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Two for tragedy. Volume 1

Once again studying at Charles University, this time I chose the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics and was in my fifth year. Another year and a half and, having completed my studies in Prague, I would leave to study in Moscow. Admittedly, I had never been there. Russia always seemed to me a wild place, but nowadays the situation in this huge state has changed for the better, and I decided to visit its vast expanses and learn in practice what Russian higher education is. I had a lot of plans ahead of me. For example, to taste what Russian blood tastes like. It was raining this morning, and thanks to this beautiful weather, today I had a chance to change my mackintosh for my favourite leather jacket. As I headed towards the entrance of the faculty building, I fell into a crowd of young sophomore girls and immediately felt their eyes on me. They didn't even try to hide the fact that they were staring at me. Many mortal females were staring at me, deceived by my appearance. From the outside, it might have seemed that their attention flattered me, but in fact, I felt nothing but dislike. The girls were seduced by my good looks, but they had no idea what was behind the shell. And since mortals will never know that we exist, this human stupidity can even look somewhat amusing. Humans are entertaining creatures in their own right. But empty.

While the weather was perfect for a vampire, I decided to take a walk around Prague. On foot. I rarely got the chance to walk around the city, as rain was a rarity this year, and overcast weather seemed to have given way to sunny days. I did not attend the university on too bright days, and now I had a large number of absences to my credit, for which no one dared reproach me. In addition to being one of the best students, I was a regular contributor to the accounts of my alma mater with large sums of euros. Commerce was to my heart for two reasons: firstly, I made my own schedule of classes, and I had no problems with my studies. The second reason was more trivial: my mother always said that grants should be left to the smart but unfit mortals. Besides, to take a grant away from a green human chick would be a real insult to my dignity.

As soon as I left the university I ran into a fellow student, Royce MacRessos, an ambitious American who occasionally annoyed me by trying to talk to me. Royce extended his hand to me, but I never shook hands with anyone, because my palms were inhuman, and I knew what people thought about shaking hands with us: we had icy hands. So I pretended to be frozen, hid my hands in my pockets, and frowned and muttered:

– It's dog cold outside, Royce.

The American glanced at his hand and, after a brief hesitation, tucked it into the warm pocket of his billowing jacket.

– Hi, Morgan! How did you pass? – he asked cheerfully.

– Yeah, the usual," I said, trying to keep it casual. Royce was starting to get on my nerves, but he didn't seem to realise it

– As usual is great, isn't it? I never doubted you, mate! – Royce said with an enthusiastic smile.

When I heard what a flattering word this overly friendly mortal called me, I felt a little surprised. In my worldview, the title "friend" had to be earned, not bestowed on strangers.

– How are you? – I asked politely, trying to keep up an unwanted conversation because of my damned sense of tact and thinking that people could be too intrusive. Royce McRessor is one of those people.

My interlocutor smiled his white-toothed American smile.

– Top marks! – he exclaimed, while I was plotting how to get rid of his presence.

– Congratulations on that. – This time I couldn't hide the irritation in my voice, but Royce was so happy that he didn't seem to notice my sarcasm. Or didn't want to. – I'm in a hurry.

I walked around him and headed for the car park, but suddenly remembering my planned walk through the city, I changed direction and headed for the exit of the university courtyard.

– Morgan! – I heard behind me.

I sighed unhappily, but turned around.

– I'll see you at the next exam! – Royce waved at me and walked to the car park.

Finally. Cut loose.

While I was reluctantly exchanging phrases with the annoying American, a small but frequent rain fell from the sky, and a small group of girls came out of the university. I wanted to continue on my way and leave the place safely, but suddenly I saw an intriguing familiar face among the identical smarmy faces, which, as it turned out, was etched in my memory. It was her. Yesterday's stranger from the Nusle Bridge was coming down the steps, buttoning her black coat as she went. Once buttoned, the girl raised her head, looked up at the grey rainy sky and smiled softly. And I interrupted my path and watched her like a stalker watching his victim.

The girl took out an umbrella (also black in colour) from her bag and, opening it, walked across the courtyard towards the exit. As she passed me, she lowered her gaze, as if not wanting to meet mine, and sighed irritably. I realised that I was staring at her, so I looked away, pretending it was an accident. The delicious scent of yesterday's stranger's blood overpowered the blood scents of everyone in the university courtyard.

"I'm acting like the ultimate fool. No, like an idiot!" – I thought angrily, and the urge to walk around the city suddenly vanished.

What's that girl doing here? If she's at the same school as me, how come I've never met her before? Why did she intrigue me so much?

I suddenly realised that I was standing in the middle of a half-empty courtyard, staring after that girl.

– What the hell is wrong with me? – I cursed out loud and headed for the car park, marvelling at my unusual behaviour on the way.

The fast ride calmed me down, but I thought about the strange stranger all the way to the castle. Why did I remember her? Her, among all these mortals? Could it be that her unusual appearance is so striking that I involuntarily pay attention to her? It would be interesting to hear her voice… What? Nonsense. I abruptly dismissed the thought and resolved to forget and never bring her up again. She's just a mortal. One of seven and a half billion on Earth. Nothing exceptional about her.

Suddenly I remembered what a pathetic idiot I had looked like in the university courtyard, and it made me smile derisively. I laughed at myself.

Before long, I was at the castle. As it turned out, there was a surprise waiting for me there.

– Put on some decent clothes and come down to the hall! We're waiting for you! – My mother greeted me as soon as I arrived at the castle. This request made me realise that my plan of seclusion had been shattered.

Our castle was once again visited by guests: the huge garage of our cloister was filled with expensive foreign cars that were unfamiliar to me. They were our friends. Naturally, someone of ours, for we had no mortal friends.

Having changed into black jeans and a burgundy-coloured classic shirt, I went down to the big fireplace hall, which became the centre of attention of a hundred of ours. It turned out that the numerous Polish Mroczek clan had arrived. Among the guests was Mariska, Markus's lover. The two of them stood by the fireplace and talked quietly. I was happy to see my brother happy and admired them until the sweet couple noticed me.

– Well, you're here at last! We've been waiting for you! – laughed softly at my brother.

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