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Two for tragedy. Volume 1

– And where are you going? – I asked calmly, sitting down across from her and trying to look calm and indifferent.

– Actually, class is over! – Viper sarcastically said in a pleasant, but full of steel voice, without dignifying me with a glance. The girl had already stashed her things in her bag and was about to leave my company.

– It's still thirty minutes until class ends," I remarked.

For some reason, I felt terribly awkward. Why would that be? Had my revenge, out of sweetness, become a reproach to me, as soon as I realised that my ward was a stranger from Nusle Bridge?

– It's too late to study, don't you think? – Viper sneered and looked at me angrily, but I honourably withstood her beautiful, angry gaze.

I rose from my chair and blocked the passage to the exit.

– We still have half an hour," I said insistently.

Why do I have to harp on her?

Viper smiled wryly.

– Twenty-three minutes," she said dryly, glancing at the library clock on the wall.

– Exactly. So let's not waste them and at least get to know each other," I suggested.

– Why? – She asked mockingly.

– If we have the opportunity to be in each other's company…

– Or rather, we are forced! – she interrupted me.

– Even so, we should know each other, at least by name," I finished my thought, realising the absurdity of the situation and the consequences of my deliberate tardiness.

– Thank you for the offer, but I know your name! Your name is even in my message, in my phone, I think that's enough! – said the girl and tried to go round me, but on a sudden impulse I grabbed her wrist impolitely.

– 'That's fine, but it's not enough. We need to sit down and talk," I said insistently.

– You know, I've had enough of waiting like a fool for you for an hour! – Viper suddenly blurted out. I suddenly realised that I was clutching her wrist with my fingers, and I hastily unclenched them. – What kind of conversation can we have? If you think I'm excited about this stupid programme, you're sorely mistaken!

I felt a prick of conscience. But when I noticed that our argument had attracted the attention of the students in the library, I became irritated and wanted to teach this stubborn mortal a lesson.

– We're drawing too much attention to ourselves. Let's talk calmly. I know you're angry at me for being late, but, believe me, I had my reasons for being late, and if I had known you before, I would have warned you. But I only knew your name. And I see you've already jumped to conclusions about me! – I did my best to shift the blame to her, but for some reason the knowledge that the stubborn girl was angry with me made me morally uncomfortable.

"What am I doing? What am I sinking to in order to calm her anger!" – I involuntarily thought, analysing my unworthy act.

Viper looked seriously into my face, as if checking whether I was lying, but I was so in control of myself that she did not find even a hint of a shadow on my face.

– Well, all right. And what was the big reason that made you late? – Finally, after a brief look at my face, she asked.

– I've had a few absences this month… Actually, I almost didn't attend lectures, and one of the teachers questioned me about how dare I not attend his classes. You know how pedantic old Marchek is," I lied without blinking. And because I lied so convincingly, Viper stopped frowning, and her face suddenly flushed.

I knew exactly what had caused that lovely blush: she was now blaming herself for her impatience and her unwillingness to listen to my explanations, embarrassing herself before me and her own conscience.

I felt sorry for her, but I couldn't confess my lie, because then Viper would be furious and send me away.

– I'm sorry I'm late. I really didn't mean to be. – I immediately saw the look in her eyes, as if asking: "Is he apologising?!"

– Okay… And you're sorry for yelling at you… I really thought you were late on purpose… Well, I was wrong. – The girl was embarrassed and seemed to be thinking about every word. – But I'll ask you not to be late again.

– You have my word," I said with a smile.

Viper smiled, too, and sat down at the table. I took a seat across from her.

– Let's get acquainted? – I asked casually, glancing at my companion. – I'll go first. Do you mind?

– No.

– My name is Cedric Morgan. I'm a fifth-year physics and maths student," I said. – Now it's your turn. I'm sorry to be so brief, but I'm afraid we don't have time to go over my CV.

Viper sat with her arms crossed over her chest. A few strands of her beautiful, long hair rested on her shoulders. I wondered again about her bright, dark eyes: they seemed to burn through me, though her gaze was neither contemptuous nor angry now.

– Even better. My name is Viper Vladinovich. I'm a third-year student of the same faculty," my ward said softly.

– You have an unusual name," I said.

– My father heard it somewhere and thought it would be nice to have a daughter with such a name. My mother resisted for a long time, though, and wanted to call me… Anyway, never mind. – Viper paused, as if afraid she'd said too much about herself.

– It's a beautiful name. I can't stand mine," I admitted. Of course, I was lying: I'd recently thought the name Viper was ridiculous, but strangely enough, it suited the girl sitting across from me, my stranger from the Nusle Bridge.

Viper raised her eyebrows in surprise.

– Cedric. Like the hero of a chivalric novel. Where are you from? – I changed the subject, trying to find out as much about my companion as possible.

– From Brno," she answered.

– As far as I know, Brno has many good universities. Why were you attracted to Prague?

– You are right, Brno has many universities, but it is Prague, the capital. If I hadn't applied here, thanks to the grant, I would never have been able to pay for my studies and would have stayed in Brno. But luckily everything went well. Where are you from?

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