Структура и динамика психического (сборник)
LEIBNIZ, Gottfried Wilhelm. The Philosophical Works of Leibniz; a Selection.
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Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm. Theodicy. Translated by E. M. Huggard. Edited by Austin Farrer. London, 1951 [1952].
LEVY-BRUHL, LuCIEN. How Natives Think, Translated by Lilian A. Clare. London, 1926.
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Lewes, George Henry. Problems of Life and Mind. London, 1874 [1873]—79. 5 vols.
(Vol. II, The Physical Basis of Mind, 1877.)
«Liber de compositione Alchemiae». See Artis auriferae, ii.
LlPPS, THEODOR. Grundtatsachen des Seelenlebens. Bonn, 1912.
LlPPS, THEODOR. Leitfaden der Psychologic Leipzig, 1903; 2nd edn., 1906.
LOVE Joy, Arthur O. «The Fundamental Concept of the Primitive Philosophy», The Monist (Chicago), XVI (1906), 357–382.
LUMHOLTZ, CARL. Unknown Mexico. London, 1903.
McCONNELL, Robert A. «E.S.P. – Fact or Fancy?» Scientific Monthly (Lancaster, Pennsylvania), LXIX: 2 (1949), 121–125.
MACDONELL, A.A. A Practical Sanskrit Dictionary. London, 1924.
McGee, W.J. «The Siouan Indians – A Preliminary Sketch». In: Fifteenth Report of the U.S. Bureau of Ethnology for 1893–1894. Washington, 1897. (P. 153–204.) MACNlCOL, NlCOL (ed.). Hindu Scriptures. (Everyman’s Libraiy.) London and New York, 1938. MAEDER, ALPHONSE. Heilung und Entwicklung im Seelenleben. Zurich, 1918.
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Man and Time. (Papers from the Eranos Yearbooks, 3.) Translated by Ralph Manheim and R.F.C. Hull. New York (Bollingen Series XXX) and London, 1957.
MANGET, JOANNES Jacobus (ed.). Bibliotheca chemica curiosa. Geneva, 1702. 2 vols. MANNHARDT, WlLHELM. Wald– und Feldkulte. 2nd edn., Berlin, 1904–1905. 2 vols.
MARAIS, Eugene NlELEN. The Soul of the White Ant. Translated (from the Afrikaans) by Winifred de Kok. London, 1937.
MARSILIO FlCINO. Auctores platonici. Venice, 1497.
MEIER, Carl Alfred. Ancient Incubation and Modern Psychotherapy. Translated by Monica Curtis et al. Evanston, Ill., 1968.
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MEIER, Carl Alfred. «Spontanmanifestationen des kollektiven Unbewussten»,
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MlGNE, JACQUES Paul (ed.). Patrologiae cursus completus.
[P.L.] Latin series. Paris, 1844–1864. 221 vols.
[P.G.] Greek series. Paris, 1857–1866. 166 vols.
[These works are cited as «MlGNE, P.L». and «MlGNE, P.G» respectively. References are to columns, not to pages.]
Morgan, Conway Lloyd. Habit and Instinct. London, 1896.
MURCHISON, C. (ed.). Psychologies of 1930. (International University Series in Psychology.) Worcester, Mass., 1930.
MYERS, Frederic W.H. «The Subliminal Consciousness», Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research (London), VII (1892), 298–335.
MYLIUS, JOHANN Daniel. Philosophia reformata. Frankfurt, 1622.
NELKEN, JAN. «Analytische Beobachtungen uiber Phantasien eines Schizophrenen», Jahrbuch fur psychoanalytische und psychopathologische Forschungen (Leipzig), IV (1912), 504–562.
NIETZSCHE, Friedrich Wilhelm. Thus Spake Zarathustra. Translated by Thomas Common, revised by Oscar Levy and John L. Beevers. London, 1932.
NUNBERG, H. «On the Physical Accompaniments of Association Processes». In: Studies in Word-Association. . under the direction of C.G. Jung. Translated by M.D. Eder. London, 1918; New York, 1919. (P. 531–560.)