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The Maidens of Walsingham

The Viscount and Mr. Morris went to the green (as it was impossible to arrange a real golf course in the centre of London), chose a club, took the balls and made the first shot.

– Now, Mr. Morris, I suppose you have come to talk about Walsingham? – The viscount asked decisively, watching his ball roll across the grass. – I have perused your letters and telegrams, and I must say I am impressed by your responsibility and detail.

– Thank you, sir," said the flattered doctor modestly.

– How did you spend your time at the estate? – The Viscount inquired.

– Fascinating, sir. I was not bored at all: I watched the restoration, the life in the village, I talked with Mr. Pilough, we often exchanged views, and, besides, I had daily intercourse with the lovely Miss Cassandra," the doctor said readily.

Viscount Wilworth grinned: he had supposed that the elderly doctor would not be able to resist Cassie's charm and sincerity.

– I see you are very fond of this girl," the lord said with a smile. – You devote a whole page to her in every letter you write.

– Yes, sir, what can I say, she has charmed me. I have even thought it would be nice to have a daughter like Miss Cassie, but healthy, of course. I feel genuinely sorry for her and am thrown into real horror by the conditions in which she spends her whole life. Even the slum-dwellers of London don't live as miserably as the people of Walsingham," sighed Mr. Morris, and took his shot.

– You are quite right, Mr. Morris," said the viscount: he felt the same pity and sympathy for Cassie as the doctor. – But I'm afraid the villagers are not only ignorant of their poverty but cherish it. Moreover, on this ground I met with the strongest opposition: I offered Pastor Glowford to rebuild his house, or to move his family into a new one, but the old man refused, just as he refused my wish to cure Miss Cassandra. Besides, the parson made it very clear to me that he would never accept help from anyone.

– Did he, sir? What a pity! Faith has clouded his judgement, if he does not wish his daughter to recover! – replied the doctor, who had not previously realised that the parson was such a strange man.

– I agree. But not only he, but the whole village breathes Anglicanism. It's the first time I've seen such fervent followers of the faith.

– Their faith means everything to them. It helps these poor people to endure the hardships of life. Sir, you have not been in the village beyond the church, so you have no idea how supportive their faith is, since they have not yet left their homes. I think in their case religion is an indispensable thing, it is a cure, for if the Walsinghamese had not such a strong faith as they have, they would die of black ennui and hopelessness, or voluntarily give up their lives. But, notwithstanding, these poor people are content with their lot.

Mr. Morris's reflections made the Viscount feel uneasy: why did the Government and the King make no effort to rid England of such "rotten places"? Perhaps, thought the Viscount, it is convenient for the rich lords to be "ignorant" of such terrible poverty, "impossible" in the prosperous kingdom of England. In "rotten places" people are born, suffer all their lives, leave offspring and die, and their offspring experience what their parents and ancestors experienced. It's a regression. Civilisation has stagnated there or has not reached there at all. Meanwhile, London is prospering, the king and nobles are getting richer, the sciences and the economy are advancing. But the people who remained there, in the wilderness, out of sight, were completely forgotten, as if they were a heavy load, a burden, rubbish, unpleasant for the great England.

– But why didn't the former owner take care of them? – Mr. Morris asked the Viscount in a disapproving tone.

– I think he was uninformed about Walsingham. The late lord acquired the estate at a very young age, but he was seldom there, so I suppose he had no idea that there was a village near Rivershold," replied the Viscount. – But I have no doubt that my friend the Count of Draymore will rectify this unpleasant situation and bring happiness and prosperity to the Walsingham people.

Here the Viscount was being a bit deceitful: after his morning conversation with his friend, he suspected that he had no intention of returning to the village and keeping the promises he had made to its inhabitants. But Lord Wilworth hoped that he could persuade the Count of Draymore and set him on the path of honour.

– I share your hope, sir, because Miss Cassandra's fate touches and worries me deeply. If I had the opportunity, I would adopt that lovely girl at once," said Mr. Morris gravely.

– Are you so attached to her? – asked the Viscount, deeply surprised at the doctor's statement.

– Yes, sir, I would adopt her, for Mrs. Morris and I have no children… But it is impossible to do so with her father alive, and the girl is not likely to agree to leave her father and sisters, for she is so attached to them. But even in such circumstances I would try to take Miss Cassie to London and develop her mind, for there, in the wilderness, she will perish: the poor girl will not be able to take care of herself, because, except for her family, she is needed by no one… Such a one. Yes, the Walsingham people are religious and love her, but none of them will take her in if she loses her father and sisters, for the others don't know how to feed their numerous children, and Miss Cassie is not capable of anything, not even of herding cattle.

– Your words are full of sound logic. But I have a question. How, with her family so religious, was Miss Cassandra born with an unsound mind? Did any misfortune happen to her in her childhood? – asked the Viscount.

– I was also interested in that question, sir, so I had a conversation with a peasant: he told me that before Miss Cassy was born, the parson was a drunkard. He drank a lot and was hardly ever seen sober, so in those days his wife and daughters were fed by the villagers. It was during that unfortunate time that Mrs. Glowford became pregnant, and I believe Miss Cassie's disease of the mind is related to the parson's excessive drinking at the time of her conception.

The Viscount listened intently to the doctor and frowned his eyebrows more and more. It pained him to realise what a wounded and untimely fruit the lovely girl had been. That's where her child's mind came from! So that was the sin the pastor himself was talking about!

– It's a sad story. I now recall the pastor telling me that Cassie was his reminder of his past sins. Poor girl! And she is responsible for her father's sin, and he won't let her correct it! How unjust that is! – exclaimed the Viscount, somewhat angry at the parson's behaviour. – But does Miss Cassie realise the fact that she is ill?

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