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Two for tragedy. Volume 2

"A monster! Could it be Cedric too… Yes, because Cedric drinks blood and kills people too! That's how he behaves in his castle in Prague! That's what he hides from my eyes! What an ugliness! What cruelty!" – I thought.

Soon my stomach was completely empty, and I was sitting on the cold tile next to the toilet, sobbing and wiping my mouth with a towel I'd grabbed before I threw up. Tears were streaming from my eyes. After sitting on the floor crying for quite a while, I found the strength to walk up to the washbasin and rinse my mouth copiously. My head was dizzy and splitting, my body was weak, and my eyes were blurred.

Suddenly I remembered that I was still wearing the dress of the girl Grayson had killed, and a deep self-disgust came over me. I rushed into the room, took off the cursed dress, threw it into a corner, and, rummaging through my suitcase, put on a pale pink, knee-length dress. Then, in physical and mental exhaustion, I lay down on the bed and curled up.

"He drinks blood from glasses… And my blood will splash in the bottle too. Wow, he keeps human blood in bottles like wine. So he exsanguinates his victim completely!" – came into my head, and I squeezed my eyes shut tight so I wouldn't see the image of Grayson drinking blood from a beautiful crystal glass.

I cried quietly, and then darkness enveloped me. When I woke up, it was about ten o'clock in the morning.

As I hurriedly opened the windows, I heard birds singing outside, chasing away the terrible memories of last night's dinner with Grayson from my mind. The morning greeted me with grey clouds, thin as lace, gradually covering the sky, but I breathed in the fresh air with pleasure, and the memories of the terrible night before seemed to be erased from my mind, as if it had all been a dream. The sun's rays, occasionally breaking through the clouds, cheered me and gave me hope for the best. The scent of fresh flowers wafted to me, and as I leaned over the stone window sill to breathe in their heavenly fragrance, I smiled to find that there were lush rose bushes growing beneath the windows of my room. But remembering the unfortunate dress, I glanced at the corner of the room where I had thrown it, and saw that it was still there. Then I looked again at the park and was surprised to realise that Grayson's car was missing.

Then he had gone, and I could have escaped!

A mad rush of joy came over me, and I ran for the door.

"No! If I run away, that psychopath will announce Cedric's indiscretion to everyone! No, I can't leave," The thought made me smile bitterly and slow my step.

The vampire was taunting me with freedom. He knew that even if he left me alone, unlocked in the castle and gave me a chance to save my life, I would still stay, choosing to willingly sacrifice myself for Cedric.

The door to my room was unlocked and I was free to leave and look around the castle. Suddenly, my empty stomach rumbled loudly, reminding me that it had disposed of all the food it had received at the midnight dreadful meal yesterday.

"I need to eat. I need to find some food," I decided and was about to head to the dining room when I suddenly heard a familiar tune.

I glanced over to where the sound had come from: on the dresser, in front of the mirror, was my mobile phone, the one Cedric had given me and Grayson had taken away.

Grayson had given it back to me? Why had he left it behind? Though…

The answer to that question came immediately– Grayson was testing me. He was testing how much I loved Cedric, and whether I could lie to him, convincing him that I was okay while my own life was no longer my own.

Still, I was overjoyed to hear my lover's voice. I quickly grabbed the phone and flopped down on the bed, pressing my finger forcefully on the screen.

– Cedric! – I exclaimed, barely holding back tears of joy.

– Viper! Where are you now? Are you okay? – Cedric's voice came through the phone, and I was suddenly afraid I wouldn't be able to contain my emotions and burst into tears.

No, you can't cry! Cedric must think I'm happy!

– I'm fine! I want to go to the beach today and see the ocean," I started to weave my lie. It was terribly hard to lie to the person I loved most. A vampire, actually.

– That's a wonderful idea. I'm glad you're doing well. What hotel are you staying at? – Cedric asked softly, and I was confused: I didn't know any of the names of the hotels in Rio de Janeiro.

– The one you booked me a room at, you know how bad I am at that sort of thing," I found myself remembering that Cedric had booked me into the best hotel.

– Were you being met? You should have been.

– Yes, I was met wonderfully! I was picked up in a car, and my room is gorgeous. You can see the ocean from here! – With a hint of fake joy, I lied.

– Viper, are you sure you're okay? – Cedric asked in an unexpectedly caring tone.

– Of course I am! I'm totally fine! Why?

– You sound strange.

– I just woke up," I said. – I was so tired yesterday that I slept all day today. How are you?

– I'm fine. Markus's wedding is in three days.

– But they said the wedding was on the eighteenth of August! – I was surprised at the rush.

– Yeah, but it's moved up, and all our family and friends are already here. But let's not talk about that. I don't want to hurt you with all this talk.

The reminder of the great Czech vampire hunt brought back the image of Grayson drinking blood, and I shuddered again at the memory and the revulsion-I thought immediately of how many people would be killed.

– Cedric, please don't kill anyone on the hunt," I asked quietly. – I can't bear the thought.

– I can't promise you that," Cedric said in a serious tone. – I will need to kill.

– Then don't kill as much as the others," I whispered, and when I felt I didn't want to talk to him anymore, I added: – I'm sorry, but I'm awfully hungry. I've just ordered myself a load of delicious things. Will you call me later?

– Yes, of course. Enjoy your meal.

– Thank you! You too! – I sarcastically blurted out. I hastily disconnected the call.

Thanks to Grayson, I could see the vampire in full view: a brutal, strong, silent killer who knew no pity. And Cedric is the same. He kills people and drinks their blood. He's as ruthless a killer as Grayson.

But Grayson was right: no matter how much of a monster Cedric was, I loved him. But I'll never see him again. Well, at least he'd be safe.

I showered, washed my hair, brushed my teeth, drank some tap water, cleaned myself up, and headed to the dining hall. After yesterday's torture, I knew it was on the third floor. Why the third floor? Strange, because in all houses the dining room is always on the ground floor.

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