Страх. История политической идеи
(77) Maximilien Robespierre, Report on the Principles of Political Morality, в изд.: The Old Regime and the French Revolution / ed. Keith Michael Baker (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1987), p. 375.
(78) Todorov, pp. 3-70. См. также замечания (в другом русле) Алана Райана о Р. Г. Тауни в его «Социализме для девяностых», Dissent (Fall 1990), p. 440.
(79) Великолепные анализы контрреволюционной теории и практики представлены в кн.: Isaiah Berlin, Joseph de Maistre and the Origins of Fascism, в изд. The Crooked Timber of Humanity: Chapters in the History of Ideas / ed. Henry Hardy (New York: Vintage, 1992), pp. 91-174; Fritz Stern, The Politics of Cultural Despair: A Study in the Rise of Germanic Ideology (Garden City, N. Y: Anchor Books, 1961); Arno Mayer, The Furies: Violence and Terror in the French and Russian Revolutions (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2000); Greg Grandin, The Last Colonial Massacre: Latin America in the Cold War (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2004); Tina Rosenberg, Children of Cain: Violence and the Violent in Latin America (New York: Penguin, 1991), pp. 77-142, 331-87.
(80) Rosenberg, Children of Cain, p. 13.
(81) Aubrey, Brief Lives, p. 236; Martinich, p. 91; G. A. J. Rogers, Hobbes’s Hidden Influence,
(82) Bertolt Brecht, Galileo (New York: Grove Press, 1966), pp. 99, 110.
(83) Brecht, pp. 122-24.
(84) Brecht, pp. 61–64.
(85) Brecht, p. 123.
2. Террор *
(1) Thomas Hobbes, Behemoth, or the Long Parliament / ed. Ferdinand T"onnies (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1990), p. V.
(2) Pierre Goubert, Louis XIV and Twenty Million Frenchmen / trans. Anne Carter (New York: Vintage, 1966, 1970), pp. 57, 63–70, 87–89, 92–97; Alfred Cobban, A History of Modern France. Volume One: The Old Regime and the French Revolution, 1715–1799, 3rd ed. (New York: Penguin. 1963), pp. 9, 11–12; Montesquieu, The Persian Letters / trans, and ed. Robert Loy (New York: Meridian, 1961), letter 37, p. 95.
(3) Robert Schackleton, Montesquieu: A Critical Biography (London: Oxford University Press, 1961), pp. 3–5, 13–18, 85–89, 202, 226-28; Judith N. Shklar, Montesquieu (New York: Oxford University Press, 1987), pp. 1–5, 18–19, 69, 74–75, 79–81; Nannerl Keohane, Philosophy and the State in France: The Renaissance to the Enlightenment (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1980), pp. 403-7; Franz Neumann. Montesquieu, в изд.: The Democratic and Authoritarian State: Essays in Political and Legal Theory / ed. Herbert’ Marcuse (New York: Free Press, 1957), pp. 111-12; Melvin Richter, The Political Theory of Montesquieu (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1977). pp. 31–32, 45–46; Melvin Richter, Despotism, в изд: Dictionary of the History of Ideas. vol. 2 / ed. Philip P. Wiener (New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1973), pp. 7–9; Raymond Aron, Main Currents in Sociological Thought I: Montesquieu, Comte, Marx. Tocqueville, the Sociologists of the Revolution of 1848 / trans. Richard Howard and Helen Weaver (Garden City, ny.: Doubleday, 1968), p. 26; R. Koebner, Despot and Despotism: Vicissitudes of a Political Term // Journal of the Warburg and Courtland Institutes 14 (1951): 293–302; Orest Ranum, Personality and Politics in the Persian letters // Political Science Quarterly 84 (December 1969): 609-12, 617-22; Franco Venturi, Oriental Despotism // Journal of the History of Ideas 24 (January-March 1963): 134-36; David Young, Montesquieu’s View of Despotism and His Use of Travel Literature // Review of Politics 40 (July 1978): 404-5.
(4) Montesquieu, The Spirit of the Laws / ed. Anne M. Cohler et al. (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1989), 1.2, pp. 6–7.
(5) Voltaire, LA, B, C, in Philosophical Dictionary, vol. 2 / trans. Peter Gay (New York Basic, 1962), p. 508.
(6) Исследователи, обращавшиеся к «Персидским письмам», ошибочно считали, что содержащийся в этой книге анализ деспотического
(7) Persian Letters, letters 1, 8, 17. 105-6, 115, pp. 47, 54. 68–69, 195–99, 210–12; Shklar, Montesquieu, pp. 26–27, 30
(8) Hulliung. p. 123; Shklar, Montesquieu, pp. 31, 34; Todorov, pp. 355-56.
(9) Isaiah Berlin, Montesquieu, в изд.: Against the Current: Essays in the History of Ideas / ed Henry Hardy (London: Hogarth Press, 1990), pp. 130-61; Sheldon Wolin, Montesquieu and Publius: The Crisis of Reason and The Federalist Papers, в изд.: The Presence of the Past: Essays on the State and the Constitution (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1989), pp. 100-19; Shklar, Montesquieu, pp. 107, 124.
(10) Persian Letters, letters 2, 20, pp. 47–48, 73–74.
(11) Persian Letters, letter 9, p. 55; См. также письмо 64 и дополнение 2, pp. 134–37, 285–288.
(12) Persian Letters, letters 15, 41–42, pp. 67, 100–101.
(13) Persian Letters, letters 4, 9, pp. 50, 55–58.
(14) Текст Монтескьё также предполагает связь между всматривающимся глазом порнографа и тоталитарной властью, — взаимосвязь, преследовавшую критиков, феминистов и не феминистов, на протяжении XX века. Cf. George Steiner, Night Words, в изд.: George Steiner: A Reader (New York: Oxford University, 1984), pp. 305-14; Roger Shattuck, Forbidden Knowledge: From Prometheus to Pornography (New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1996), pp. 206-7.
(15) Persian Letters, letter 3, p. 49.
(16) Persian letters, letter 62, pp. 132-33. Согласно сообщению недавнего Нью Таймз Мэгэзин, подобный же феномен происходит в современных международных кругах секс-торговли, в которых взрослые, проверенные женщины используются как «управляющие», чтобы вселять страх и покорность среди молодых пленниц. Peter Landesman, The Girls Next Door // New York Times Magazine (January 25, 2004), p. 37.
(17) Cobban, pp. 19–27, 51.
(18) Cobban, pp. 19–27, 51.
(19) Shklar, Montesquieu, pp. 21–22.
(20) Melvin Richter, Montesquieu’s Comparative Analysis of Europe and Asia: In tended and Unintended Consequences, в изд.: L’Europe de Montesquieu (Napoli: Linguori Editore, 1995), pp. 331, 335–37.
(21) Spirit, II.6, p. 157. O различиях между между либерализмом Монтескьё и Локка cм.: Pierre Manent, An Intellectual History of Liberalism / trans. Rebecca Balinski (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1995), pp. 53–64.
(22) Хотя Монтескьё действительно дал определение террору в своих дневниках. См.: Shklar, Montesquieu, p. 84.
(23) Peter Gay, The Enlightenment: An Interpretation, vol. 2, The Science of Freedom (New York: W. W. Norton, 1969), pp. 320-22; Thomas Pangle, Montesquieu’s Philosophy of Liberalism (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1973), pp. 11–21; Berlin, pp. 137-38; Richter, The Political Theory of Montesquieu, pp. 32–35; Shklar, Montesquieu, p. 30; Wolin, pp. 102-4.