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Two for tragedy. Volume 2

– Glad to see you're feeling better," I suddenly heard the vampire's voice. He put down his paper and looked up at me with a smile.

– Yeah, I'm much better. – I tried to force a smile out of myself.

– Why are you afraid of me? – He asked.

That question caught me off guard.

– Why would you think that? – I answered calmly.

– No matter how hard you try to hide it, you're not very good at it.

I remained silent and turned my face away from the porthole.

– Don't be afraid, I don't bite," I heard the vampire's voice again.

– You're ridiculous! – I whispered faintly.

My neighbour laughed softly and rustled his newspaper again.

The aeroplane was smoothly splitting the airspace, taking me into the unknown.

This verbal struggle with the vampire tired my already depressed mind: I closed my eyes and tried to relax, but soon realised that I was involuntarily listening to the noise of the plane, trying to hear what my scary neighbour was doing now. But there was not a sound coming from his seat.

"But, isn't he reading the newspaper? Why is he sitting so quietly? This silence frightens me!" – I thought feverishly, opened my eyes abruptly and turned round to the vampire, but was surprised to see that his chair was empty.

He was gone. Disappeared.

I leaned back and covered my face with my palms, feeling joy and relief. It was as if a huge stone had fallen from my soul. And, before anyone saw, I decided to take advantage of the situation and text Cedric. I quickly opened my backpack on my lap and looked for my phone. But to my growing despair, I suddenly realised it was gone. I could have sworn I'd put it in my backpack!

– Can't sleep? – It was my neighbour's handsome voice.

I looked up from my backpack: the vampire was already sitting in his seat, leaning back and smiling at me.

My whole being went cold with fear. And the vampire was only smiling, but his previously charming smile had turned into a mocking one. He was mocking me, and he wasn't even trying to hide it. And then it hit me: he'd taken my phone while I was pretending to be asleep!

– Where's my phone? – I asked him anxiously. – Why did you take it?

"He took my phone! What am I going to do now? How can I text Cedric now?" – I thought with despair.

– Your phone? Why do I need it? – The vampire answered my accusation calmly, but his eyes were laughing.

– I know you did it! And I didn't allow you to address me as 'you'! – Forgetting my fear for a second, I blurted out.

– I don't need your permission," he grinned and leaned in close to my face. – I know who you are, and you know who I am," he whispered in my ear.

I slumped into the chair, feeling terror running through my body. Suddenly I felt an icy touch on my cheek, and I shuddered, but I managed to hold back a scream.

– I don't know what you're talking about," I whispered, horrified by his merciless words.

Alas, my hope was dashed: he'd heard, maybe even seen Cedric and me at the airport.

– Don't take me for a dullard. I know everything about you. And I know you're very dangerous because that idiot in Prague told you something you shouldn't know. Yes, I'm a vampire, and you know it. Wow, what does Morgan see in you?

My heart was racing, but I couldn't move, just clutched the armrests of my chair.

– Though I admit, I can see why he's interested in you: you're pretty cute. But he told you about our secret, and damn it, he did it for nothing!

– I don't care what you do to me, but leave Cedric alone! – I whispered curtly. – It's not his fault! I made him tell me....

– Self-sacrifice! How sweet it is! But don't worry, he'll get what he deserves!

– No! You don't understand! – I exclaimed quietly.

– No, you don't understand, you little fool! He made a fatal mistake, and mistakes must be paid for, – he whispered in my ear.

– Please leave him alone!

– Leave him alone? Do you think it's so easy to tell a mortal our secret and not be punished? It's not a secret that belongs to him alone, and Morgan should have known the consequences. But what about you? There's an easy fix, though – you're not getting off this plane.

I was the only one who could hear his ominous whisper, and no one could help me.

I felt an icy palm slowly creep to my neck, where my carotid artery was beating frantically. Under the vampire's fingers, the artery throbbed even harder, ready to explode and splatter everything around me with my blood.

My eyes filled with tears: I cried at the thought that all was lost. All our dreams and hopes had been shattered. Our secret was exposed. Our future – crossed out. And all because of our own carelessness.....

– You're so beautiful when you cry," the vampire whispered, leaning even closer to me and keeping his hand on my throat.

– I swear I'll scream! – I whispered loudly, willing to do anything to get him off my back.

– Scream all you want, but know this: if a single scream comes out of your throat, I will kill everyone on this plane. You don't want their deaths on your conscience, do you?

– You'd better kill me, but don't mock me! – I whispered doomedly. – But please don't hurt Cedric! I'm the only witness, so when you kill me, your secret will die with me. If you want to kill me now, I won't even resist.

– Kill you now? – The vampire smirked sarcastically. – ''That's certainly very tempting, but there are too many witnesses here. But you need to wash up. Come on, and behave yourself! – He rose from his chair, took my hand and pulled me along, and I followed him obediently, like a dog on a leash.

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