra Histories, Dreams and Distortions (1990, London) Jashemski, W. F.: The Origins and History of the Proconsular and Propraetonan Imperium (1950, Chicago) Jenkyns, Richard: Virgil's Experience: Nature and History, Times. Names and Places (1998, Oxford)

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