Структура и динамика психического (сборник)
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SlEBECK, HERMANN. Geschichte der Psychologic Gotha, 1880–1884. 2 parts.
SlLBERER, HERBERT. Problems of Mysticism and Its Symbolism. Translated by Smith Ely Jelliffe. New York, 1917.
SlLBERER, HERBERT. Der Zufall and die Koboldstreiche des Unbewussten. (Schriften zur Seelenkunde und Erziehungskunst, 3.) Bern and Leipzig, 1921.
SOAL, S.G. «Science and Telepathy», Enquiry (London), 1:2 (1948), 5–7.
SOAL, S.G. «The Scientific Evidence for Extra-Sensory Perception», Discovery (London), X (1949). 373–377.
SOAL, S.G. and BATEMAN, F. Modern Experiments in Telepathy. London, 1954.
SODERBLOM, NATHAN. Das Werden des Gottesglaubens. Leipzig, 1926.
SPEISER, ANDREAS. "Uber die Freiheit. (Basler Universitatsreden, 28.) Basel, 1950.
SPENCER, Bald1 IN, and Gillen, F.J. The Northern Tribes of Central Australia. London, 1904.
SPIELREIN, S. «"Uber den psychologischen Inhalt eines Falles von Schizophrenic», Jahrbuch fur psychoanalytische und psychopathologische Forschungen (Vienna and Leipzig), III (1911), 329–400.
SPINOZA, Benedict. Ethics. Translated by Andrew Boyle. (Everyman’s Library.) London and New York, 1934.
Spirit and Nature. (Papers from the Eranos Yearbooks, 1.) Translated by Ralph Manheim and R.F.C. Hull. New York (Bollingen Series XXX), 1954; London, 1955.
STEKEL, WiLHELM. «Die Verpflichtung des Namens», Zeitschrift fu.r Psychotherapie und medizinische Psychologie (Stuttgart), III (1911), noff.
STERN, L. William. "Uber Psychologie der individuellen Differenzen. (Schriften der Gesellschaft fur psychologische Forschung, 12.) Leipzig, 1900.
SYNESIUS. Opuscula. Edited by Nicolaus Terzaghi. (Scriptores Graeci et Latini.) Rome, 1949.
SZONDI, LlPOT. Experimentelle Triebdiagnostik. Bonn, 1947–1949. 2 vols.
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Tao Teh Ching. See WALEY.
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Contents quoted in this volume:
i Dorn: Speculativae philosophiae [p. 255–310].
ii Dorn: Philosophia meditativa [p. 450–472].
iii Dorn: De tenebris contra naturam et vita brevi [pp. 518–535].
iv Aegidius de Vadis: Dialogus inter naturam et filium philosophiae [p. 95—123].
THORNDIKE, Lynn. A History of Magic and Experimental Science. New York, 1929–1941. 6 vols.
TYLOR, EDWARD B. Primitive Culture. 3rd edn., London, 1891. 2 vols.
TYRRELL, G.N.M. The Personality of Man. London, 1947.
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WARNECKE, J. Die Religion der Batak. Leipzig, 1909.
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White, Stewart Edward. The Road I Know, New York, 1942; London, 1951.
WHITE, Stewart Edward. The Unobstructed Universe. New Y)rk, 1940; London, 1949.
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