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Two for tragedy. Volume 2

– You turned them into animals! – I blurted out. – But God will punish you for everything you've done to them!

– God? – The vampire laughed, his loud laughter echoing off the walls and the high ceiling. Hearing the vampire's voice, the girls cowered in the corners of their cells with screams of terror. – God hasn't been interested in what's going on in the world for a long time!

– What a monster you are! – I whispered, looking at the girls, who were so frightened by his appearance that they were sobbing hysterically.

My head spun, and I leaned against the wall to keep from falling.

– Ah, you know, I've been thinking about what you said. – Grayson checked the pulse on my neck with a concerned look. I shuddered in disgust. – I'll let them go.

– You will? – I whispered happily, more excited than I'd ever been in my life. – You'll let them go?

– Yes, if you want me to," Grayson said seriously.

– You know I want to so badly! Please! – I begged quietly, glad that his soul wasn't as rotten as I'd thought it was, that he was going to do what I asked.

– Well, then we need to… What is it? – Grayson frowned, grabbing my hand and examining the deep scratches one of the girls had left on it.

– It's nothing! It's just scratches! – I said hurriedly.

– "Just scratches"? There are millions of bad bacteria, dirt, rot under those girls' fingernails! You need to wash your sctratches right away! – the vampire said harshly, and I thought he was angry.

– Yes, of course! I'll do it as soon as you let them out of here! – I promised, looking at him fearfully. – I promise!

Grayson was silent and stared at me intently.

– All right. How could I refuse my guest? – he said in a cheerful tone. – But first I want you to meet them. – The vampire led me to one of the cells.

I looked at the girl sitting in the corner, crying, dirty: she reminded me of a member of a primitive tribe – so horrible she looked.

– This is Susan, the daughter of a small English nobleman. Susan is a fine horsewoman, loves to play cricket, and is also well versed in painting and English sport. I met her in London, a month ago, and persuaded her to come away with me, which she, quite willingly, did.

A month? So this poor girl's been in this cell for a month?!

– And this is Lourdes. A fiery, passionate Spaniard who loves the sea, ships and music. I think she can play the flute pretty well. I met her in Lisbon, where she was on holiday with her father. She left with me the day after we met, half a month ago, seventeen days ago to be exact. You see what a girl's frivolity leads to?

As I listened to the vampire's calm, even indifferent story, I felt nothing but contempt for him: he talked about girls as if they were unnecessary things, not living beings. But Grayson's bored look told me that he did treat them as things.

– You tricked them! You played on their feelings! And they trusted you! – I exclaimed contemptuously, unable to keep silent. – You used your beauty to lure them here!

– Yes, I did. But if you want to give me a guilty conscience, don't waste your efforts: I don't have one," Grayson smiled charmingly.

– But you promised you'd let them go! – I reminded him anxiously.

My heart was filled with pity for these poor, trusting creatures: deceived by their angelic appearance, they had fallen into the clutches of a monster. And before, they had their own free and interesting lives. But Grayson had no pity for them-he saw them only as food, only as people he could mock.

Silly me, and I felt sorry for myself, thinking I was the unhappiest person in the world.

– I told you I'd let them go, but they need to be made to look good first," the vampire said calmly. – You don't want them to come back to society like this, do you?

– I'll do it myself! Right now! – I exclaimed eagerly.

– Yes, you do. In addition, they must swear to me that they will say nothing about me or what they have experienced and seen in this castle.

– I swear to you in the name of our Most High! – jumping out of her hiding place and pressing herself against the bars, the Spaniard shouted. – I swear I will not say a word to anyone!

– Nor I! I will tell nothing of you! I swear on my mother's memory! – followed by the Englishwoman.

I could not hold back my tears from the emotion that overwhelmed me – I felt so sorry for the poor girls! Their lives were ruined! Forever in their minds will be horrible memories that will gnaw at their souls. And maybe their psyche was so damaged that a future free life would bring them no joy!

But Grayson was generous. He promised to let them go, to give them a chance to move on with their lives, even if it was with these memories.

– Get them cleaned up," the vampire commanded and, taking the keys from his pocket, unlocked the cell doors.

The girls rushed to me with loud sobs, and I hugged them back, even though they smelled awful. But it wasn't their fault!

Grayson looked at us, with a cold grin on his lips, and then turned and walked out of the dungeon.


After a brief moment of joy, I remembered that the girls were in urgent need of a bath and rest, and pulled myself together.

– Come on, we need to wash you… You'll be home today! – I said to the girls and, taking them by the hands, led them out of the corridor into the hall of the castle. – Everything will be all right now! Don't cry! It's all over now! It's over! – I didn't know if they understood my imperfect English, but I hoped they did.

The girls followed me obediently and kept crying, probably out of joy. They clung to my dress and pressed themselves against me as if asking for my protection.

Everything was a blur: we went into my room and Susan and Lourdes ran into the bathroom with loud cries of joy. They acted like little children who had seen a merry-go-round for the first time. I hurried after them. With quick, nervous movements, they tore off their clothes, or rather the rags that were left of them, and both sat down in the huge bathtub and turned off the taps. I touched the water, and it was so hot that I jerked my hand away and hurried to turn on the hot tap. Frightened that the girls had gone mad after sitting in their cells for so long, I decided to take the process of bathing them into my own hands.

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