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Two for tragedy. Volume 2

– Ungrateful girl! You should be grateful that your kidnapper was kind enough to find you a pillow and a blanket! – Grayson laughed.

He was right: there was a small white pillow and a wide white blanket on the couch, which I'd used to cover myself all through the cold night.

– Are we in England yet? – I asked quietly, not intending to thank him for the favour.

– Yes, and from now on you'll enjoy nothing but my company. – Grayson smiled a beautiful, wide smile, but then his face grew serious. – Now wash up and clean yourself up. Don't forget to brush your teeth: you'll find toothpaste and a guest brush in the loo. Go! – He pushed me roughly, and I obediently went into the small toilet. When I looked in the mirror, I didn't recognise myself: crying, sleepy, with dishevelled hair. After washing my face and brushing my teeth, I managed to comb my hair with my fingers.

– You're taking too long. Come on," the vampire said in a disgruntled tone as I reappeared in the salon. He picked up his black umbrella that was leaning against the wall, opened it, and dragged me behind him.

When we got off the plane, it was as if I'd gone blind: the sun was shining so brightly that my eyes hurt from the sudden change of shadow and light. And squinting, I saw a black car with tinted windows standing outside the plane, very expensive looking.

There was another vampire standing by the car – it was obvious: he, too, was hiding from the sun under a large black umbrella.

– Welcome home, sir," he said in a pleasant voice to Grayson, opening the car door for him. – Welcome home.

– Thank you, Eric," he said with a smile. – Tell Mitchell to order the servants to vacate my castle for the time being, and let him go himself.

– As you say, sir. – I noticed that the servant, unlike Mitch, wasn't surprised by my presence-he didn't even look at me, but immediately telephoned Grayson's order to the second servant. Then he got into the driver's seat.

– Take us to the middle of the road, and I'll drive from there," Grayson told him.

– As you say, sir," the servant replied.

Grayson pushed me roughly into the car, sat down beside me, and closed his umbrella. Then he slammed the door shut and took off his gloves.

– I hate the sun," he said grimly, throwing the gloves on the seat and turning to me. – How are you feeling?

The car started softly and drove down the road, taking me into the unknown.

– I'm very tired," I said to the vampire, turning away from the window.

– Tired? No, my dear, we have so much fun ahead of us! You won't have time to rest. I'm sure you'll like my estate. I'll give you a tour today. Are you hungry or thirsty? We could stop at a restaurant.

– How gallant of you! But I must refuse your gracious offer! – I replied mockingly.

I was terribly thirsty, but my pride would not allow me to accept a handout from him.

– As you like, but if you change your mind, be sure to tell me. I must look after my guest. You look tired, and I don't like it. Where's your blush?

How strange: I was in a car with two vampires, yet I felt no fear, only hunger and thirst. How many hours had I not had even a crumb of bread or a drop of water in my mouth?

Suddenly, my mind raced with the memory that not only was Cedric waiting for me to call, but my parents as well. They must have been worried, because I hadn't heard from them in so long!

– Can I…" I started timidly, turning to Grayson, but his icy stare silenced me.

– What?" he said calmly.

– Can I call my parents? – I asked quietly.

He smiled charmingly.

– Why the hell would you do that?

– I promised I'd call them when I got here. They're worried," I said in a near whisper, looking at Grayson pleadingly.

– What are you going to tell them? – He asked, not taking his mocking gaze off me. Grayson pulled my phone out of his jacket pocket, as if taunting me.

– That I'm in Brazil! In a hotel! – I exclaimed in frustration.

– Don't do anything stupid," Grayson said, handing me the phone.

I glanced in the rearview mirror and saw that Eric was smiling.

Of course he was smiling! After all, he thought I was a naive fool who had fallen for his boss! He was laughing at the thought of how wrong I'd been about my choice of companion!

But I didn't care: I quickly dialled my parents' number.

– Hello, Mum! – I said in a warm voice as soon as I heard my mum's voice on the phone. My heart squeezed with pain.

– Finally! Why didn't you call earlier? We are worried sick! – Mum also responded in a warm, happy voice.

– I'm sorry, I didn't have time to call," I began, making up lies as I went along. – You know how it is – fuss, excitement, a foreign country. But don't worry, we're already at the hotel. We've got the best room, can you believe it?

– Sounds very romantic! I'm glad you enjoyed it. Could you give the phone to Cedric?

– He's not here right now, he's gone to order dinner and I've just started sorting out our bags. We're going to the beach tonight! It's really hot in here! – I exclaimed happily, closing my eyes so I wouldn't see Grayson's smirking face or cry at my own beautiful lie.

– It's so great! Don't forget the sunscreen! And don't eat too many unfamiliar fruits, in case you're allergic to them! But I won't say too much, they charge you a lot of money for calls to the Czech Republic. Bye, sweetie! Say hello to Cedric for us, and tell him we're waiting for your call.

– I'll call you when I have time. Bye, Mum. And give Dad a kiss for me.

– Kisses! – Mum's switched off.

– Good girl," I heard Grayson's satisfied voice, and he stroked my hair. – Now your parents have peace of mind: you're going on holiday in Brazil, in the best hotel, with Cedric. And in the evening, you'll go to the ocean, holding hands to watch the sunset.

It suddenly dawned on me that he'd just given me the name of my lover. What if his servant Eric knew who we were talking about?

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