The person as the hologram
For the same reason all history, described by scientists-historians (though they don't understand of this), seems to them as activity of the figures which are situated as if outside routine . These figures-leaders accept nearly hourly vital decisions for tribes and the people, win battles, lose at the defeats everything, invent gunpowder and discover America, write eternally live cantatas and arias, conduct reformation of religions etc.
Naturally, these scriptures are hard to recognize as the science, the more that is possible to look at the preserved materials differently.
Thus, the "productivity" of individual human life in relation to a radical change of his consciousness, as a rule, is extremely low. This circumstance is understood by individual religious faiths (Hinduism, Buddhism), which do not stopper the journey of soul on one human life.
Nevertheless, religious faiths do not suspect about the true destination of this travel and do not see the true basis of Creation.
Whatever it was, but the periods of "waking up" are the most striking manifestations of consciousness in the person, that means its true free expression, often amazing of himself, and therefore – memorable.
Indeed, this and is true expression of consciousness in life, which along with that "is postponed" in measureless "moneybox" of single consciousness.
2.6. Person as complex manifestation of the lowest and highest forms of consciousness.
It is reasonable also to ask a simple question: what in general does consciousness functionally in a body of the person as a combination of the lowest and highest entities (forms, programs)?
Most likely, consciousness in the form of the lowest essence, first, controls the functioning of own organism, providing its viability and reproduction as updating of own body, and also production of posterity one way or another, including cloning; secondly, it manages actions of a body as if from outer side, namely, according to circumstances which, as a rule, don't remain a long time invariable, on the basis of sensations – at the available set of sense organs – and on the basis of the available reasonableness (opportunities of the centers processing information in the living being).
All this is peculiar also to the person, inasmuch he is a highly developed primate on structure and functions.
This being becomes by the person, as already it has been shown above, recognizing of self in time, that separates it from the environment and forces it to look at self from outside at least occasionally.
And what is possible to see concerning the actions of the subject, which is aware of itself?
With one side, – the person is a being, almost perfect, capable to incredible fulfillments, changing all world around, improving conditions of own life, perfecting itself as the personality, as well as developing and applying increasingly benevolent public morality (Sermon on the Mount of Christ).
On the other hand, – the person is the obvious nonentity compared to the rest of flora and fauna. He fears of both life, and death, as well as – all around, and else – he is afraid of himself.
Along with that he conducts almost all the time of own short life in a dream and in a light slumber of monotonous existence with rare creative "awakenings".
Both the first, and the second is determined substantially by the additional property which somehow has appeared at the person namely – by self-consciousness, which places the person into the mixed – natural and artificial – world, created by him and his consciousness, where nobody will help him, despite all his awareness, except himself and some of his tribesmen.
Consciousness dips this being into the disastrous world with its obvious contradictions so, as throw into water of the person who isn't able to swim in hope that he will swim up.
And the most unbearable for him is the fact that he, unlike other beings in this world, understands all horror of the situation.
Besides, self-consciousness, separating the person from the environment, clearly interferes with his functioning as an ordinary living being, depriving the body of plasticity, organic, perfection in actions and relations. And these remarkable properties have all representatives of fauna, who, without reasoning about themselves, feels like a fish in water.
The person, however, tries to improve work of the body by various means, for example, medicines, gymnastics for more comfortable existence (without diseases) and prolong own existence in time many times, if not indefinitely, despite all the dissatisfaction by it. But all its efforts do not lead to return of natural ideality of functioning of a body during the stay of him as the ape, i.e. up to obtaining self-consciousness. Life time also does not manage to be prolonged significantly.
Stimulating development of muscle bulk, force and endurance, he achieves as a result of impoverishment of mind and distortions in work of own body; medicinal influences, temporarily helping, develop into accustoming to drugs that is expressed as a result in loss of own personality in extreme manifestation – drug addiction; the care of extension of life by all available means comes to the end by senile marasmus etc.
Nevertheless, ambiguous manifestation of self-consciousness can be estimated also from the fact that it is capable to approach if wants to circumstances from the side, opposite to that which is characteristic of animals.
Consciousness in its highest expression never wishes to be applied to current situation and to follow its changes automatically, like animals, but, unlike them, it uses a goal-setting, which can be and not utilitarian. Therefore consciousness is always free virtually, but, being in the person during his life, the consciousness, as a rule, is being oppressed practically by all and constantly suffers from this, it is unimportant – the person is rich or poor, sick or healthy.
However consciousness does not lose presence of mind, and anyway, tries to escape from fetters of the existing order.
Here, in its highest expression, it is irreconcilable with the lowest consciousness, and in this fight wins alternately that one part of consciousness, then – another.
Period of compromise and hypocrisy at the person, in fact, corresponding to consent with the environment, typical of any another living being, who never opposes itself to it, is replaced by inverse – unwillingness to apply himself to a situation, by attempts to change it under himself, under own experiences, intentions, projects, competing with other subjects of actions, winning and demolishing defeats.
Losing or winning, luck or not, of course, matters for the person and it is reflected in his life, but doesn't matter for development of consciousness in him at the end, inasmuch is important not the result for each individual consciousness, but new impressions, new expressions of itself in the person in different circumstances.
From position of mechanics, actions of consciousness in the person can be compared to control of airplane.
Actions of the autopilot, working according to standard programs to be put in it, considering possible situations in flight, but not force majeure (unexpected), is possible to compare with actions of the lowest consciousness.