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«The mothballs stereotype is to save yourself for one person, but I support it and, moreover, respect it.» Shulman said, returning to his food.

They didn't mention it again, leaving a stain on her dress. Thomas had woken her up early in the morning with a kiss on her cheek, so warm and soft from sleep, with little stripes on the rumpled sheet.

«Why so early?» Lily asked, looking first at Tom and then at the clock with her eyes half closed.

«Because time is short, and there are a lot of places to visit. We'll sleep in London, dear.»

The girl muttered something unintelligible as she got out of bed and adjusted her short nightgown.

«Go take a shower and put on a light dress. Take dry clothes with you.»

«Take another shower? I only washed my face six hours ago.»

Tom smiled at Lily.

«Just do what I say, Okay?»

Lily stuck out her tongue at him, and Tom turned away when she saw the grimace in the mirror. He got up two hours ago, washed his face, combed his hair, had a Cup of coffee, called the pub and gave everyone a good thrashing.

An hour later they arrived at the mikveh, where Tom had already met some rabbis of his acquaintance, one of whom was the Jew's great-uncle, and had once circumcised him when He was a child, coming to London for the purpose. They had a great relationship. Thomas's uncle, Mr. David Hagit, always helped his mother by sending money and food, of which there was so little. Tom described Lily's situation to him, assuring the chief Rabbi that she was sincerely willing to accept the faith for good purposes.

«Thomas, my boy, are you sure this girl is really ready to go through the Gur? If it's not from the heart, then she and you may be in trouble. Very big trouble!»

«I don't doubt it. She's ready.»

Tom lied again and didn't even blink. Of course, she wasn't ready, and moreover, she didn't even know what would happen to her when she descended into the sacred waters. Less knows, better sleepmos.Thomas wanted it with all his heart.

After passing the Giyur, his non-Jew will one day become a full member of the Jewish people. Her conversion to Judaism will mean merging with the Jews, and most importantly-with Shulman, as well as accepting the commandments that he will teach her to fulfil. Yes, of course, for Lily this should be an independent process and an independent decision that will have to wait for years. As you know, Thomas didn't like to wait, and he didn't want to. He also hoped that after this procedure, he and Lily would become one, or «one person with one heart. Tom took the girl by the hand and led her to his uncle and the other rabbis, showing them her feminine beauty. They definitely saw her as pure, pure, and full of potential. Thomas and Lily entered a small brick building that was light and warm enough. Behind the wall was a reservoir of natural, clean water that collected after rain only by gravity, without any pumps or other conventional systems. Tom placed a towel and a dry dress on a small carved wooden bench, helping Lily remove the chain and cross.

«Listen to me,» Shulman said, moving closer to her face, «listen to me very carefully. You're going to go into that room, undress, and take three dips in the water, right? Then you can get dressed and come here.»

Lily nodded, doing as he asked, and looked at Tom as if He were a fool to laugh at her. Lily stood with wet hair, wiping her face, which was dripping cool drops, shivering from the cold.

«Now say it again, but don't take off your dress and don't listen to what they tell you.»

They went down different corridors. Tom climbed a small flight of stairs, standing next to his uncle, who was preparing the Torah, prayers, and everything necessary for the incarnation of giyur, pulling on his glasses. Lily entered the room and was surprised to see all four of them standing on a small raised platform and looking at her.

«Isn't she pregnant?» One of the rabbis asked in a whisper, to which Thomas shook his head, not at all offended by the question. After all, if the pregnancy occurred before the adoption of the faith, it means that the fetus was conceived in uncleanness, hence the conclusion that the Goy will be born. If a woman becomes pregnant after immersion in the mikvah, then her child will become a full-fledged Jew. It's very simple.

«Enter the water, my child.»

The girl waded into the water, shivering. The rich fabric of her dress let in the sacred waters, taking with it her sins and past life. During the immersion procedure, her uncle explained the basics of faith, the meaning of the Sabbath, and some other commandments. «You must unquestioningly and conscientiously observe the laws of family cleanliness, light Sabbath and holiday candles…» he said, looking at the girl, who only looked at Shulman with fear, not understanding what was happening. Uncle David began to say the prayers one by one, and Tom joined in, glancing at Lily from time to time.

Perhaps the girl became a real Jew only because she unquestioningly observed the commandments, which means that Lilia will follow the instructions of Jewish traditions. Thomas hid all this under the insincerity of omission, although there was real insincerity and even denial. She became a Jew, although there is very little chance that she will keep the commandments. Fortunately, Thomas's uncle accepts this principle: «he who has accepted Jewishness among non-Jews is already a Ger.»This principle applies to those who have accepted Judaism with very little knowledge of its laws, especially the laws of the Sabbath. Lily falls into this category, so Shulman's conscience seems to be clear, or nearly so. Yes, Lily is sure that the Jewish laws I observe are purely ceremonial and not enforceable. Based on this, it can be attributed to the category of people who accept Judaism on the basis of very little knowledge. So, again, everything he does is basically correct and doesn't contradict Thomas. In General, he prepared her for Judaism, introduced her to the traditions, food, and laws that he followed, and she followed them all the time. Lily dived into the water three times while Tom checked the accuracy of the Dive. The bright sun that illuminated the pool was hidden by the darkness, and Tom looked up in the darkness, hearing only her loud sigh with a sob and the splashing of the water. It was too quiet, no birds singing, no people outside, no rustling of leaves, nothing at all. Only darkness and echoing silence. An Eclipse covered the sky.

«Blessed Are You, Lily.» The Rabbi finished in a low, husky voice.

Part VII

Wednesday is an unhappy day in itself, which became even more unfortunate when Thomas Schulman did not see his name on the list of examiners. If Lily hadn't been in her senior year, he would have been minding his own business in the pub right now, and would have made a large and short sum for all this nonsense. Meanwhile, Thomas was walking down the empty corridor to the Director, who sometimes seemed completely broken. One of her pink styles spoke of a brain malfunction. The woman stormed out of the office, nearly knocking Tom off his feet.

«Oh!» she exclaimed in a raspy and unpleasant voice, as if she had been given a job in an operetta, looking up at Thomas, «Mr. Shulman, welcome!»

As if in a fit, she insisted on the absence of a «teacher supervisor» in the fourth year, who would make sure that very cunning and quirky girls, including Lily, took the exam conscientiously. Shulman smiled with satisfaction, glad that the day had started in his favour. Ten minutes later, Thomas reached the right floor and noticed Lily sitting on her bag, her eyes darting nervously over her notebook, repeating the material. Thin legs, high white socks, and a black skirt. Tom didn't like the way she sat there, flashing her charms. This is inappropriate behaviour for a decent, even newly minted Jew. There were fourteen of them, talking and shuffling their notebooks. Klutz-Lily didn't even look up, trying to memorize the information, but you can't get enough air before you die. It was Shulman's fault that she didn't have time to prepare, because he took her to Jerusalem and arranged a mini-vacation. They didn't return until Monday night, tired, but Thomas thought they were happy. Everything would be fine if it weren't for one small "but".

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