Странности наших фобий. Почему мы боимся летать на самолетах. Занимательная психология
4 «Blowingclothes», www.unusualphobias.com/blowing-clothes.html (retrieved 19–02—2006).
5 «Phobias of the Rich and Famous», www.associated-content.com/article/351722/phobias_of_the_rich_ and_famous_pg2.html?cat=33 (retrieved 09–12 — 2009); J. Forrester and T. Forrester, Three Stooges: The Triumphs and Tragedies of the Most Popular Comedy Team of All Time, Donaldson Books, Los Angeles, 2002, pp. 151–152; P. Jones, «I’m a Celebrity… line-up revealed — Blogs — Radio Times», www.radiotimes.com/ blogs/469-news-im-a-celebrity-get-me (retrieved 05–12 — 2009); P. Hastings, «Remove Phobias, Hypnosis, and NLP», www.realsmart-hypnosis.com/phobias2.ht-ml (retrieved 08–12—2009).
7 T. Carrada-Bravo, «Progressive human viral encephalitis associated with a bat bite», Neurologia, 2006, vol. 21, no. 4, pp. 171–175.
8 «Geniusbeauty.com — Celebrity Fears and Phobias Celebrity Phobias»,(retrieved 23–11— 2009); «Samanda’s Fishy Phobia»,com/celebrity-phobias (retrieved 06–12—2009); «Bal-loons», www.unusualphobias.com/balloons.html (retrieved 19–02—2006).
9 S. Juan, The Odd Brain: Mysteries of Our Weird and Wonderful Brains Explained, HarperCollins, Sydney, 1998, pp. 38–44.
10 «Celebrity Reveal Wacky Phobias», www.exposay.com/ celebrities-reveal-wacky-phobias/v/14175/ (retrieved 27–11—2009).
11 R. Doctor and A. Kahn, The Encyclopedia of Phobias, Fears, and Anxieties, Facts on File, New York, 1989, p. 154.
12 R. Fulton, «I’m a Celebrity: I’ll be showing off my body in the jungle shower, promises Sam Fox», The Daily Record (Glasgow), www.dailyrecord.co.uk/showbiz/tele-vision-news/2009/11/12 (retrieved 05–12 — 2009); P. Jones, «I’m a Celebrity… line-up revealed — Blogs — Radio Times», www.radiotimes.com/blogs/469-news-im-a-celebrity-get-me (retrieved 05–12—2009).
13 Фтейрофобия не была включена в первое издание «Психиатрического словаря» (Psychiatric Dictionary, 1940), но добавлена в девятое издание 2009 года
14 R. Doctor and A. Kahn, The Encyclopedia of Phobias, Fears, and Anxieties, Facts on File, New York, 1989, p. 206; «Celebrity Phobias», www.funtrivia.com.sub-mitquiz.cfm?quiz=114126 (retrieved 18–11 — 2009); C. Adams, «Celebrity Phobias»,pagesix/celebrity_photos/item_yKo2Dv (retrieved 19–11—2009); «Celebrity Phobias — Nicole Kidman»,(retrieved 18–11 — 2009); «Celebrity Phobias — WhatRumors — The Celebrity Gossip Wiki», www.whatrumors.com/Celebrity_Phobias (retrieved 24–11—2009); R. Fulton, «I’m a Celebrity: I’ll be showing off my body in the jungle shower, promises Sam Fox», The Daily Record (Glasgow), www.dailyrecord. co.uk/showbiz/television-news/2009/11/12 (retrieved 05–12—2009); P. Jones, «I’m a Celebrity… line-up revealed — Blogs — Radio Times», www.radiotimes.com/ blogs/469-news-im-a-celebrity-get-me (retrieved 02–12—2009); N. Christensen, «A view on what scares us», The Daily Telegraph (Sydney), 9 August 2010, p. 8.
15 «Shyness is Everywhere… Shy/Socially Phobic Celebrities & Everyday People», www.shakeyourshyness.com./ shypeople.htm (retrieved 28–11 — 2009); «Genius-beauty.com — Celebrity Fears and Phobias Celebrity Phobias»,celebrity-fears-phobias (retrieved 23–11—2009).
Глава 5
Наши страхи на букву Г
1 F. Corchs, J. Mercante, V. Guendler, D. Vieira, M. Moreira, M. Bernik, E. Zuckerman and M. Peres, «Phobias, other psychiatric comorbidities and chronic migraine», Ar-quivos de Neuropsiquiatria, 2006, vol. 64, no. 4, pp. 950–953.
2 Иллингофобия не была включена в первое издание «Психиатрического словаря» (Psychiatric Dictionary, 1940), но добавлена в девятое издание 2009 года.
4 A. Harrington and N. Harrington, «Phobias and Obsessions»,(retrieved 08–11 — 2009); R. Ellmann, James Joyce (2nd edition), Oxford University Press, New York, 1983, p. 514.
5 Аутомисофобия не была включена в первое издание «Психиатрического словаря» (Psychiatric Dictionary, 1940), но добавлена в восьмое издание 2004 года.
6 O. James, They F*** You Up: How to Survive Family Life, Bloomsbury, London, 2002, p. 222; A. Harrington and N. Harrington, «Phobias and Obsessions»,yahoo.com/news/celebrity-phobias-and-obses-sions/253 (retrieved 08–11 — 2009); «Geniusbeauty. com — Celebrity Fears and Phobias Celebrity Phobias»,(retrieved 23–11—2009).
Глава 6
Наши страхи на буквы Д, Е и Ж
1 A. Harrington and N. Harrington, «Phobias and Obsessions»,(retrieved 11–08—2009).
2 B. Wolf, «Wolf Files: Celebrity Phobias», ABC News (New York),(retrieved 21–11 — 2009)
3 P. Hastings, «Remove Phobias, Hypnosis, and NLP», www.realsmart-hypnosis.com/phobias2.html (retrieved 08–12 — 2009); «Top 9 Celebrity Phobias — Woman’s Passion», www.womanspassions.com/arti-cles/957.html (retrieved 20–11 — 2009); «Johnny Depp is Afraid of Clowns: Celebrity Phobias», www. listafterlist.com/DesktopModules/iBelong.LAL.ListRes (retrieved 20–11—2009).
4 «Jewelry», www.unusualphobias.com/jewelry.html (retrieved 19–02—2006).
5 I. Marks, Fears and Phobias, Heinemann Medical Books, London, 1969, pp. 7–8.
6 «Holes2», www.unusualphobias.com/holes2.html (retrieved 19–02—2006).
7 «Celebrity Phobias — Jennifer Aniston, 10 Oprah Win-frey», www.hollyscoop.com/jennifer-aniston/celebrity-phobia_13 (retrieved 17–11—2009); «Celebrity Phobias — WhatRumors — The Celebrity Gossip Wiki», www.whatrumors.com/Celebrity_Phobias (retrieved 24–11 — 2009); «Gum», www.unusualphobias.com/ animals.html (retrieved 19–02—2006).
8 S. Freud, «Analysis of a phobia in a five-year-old boy (1909)», in S. Freud, Collected Papers (Volume 3), Hogarth, London, 1924–1950, pp. 149–287; R. Doctor and A. Kahn, The Encyclopedia of Phobias, Fears, and Anxieties, Facts on File, New Y^rk, 1989, pp. 32–34; I. Marks, Fears and Phobias, Heinemann Medical Books, London, 1969, p. 16.
Глава 7
Наши страхи на букву З
1 Клаустрофобия не была включена в первое издание «Психиатрического словаря» (Psychiatric Dictionary, 1940), но добавлена в восьмое издание 2004 года; S. Heller, The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Conquering Fear and Anxieties, Alpha Books, New York, 1999, p. 3; B. Wolf, «Wolf Files: Celebrity Phobias», ABC News (New York),WolfFiles/story?id=116591&page=2 (retrieved 21–11 — 2009); «Phobias of the Rich and Famous», www. associatedcontent. com/article/351722/phobias_of_ the_rich_and_famous_pg2.html?cat=33 (retrieved 09–12—2009); B. Wolf, «Wolf Files: Celebrity Phobias», ABC News (New York),(retrieved 21–11 — 2009); «PhamousPhobics», www.un-usualphobias.com/PhamousPhobicshtml (retrieved 08–12 — 2009); «Celebrity Phobias! — c2w. com-Play, Create, Win. Trivia, Fun and»,quizzes/34086-Celebrity-phobias (retrieved 19–11 — 2009); «Celebrity Phobias — WhatRumors — The Celebrity Gossip Wiki», www.whatrumors.com/Celebri-ty_Phobias(retrieved 24–11—2009); P. Hastings, «Remove Phobias, Hypnosis, and NLP», www. realsmart-hypnosis.com/phobias2.html (retrieved 08–12—2009).