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Two for tragedy. Volume 2

With these heavy thoughts, I fell into darkness. I don't know how long I slept, or if the vampire came to my room, but when I woke up, it was dark outside the big windows. It must have been late evening: as I walked to the window, I saw that the park in front of the castle was beginning to be lit by the light of tall lanterns.

– Where is he? – I exclaimed nervously.

– I heard you get up. I hope you got a good night's rest. – I heard the vampire's voice outside the door, and then the key turned in the keyhole and the door opened.

Grayson stood on the doorstep.

I couldn't help but think about how handsome the bastard was. And behind that beautiful shell was such a horrible monster! Such a black soul!

– The lights come on automatically, you just have to do it. – He clapped his hands together and a bright light appeared in the room.

– What time is it? – I asked him.

– It's eleven twenty-three. It's time to get up," Grayson answered me seriously. – We have to celebrate our arrival. But I want you to get cleaned up and put this on. – He tossed a piece of cloth on the bed.

'Celebrate our arrival? Is he laughing? Although, why do I ask? Of course he's laughing! He wants me to get cleaned up and celebrate with him the beginning of my confinement in his castle!" – I thought mockingly.

What a farce! What folly! What a humiliation to celebrate the beginning of my own death!

– I want to take a shower," I said quietly. – I smell awful.

– You do. Go take a shower, and then come to the dining room. – Grayson went to the door. – If you don't show up in half an hour-I'll come get you myself, but then I'll be angry. You already know that I'm not very polite when I'm angry.

My cheek ached at those words, as if to confirm his words, and I pressed my palm to my face as if it would chase the pain away.

Grayson grinned.

– That's right, Viper. You're a good guesser.

The vampire left, and I hurried into the bathroom, where I was fortunate to find neatly folded, clean bath towels, and took a short, warm shower, gulping down the water with pleasure. I didn't bother washing my hair, as it didn't look too bad, and besides, I didn't have time for it. Back in the bedroom, I grabbed the dress the vampire had brought from the bed: it was a long, silk, classic, black dress with two wide straps. I wondered how Grayson would have a woman's dress in his house if he lived alone, but remembering his threats, I changed quickly, slipped on my black ballet flats and brushed my hair with a comb. All that remained was to find the canteen. Going down to the ground floor and assuming that the canteen should be there, I was surprised to realise that I was wrong. I went up to the first floor and walked briskly down the corridor, but I was again disappointed, and my mind was pierced by the chilling thought that the time for my search was running out.

Suddenly, the clock chimed loudly, announcing itself to the entire castle, and I shuddered with surprise, and goosebumps ran down my spine. I feverishly counted the beat of the clock. Running up to the third floor, I opened door after door with desperation, and with two more strikes before midnight, I finally found the dining room. As soon as I entered and closed the door behind me, the lights in the dining room went out, and all I could see was a long table and Grayson standing at the window.


It was so dark I was afraid to breathe: I was in total darkness, alone with a vampire who wanted to kill me. It was a living nightmare. My back pressed against the door, and I froze, not wanting to pull away.

– You're just in time. I was ready to get angry," Grayson's voice came over my ear.

A loud yell erupted from my throat. Damn vampire! Scared the hell out of me!

– You must be really hungry. – His voice was already far away from me. Grayson seemed to be flying in the darkness, making no sound.

But I couldn't answer him: my throat constricted. The darkness and Grayson and the unknown frightened me and made me breathe hard. I put my hand over my heart, and it was beating very fast.

Suddenly a candle was lit, then a second, a third, a fourth… Ten candles in all. To my relief, the darkness had receded, and now the large dining room was illuminated by the soft, dim light of these life-saving candles. They stood on the table, their glow reflecting on the metal domed lids covering the large plates. There were only two pieces of cutlery, each at the end of the long, wide table.

– Come to me," the vampire's voice came from beside me, and it was as if he'd come out of the darkness.

I obeyed silently and walked over to him. He was wearing a black suit, and his dark hair was nicely styled back. He seemed to be well prepared for the "festivities".

My silk dress was so light that I felt naked, and I adjusted the slippery straps falling off my shoulders.

– Have a seat. – Grayson led me over to the table and sat me in a soft chair, then sat down at the other end of the table.

– Can I…" I started timidly, afraid to say what I was asking.

– Can what? – The vampire asked in a sweet voice.

– Can I turn on the light?

– Who are you talking to? If it's to me, I have a name.

His voice was calm, but I could feel it: he was angry.

– B-Brandon? – I said, stammering. His, a name like a blade, cut my tongue.

– Yes, Viper?

– Would you mind turning on the lights? – I asked.

The vampire sat across from me, but it was like he was present in every corner.

– Why? I find the dark very romantic," Grayson said softly, and I heard something glass tinkle, but I couldn't see what – because of the rather dim candlelight and the length of the table, I could only see Grayson's silhouette, and his voice came to me muffled, echoing.

– I'm scared," I whispered, squirming in my chair.

– Scared? – The vampire heard my whisper and, rising from his chair, slowly made his way toward me. – Are you afraid of me? – he asked ominously.

– You already know that! – I exclaimed, panicking at his approach. I jumped up from my chair and backed away, not knowing what was on his mind or why he was coming toward me.

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