Справочник Жаркова по проектированию и программированию искусственного интеллекта. Том 6: Программирование на Visual Basic искусственного интеллекта. Продолжение 2
End If
End If
End If
Return True
End Function
Private Function IsFullBoard As Boolean
Dim i As Integer
For Each Pic As PictureBox In MPBoxes
If MPBoxes(i).MPState <> BallState.NO_BALL Then
i += 1
End If
If i = 81 Then
Return True
Return False
End If
End Function
Private Sub RandomThreeBalls
Dim ArrL As New ArrayList
Dim i As Integer
Dim pos As Integer
Dim ind As Integer
For i = 0 To 80
If MPBoxes(i).MPState = BallState.NO_BALL Or _
MPBoxes(i).MPState = BallState.DESTROYING_BALL Then
End If
For i = 0 To IIf(ArrL.Count > 2, 2, ArrL.Count – 1)
pos = Rand.Next(0, ArrL.Count)
pos = CInt(ArrL(pos))
ThreeBP(i) = pos
ind = Rand.Next(0, 12)
ind = (ind \ 2) * 2
ThreeBI(i) = ind
For j As Integer = i To 2
ThreeBI(j) = -1
ThreeBP(j) = -1
End Sub
'#Region "Check for Calculate Score"
Private Function CheckHor(ByVal pos As Integer) As Integer
Dim type As Integer = MPBoxes(pos).MPIndex
Dim i As Integer = (pos \ 9) * 9
Dim count As Integer
Dim startpos As Integer = i
Dim endpos As Integer = i
While i < (pos \ 9) * 9 + 9
If MPBoxes(i).MPIndex = type Then
endpos += 1
count = endpos – startpos
If count > 4 Then
While MPBoxes(pos).MPState = _
End While
For j As Integer = 0 To count – 1
MPBoxes(startpos + j).Destroy
Return count
End If
If i >= (pos \ 9) * 9 + 5 Then
Return count
End If
startpos = i + 1
endpos = i + 1
End If
i += 1
End While
If count > 4 Then
While MPBoxes(pos).MPState = BallState.ZOOMING_BALL
End While
For j As Integer = 0 To count – 1
MPBoxes(startpos + j).Destroy
Return count
End If
End Function
Private Function CheckVer(ByVal pos As Integer) As Integer
Dim type As Integer = MPBoxes(pos).MPIndex
Dim i As Integer = pos Mod 9
Dim count As Integer
Dim startpos As Integer = i
Dim endpos As Integer = i
While i < (pos Mod 9) + 73
If MPBoxes(i).MPIndex = type Then
endpos += 9
count = (endpos – startpos) / 9
If count > 4 Then
While MPBoxes(pos).MPState = _
End While
For j As Integer = 0 To count – 1
MPBoxes(startpos + j * 9).Destroy
Return count
End If
If i >= (pos Mod 9) + 36 Then
Return count
End If
startpos = i + 9
endpos = i + 9
End If
i += 9
End While
If count > 4 Then
While MPBoxes(pos).MPState = BallState.ZOOMING_BALL
End While
For j As Integer = 0 To count – 1
MPBoxes(startpos + j * 9).Destroy
Return count
End If
End Function
Private Function CheckLR(ByVal pos As Integer) As Integer
If pos = 5 Or pos = 6 Or pos = 7 Or pos = 8 Or pos = 15 _
Or pos = 16 Or pos = 17 _
Or pos = 25 Or pos = 26 Or pos = 35 Or pos = 45 _
Or pos = 54 Or pos = 55 _
Or pos = 63 Or pos = 64 Or pos = 65 Or pos = 72 _
Or pos = 73 Or pos = 74 Or pos = 75 Then
Return 0
End If
Dim type As Integer = MPBoxes(pos).MPIndex
Dim i As Integer = pos Mod 10
i = IIf(i = 8, 18, IIf(i = 7, 27, IIf(i = 6, 36, i)))
Dim count As Integer
Dim startpos As Integer = i
Dim endpos As Integer = i
Dim tempi As Integer = i + 1
Dim temp As Integer
If i < 9 Then
temp = 9 – i
temp = 9 – (i \ 9)
End If
While i < tempi + (temp – 1) * 10
If MPBoxes(i).MPIndex = type Then
endpos += 10
count = (endpos – startpos) \ 10
If count > 4 Then
While MPBoxes(pos).MPState = _
End While
For j As Integer = 0 To count – 1
MPBoxes(startpos + j * 10).Destroy
Return count
End If
If i >= pos + 40 Then
Return count
End If
startpos = i + 10
endpos = i + 10
End If
i += 10
End While
If count > 4 Then
While MPBoxes(pos).MPState = BallState.ZOOMING_BALL
End While
For j As Integer = 0 To count – 1
MPBoxes(startpos + j * 10).Destroy
Return count
End If
End Function
Private Function CheckRL(ByVal pos As Integer) As Integer
If pos = 0 Or pos = 1 Or pos = 2 Or pos = 3 Or pos = 9 _