Структура и динамика психического (сборник)
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HORAPOLLO NlLIACUS. The Hieroglyphics of Horapollo. Translated and edited by George Boas. (Bollingen Series XXIII.) New York, 1950.
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I Ching. The German translation by Richard Wilhelm, rendered into English by Cary F. Baynes. New York (Bollingen Series XIX), 1950; London, 1951. 2 vols.; 2nd edn., 1 vol., 1961; 3rd edn., revised, Princeton and London, 1967.
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JAMES, William. «Frederic Myers’ Service to Psychology», Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research (London), XVII (1901; pub. 1903), 13–23.
JAMES, William. Principles of Psychology. New York, 1890. 2 vols.
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JANET, Pierre. LAutomatisme psychologique. Paris, 1889.
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JANTZ, HUBERT, and BERINGER, Kurt. «Das Syndrom des Schwebeer-lebnisses unmittelbar nach Kopfverletzungen», Der Nervenarzt (Berlin), XVII (1944), 197–206. JEANS, James. Physics and Philosophy. Cambridge, 1942.
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JORDAN, PASCUAL. «Positivistische Bemerkungen uber die parapsychischen Erscheinungen», Zentralblatt fur Psychotherapie (Leipzig), IX (1936), 3—17.
JORDAN, PASCUAL. Verdrangung und Komplementaritat. Hamburg, 1947.
JUNG, Carl Gustav. «The Aims of Psychotherapy». In: The Practice of Psychotherapy. Collected Works, 16.
JUNG, Carl Gustav. Alchemical Studies. Collected Works, 13.
JUNG, Carl Gustav. «The Association Method». In: Experimental Researches, q.v.
JUNG, Carl Gustav. Collected Papers on Analytical Psychology. Edited by Constance E. Long, translated by various hands. London and New York, 1916; 2nd edn., 1917.
JUNG, Carl Gustav. Commentary on The Secret of the Golden Flower. In: Alchemical Studies, q.v.; see also WlLHELM, RICHARD.
JUNG, Carl Gustav. «The Concept of the Collective Unconscious». In: The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious, Collected Works, 9, i.
JUNG, Carl Gustav. «Concerning Mandala Symbolism». In: ibid.
JUNG, Carl Gustav. Experimental Researches. Collected Works, 2.
JUNG, Carl Gustav. Mysterium Coniunctionis. Collected Works, 14.