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V. I. Zavyalov, L. S. Rozanova, N. N. Terekhova. Russian blacksmith’s craft in the golden horde period and in the epoch of Muscovite state
This book considers a series of problems related to the history of the blacksmith’s craft in Russia within a wide chronological span — from the time of establishment of the Mongol dominion until the formation of the Russian centralized state. Conditionally speaking, the discussed period may be divided into two stages: the first one marked by the existence of the Golden Horde, that is, from the second part of the 13th to the late 15thcc., and the second one related to the epoch of the Muscovite state (the 16th— 17th cc.). From the historical standpoint the first stage is characterized by the disunity of Russian lands and parallel development of the trends toward their consolidation, struggle for national independence, which led to gradual formation of the united Russian state with Moscow as its centre. The second stage is marked by the maintenance of centralised power, formation of the all-Russian market, when new territories joined up the indigenous Russian lands and Muscovite Russia appeared in the international political scene as a new state.
The blacksmith’s craft may be rightly regarded as a base for the growth of Russia’s economic culture. To a great extent it was this branch of economy that contributed considerably to the rise of the economic and political potential of the Russian state, which in the early 18thc. had resulted in its transformation into an industrially developed power.
The range of the problems considered in the monograph includes both ones of purely technological nature and those related to the cultural and historical studies. The former comprise the following: reconstruction of the blacksmith technologies used when producing artefacts; identification of the raw materials used, both their character and quality; characteristic of artisan’s professional skills; revealing of technical and technological specifics of the blacksmith production in relation to the territorial and chronological classification. As for the cultural and chronological problems, we were mainly interested in the problems of continuity or discontinuity in the production traditions with regard to the consequences of the Mongol invasion, as well as in specific features of development of the blacksmith’s craft against the background of the process of formation of the centralised Russian state.