Словарь американских идиом: 8000 единиц
[into account] See: TAKE INTO ACCOUNT.
[into a nose dive] See: oo INTO A TAIL SPIN or GO INTO A NOSE DIVE.
[into a tail spin] See: GO INTO A TAIL SPIN.
[into commission] See: IN COMMISSION.
[into effect]{adv. phr.} Into use or operation. •/The new rule was put into effect at once./ •/The judge ordered the old suspended penalty into effect./
[into hot water] See: HOT WATER.
[into line]{adv. phr.} 1. Into agreement. •/The department’s spending was brought into line with the budget./ 2. Under control. •/Independent congressmen were brought into line by warnings that jobs for their friends would be kept back./ •/The players who had broken training rules fell into line when the coach warned them that they would he put off the team./
[into one’s blood] See: IN ONE’S BLOOD.
[into one’s head] See: BEAT INTO ONE’S HEAD, TAKE INTO ONE’S HEAD.
[into one’s own] See: COME INTO ONE’S OWN.
[into one’s own hands] See: TAKE THE LAW INTO ONE’S OWN HANDS.
[into one’s shell] See: IN ONE’S SHELL.
[into one’s shoes] See: STEP INTO ONE’S SHOES.
[into practice] See: IN PRACTICE.
[into question]{adv. phr.} Into doubt or argument. — Usually used with "call", "bring" or "come". •/This soldier’s courage has never been called into question./ •/If a boy steals, his parents' teaching comes into question./
[into the bargain] See: IN THE BARGAIN.
[into the ground] See: RUN INTO THE GROUND.
[into the hands of] See: PLAY INTO THE HANDS OF.
[into thin air]{adv. phr.} Without anything left; completely. •/When Bob returned to the room, he was surprised to find that his books had vanished into thin air./ Compare: OUT OF THIN AIR.
[in toto]{adv. phr.} As a whole; in its entirety; totally; altogether. •/The store refused the advertising agency’s suggestion in toto./ •/They bought the newspaper business in toto./ •/The paving job was accepted in toto./ (Latin, meaning "in the whole.")
[in touch]{adj. phr.} Talking or writing to each other; giving and getting news. •/John kept in touch with his school friends during the summer./ •/Police anywhere in the U.S. can get in touch instantly with any other police department by teletype./ •/The man claimed to be in touch with people on another planet./ Compare: KEEP TRACK. Contrast: OUT OF TOUCH.
[in tow]{adj. phr.} 1. Being pulled. •/The tugboat had the large ocean liner in tow as they came into the harbor./ •/An engine came with a long string of cars in tow./ 2. Being taken from place to place; along with someone. •/Janet took the new girl in tow and showed her where to go./ •/Mrs. Hayes went to the supermarket with her four little children in tow./
[in trust]{adv.} or {adj. phr.} In safe care for another. •/The money was held by the hank in trust for the widow./ •/At his death Mr. Brown left a large sum in trust for his son until he was twenty-five./
[in tune]{adv.} or {adj. phr.} 1. At the proper musical pitch; high or low enough in sound. •/The piano is in tune./ 2. Going well together; in agreement; matching; agreeable. — Often used with "with". •/In his new job, John felt in tune with his surroundings and his associates./ Contrast: OUT OF TUNE.
[in turn]{adv. phr.} According to a settled order; each following another. •/Each man in turn got up and spoke./ •/Two teachers supervised the lunch hour in turn./ •/Two of the three boys tease their younger brother — John, the biggest, teases Bob, the middle boy; and Bob in turn teases Tim, the youngest./ Compare: IN ORDER.
[in two]{adv. phr.} Into two parts or pieces; into two divisions. •/John and Mary pulled on the wishbone until it came in two./ •/There was only one piece of cake, but we cut it in two./ Syn.: IN HALF.
[in two shakes of a lamb’s tail]{adv.}, {informal} Quickly; in no time at all. •/I’ll be back in two shakes of a lamb’s tail./
[in --- up to the] See: UP TO THE --- IN.
[in vain]{adv. phr.} 1. Without effect; without getting the desired result; without success. •/The drowning man called in vain for help./ •/To cry over spilled milk is to cry in vain./ Compare: GO FOR NOTHING, NO USE. 2. See: TAKE ONE’S NAME IN VAIN.
[in view]{adv.} or {adj. phr.} 1. In sight; visible. •/We came around a bend and there was the ocean in view./ 2. As a purpose, hope, or expectation. •/John had his son’s education in view when he began to save money./ •/The end that we must keep always in view is peace with justice./ Compare: EYE TO.
[in view of]{prep.} After thinking about; because of. •/Schools were closed for the day in view of the heavy snowstorm./ •/In view of rising labor costs, many companies have turned to automation./ Syn.: IN THE LIGHT OF.
[in virtue of] See: BY VIRTUE OF.
[in wait] See: LIE IN WAIT.
[in with]{prep.} In friendship, favor, or closeness with; in the trust or liking of. •/We trusted on Byrd’s being in with the mayor, not knowing that the mayor no longer liked him./ •/It took the new family some time to get in with their neighbors./