Трактат О Большой Нужде В Слиянии Созидаемого С Гармонией Всего Сущего В Том Числе Посредством Востролябии - Метода, Описанного Далее В Рассуждениях, Озаглавленных Автором Как "теория Соответствия"
272 Faraday constant 9,6485332890000000E+04 C mol^-1
273 standard-state pressure * 1,00000000000000000E+05 Pa
274 standard atmosphere * 1,01325000000000000E+05 Pa
275 atomic unit of mag. flux density 2,3505175500000000E+05 T
276 hartree-kelvin relationship 3,1577513000000000E+05 K
277 electron volt-inverse meter relationship 8,0655440050000000E+05 m^-1
278 atomic unit of velocity 2,1876912627700000E+06 m s^-1
279 Rydberg constant 1,0973731568508000E+07 m^-1
280 hartree-inverse meter relationship 2,1947463137020000E+07 m^-1
281 atomic mass unit-hartree relationship 3,4231776902000000E+07 E_h
282 proton charge to mass quotient 9,5788332260000000E+07 C kg^-1
283 neutron gyromag. ratio 1,8324717200000000E+08 s^-1 T^-1
284 shielded helion gyromag. ratio 2,0378945850000000E+08 s^-1 T^-1
285 shielded proton gyromag. ratio 2,6751531710000000E+08 s^-1 T^-1
286 proton gyromag. ratio 2,6752219000000000E+08 s^-1 T^-1
287 speed of light in vacuum * (inverse meter-hertz relationship*) 2,9979245800000000E+08 m s^-1
288 atomic mass unit-electron volt relationship 9,3149409540000000E+08 eV
289 joule-atomic mass unit relationship 6,7005353630000000E+09 u
290 Bohr magneton in Hz/T 1,3996245042000000E+10 Hz T^-1
291 kelvin-hertz relationship (Boltzmann constant in Hz/K) 2,0836612000000000E+10 Hz K^-1
292 Wien frequency displacement law constant 5,87892380000000000E+10 Hz K^-1
293 electron gyromag. ratio 1,7608596440000000E+11 s^-1 T^-1
294 atomic unit of electric field 5,1422067070000000E+11 V m^-1
295 atomic unit of charge density 1,0812023770000000E+12 C m^-3
296 atomic mass unit-kelvin relationship 1,08095438000000000E+13
297 electron volt-hertz relationship (elementary charge over h in A J^-1) 2,4179892620000000E+14 Hz
1 2 3
298 Josephson constant 4,8359785250000000E+14 Hz V^-1
299 atomic mass unit-inverse meter relationship 7,51300661660000000E+14
300 Rydberg constant times c in Hz 3,2898419603550000E+15 Hz
301 hartree-hertz relationship 6,5796839207110000E+15 Hz
302 kilogram-joule relationship * 8,9875517870000000E+16 J
303 joule-hartree relationship 2,2937123170000000E+17 E_h
304 joule-electron volt relationship 6,2415091260000000E+18 eV
305 Planck mass energy equivalent in GeV 1,2209100000000000E+19 GeV
306 atomic unit of electric field gradient 9,7173623560000000E+21 V m^-2
307 joule-kelvin relationship 7,2429731000000000E+22 K
308 atomic mass unit-hertz relationship 2,2523427206000000E+23 Hz
309 Avogadro constant 6,0221408570000000E+23 mol^-1
310 joule-inverse meter relationship 5,0341166510000000E+24 m^-1
311 Loschmidt constant (273.15 K. 100 kPa) 2,6516467000000000E+25 m^-3
312 Loschmidt constant (273.15 K. 101.325 kPa) 2,6867811000000000E+25 m^-3
313 kilogram-atomic mass unit relationship 6,0221408570000000E+26 u
314 Planck temperature 1,4168080000000000E+32 K
315 joule-hertz relationship 1,5091902050000000E+33 Hz
316 kilogram-hartree relationship 2,0614858230000000E+34 E_h
317 kilogram-electron volt relationship 5,6095886500000000E+35 eV
318 kilogram-kelvin relationship 6,50965950000000000E+39 K
319 kilogram-inverse meter relationship 4,5244384110000000E+41 m^-1
320 kilogram-hertz relationship 1,3563925120000000E+50 Hz
4 5 6
18 Наименование
значение F
(исследуемое число) Размерность
21 Соотношение: заряд электрона - масса электрона 1,758820024000000E-01 (-1)ТКл кг^-1
22 Соотношение: магнитный момент электрона - магнитный момент дейтрона 2,143923499000000E+03 (-1)
23 Соотношение: магнитный момент электрона - ядерный магнетон 1,838281972340000E+03 (-1)