Секреты Вознесения. Раскрытие космической битвы между добром и злом
[129] “Broadcast of the National Anthem.”
[130] Там же
[131] “Subliminal Advertising.” Subliminal Manipulation, September 2010. http://sibliminalmanipulation.blogspot.com/2010/09/subliminal-messages-in-advertising-in.html
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[138] Dean, Bob, and Kerry Cassidy. “Bob Dean: Bringing In the Light.” Project Camelot Productions, April 2010. http://projectcamelotproductions.com/interviews/bob_deanIII/bob_deanIII.html
[139] http://divinecosmos.e-puzzle.ru/page.php?al=143
[140] Cassidy, Kerry, and Bill Ryan. “Gary McKinnon: Hacking the Pentagon.” Project Camelot, June 2006. http://projectcamelot.org/gary_mckinnon.html
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[142] Cassidy and Ryan. “Gary McKinnon.”
[143] Dean and Cassidy. “Bob Dean.”
[144] Cassidy, Kerry, and Bill Ryan. “Phil Schneider.” Project Camelot. http://projectcamelot.org/schneider.html
[145] Salter, Dan. “Testimony of Master Sergeant Dan Morris, USAF (Retired)/NRO Operative.” http://www.disclosureproject.org/access/docs/pdf/DisclosureProjectBriefingDocument.pdf
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[150] Dean and Cassidy. “Bob Dean.”
[151] Дэвид Уилкок. Раскрытие неминуемо? Разрушены две подземные базы Нового Мирового Порядка. http://divinecosmos.e-puzzle.ru/Article81.htm
[152] Там же
[153] Дэвид Уилкок. Российский телевизионный документальный фильм о разрушении подземных сооружений позитивным альянсом! http://divinecosmos.e-puzzle.ru/page.php?id=564
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[156] Eggen, Dan. “Obama, Bush and Former Presidents Gather for Lunch at White House.” Washington Post, January 8, 2009/ http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/01/07/AR2009010700257.html
[157] Ryan, Bill, and Kerry Cassidy. “’Mr. X,’ a Former UFO Archivist.” Project Camelot, May 2006. http://projectcamelot.org/mr_x.html
[158] Там же
[159] Ryan, Bill, and Kerry Cassidy. “’Mr. X’: Interview Transcript.” Video Transcript. Project Camelot, May 2006. http://projectcamelot.org/lang/en/mr_x_interview_transcript_en.html
[160] Ryan, Bill, and Kerry Cassidy. “’Mr. X,’ a Former UFO Archivist.”
[161] Ryan, Bill, and Kerry Cassidy. “Bob Dean.” Project Camelot, September 2008. http://projectcamelot.org/bob_dean.html
[162] Salter. “Testimony of Master Sergeant Dan Morris.”
[163] Coleman, John. “21 Goals of the Illuminati and the Committee of 300.” Educate-Yourself, 1993. http://educate-yourdelf.org/cn/johncolemangoalsofIlluminati.shtml
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[166] Swartzburg, Mark. “The Three Hundred.” In Antisemitism: A Historical Encyclopedia of Prejudice and Persecution. Edited by Richard S. Levy. Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO, 2005
[167] Dean and Cassidy. “Bob Dean.”
[168] http://divinecosmos.e-puzzle.ru/page.php?id=623
[169] Mack, Eric. “Scientists Spy ‘Magic Island’ on Titan, Saturn’s Strangest Moon.” Forbes, June 22, 2014. http://www.forbs.com/sites/ericmack/2014/06/22/scientists-spy-magic-island-on-titan-saturns-strangest-moon/
[170] DeMaria, Meghan. “Mysterious Feature on Saturn’s Moon Baffles NASA Scientists.” The Week, September 30, 2014. http://theweek.com/speedreads/index/269015/speedreads-mysterious-feature-on-saturn-moon-baffles-nasa-scientists