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Two for tragedy. Volume 2

But luckily, as if he'd realised my fears, Grayson shook his head in denial.

I leaned back in my seat and stared out the window, but my thoughts were gone, and all I wanted to do was sleep. My eyelids felt so heavy that I had to work hard to keep my eyes open.

That was it: I had said goodbye to Cedric and my parents, and now I could die in peace, even if my death was long and painful-Grayson had made it clear that I would "pay for all my sins."

Glancing down at my hands, I found that they were covered in small but vivid bruises from the vampire's fingers. Then I remembered the slap he'd given me, and my cheek ached again.

Luckily, Grayson stopped paying attention to me; he pulled his phone out of his pocket and started fiddling with it with his finger. Then, dialing a number, he started chatting with a friend.

– No, Siegfried, I'm going to be busy this month, and I don't need any guests," Grayson said into the phone.

Busy. By torturing me. What an interesting business!

– Yeah, I've got some things to sort out, and besides, I won't be alone. Damn things have kept me away from Markus's wedding, and he's my best friend.

When I heard him say that, I was thrilled: He and Markus are best friends? That's great! I knew that Grayson and Brother Cedric had a friendship, but I didn't know it was so great! But I had to hide the fact that I knew Markus, because he would probably do the same thing if Grayson called him to warn him about Cedric's connection to me. So I didn't look at Grayson, but listened intently to every word he said.

From what he said, it was clear that he was determined to torture me for a month. A whole month of torture and suffering before he would deign to kill me!

The vampire talked on the phone for another ten minutes, about all sorts of things, and then he switched the phone off, put it in his pocket, and we could finally enjoy complete silence.

We drove for a long time, each in our own thoughts, but suddenly the car stopped.

– Here we are, sir," the vampire driver said.

– All right! From now on, you and Mitchell are on paid holiday. I'll let you know when I need you," Grayson said, putting on his gloves.

I thought about how uncomfortable it must be for them to wear gloves all the time in the summer, though… Cedric had told me that vampires didn't leave their houses until sunset in the summer, but Grayson didn't seem to care about the sun at all-he wasn't afraid of compromising himself.

Eric opened the door, opened his wide umbrella, and stepped out of the car.

– Get in the front," my tormentor ordered me. His tone was calm, but I knew it was an order.

He and I moved into the front seats, and the car sped along the smooth, wide tarmac at a high rate of speed that made me squirm in my seat.

– What are you thinking?

The vampire's voice made me shudder in surprise.

– That's a strange question," I grinned.

– What a funny name you have.

– Whatever it is.

– Do you want to know mine?

– Not at all.

– We're friends. My name is Brandon, and I give you permission to call me that.

– Jack's name suits you better," I blurted out, because it was the English serial killer I associated with this vampire.

Brandon… That beautiful name couldn't be the name of such a bastard.

– I like your sense of humour," he grinned.

– I'm not joking," I said grimly. – How do you know Czech?

– Do you think that, having lived in the world for over three hundred years, I haven't had time to learn it? You know, I have seen so much in my life that you have neither imagination nor fantasy to imagine it all.

Over 300 years? He's older than Cedric and Markus!

But looking at his beautiful young face, I couldn't believe it.

– And just so you know, your adorable Cedric only speaks Czech to you, and at home he communicates in English.

– I'm no match for you vampires! – I grinned, but that was new information about Cedric. Cedric himself had never mentioned it. – But why haven't you invented your own language in all these years? – I asked.

– My own? – Brandon grinned.

– Yes, a vampire language," I clarified. – It would be great for you to communicate about who you'd killed tonight without the people standing around you understanding.

– Silly girl, do you really think the secret language is the most important thing? Fancy letters and funny words? If you were a little smarter, you would know that any language, even a super secret language, can be deciphered. Besides, in the eyes of humans, this secret language would look suspicious. Where's your logic?

Grayson was taking me for a complete fool. I agree that my assumption about their secret language was wrong, but jumping to conclusions?

To hell with him, he can think what he wants about me!

– Did Cedric tell you about his family? – The vampire asked suddenly.

– No," I lied, seeing no reason to tell him the truth.

– I don't believe you.

– "As you wish," I said.

– I saw Morgan the night before you left.

That phrase made me look at him.

– I knew you'd be interested. When you say his name, you look like a little dog who's heard a familiar word. – Grayson laughed a short, beautiful, but unpleasant laugh. – Damn it, if I hadn't received a call from England that night, you would have flown off to Brazil like that!

– And you didn't hesitate to fly with people? – I grinned.

– Do you think I was happy to have such worthless company? My private plane could not come for me, and I had urgent business in England.

– But why did you take a flight to Brazil if you had to go to England? – I wondered, unable to see the logic in what he was doing.

– I had a couple of things to do in Rio, too, but they weren't as important as you suddenly, quite by accident. Luck is an amazing thing, although in this case, it's not just luck, it's fate. Your fate was to get on the very plane I was on, and my fate was to find out about you and Morgan and to stop the danger of the secret being disclosed in your face.

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