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Two for tragedy. Volume 2

– Susan, Lourdes, stop it! I'll do it myself, just sit still and don't touch anything! – I told them sternly.

On that damned day I had forgotten all about myself: it was just them – the two unfortunate victims Grayson had deceived, scared, hungry and helpless.

The girls' bodies were covered with bruises and bruises, and remembering the fury with which they had beaten against the iron bars of the cells when they saw me, I realised that they had left those wounds on themselves. Their hair – dirty, tangled, in urgent need of large amounts of shampoo, and their nails were chipped and dirty. The poor creatures were so thirsty that they drank water straight from the bathtub, scooping it up with their dirty palms.

– Now we will bathe you, and you will be clean and beautiful as before! – Pouring foam into the bathtub and taking a flannel in my hands, I said affectionately, which made the girls smile.

As the bubble rose, Susan and Lourdes began to blow on it and play with it, laughing merrily.

– Susan, get a flannel and start washing. – I handed her the flannel and she started rubbing her skin furiously with it.

– We're going to wash your head," I said to Lourdes. – Only you need to get it wet.

Lourdes dipped her head under the water, and when her long hair was wet, I poured a large amount of shampoo on it and began to wash it. I felt responsible for these girls, who, meek and gentle, must have seen me as a protector.

Then the girls switched: I took care of Susan's head, and Lourdes began to wash her body with a loofah. The water in the bathtub had turned grey with grime, and I drained it so that I could now wash the girls under the shower. The hot steam in the air made the bathroom very hot and I was sweating terribly. I began to feel short of breath – which forced me to open the doors.

– What's your name? – Susan asked me as I wrapped her in a large bath towel.

– Viper," I answered, glad that she was starting to come round.

– Can I brush my teeth? I haven't brushed my teeth in a long time, and it's making me uncomfortable," she asked in embarrassment.

– Yes, and me, can I? – Lourdes asked timidly, already wrapped in a towel.

– Of course! But I only have one toothbrush," I was confused.

– That's okay, we'll share," Susan smiled. – I don't think Lourdes would mind!

– No, I don't! – Lourdes said, smiling too.

I gave them my toothbrush and toothpaste, and the girls took turns brushing their teeth. Lourdes brushed her teeth carefully and pedantically, unlike Susan who did it rather quickly and furiously.

Now that the girls were clean, I could see how beautiful they were. Fortunately, they had already recovered and were talking as sane adults should.

– You need to get dressed," I said. – I hope my clothes will fit you!

We came out of the bathroom, and I rummaged through my suitcase and got the girls each a dress. My dress was a little short for Susan, and Lourdes's was dragging on the floor because of her short stature. Both girls were very thin – the result of hunger and suffering.

– I'm afraid my shoes won't fit you," I said thoughtfully, looking at the girls' bare feet.

– No need for shoes! Thank you! You saved us! What would we have done without you? – Susan exclaimed, and both girls rushed to embrace me eagerly, and I was very happy that I had been able to help them.

In that moment, I was glad I'd been with Grayson, or those girls would have died or been killed by him before they ever saw freedom.

– We were the last ones left in the cells. And I was so scared! – Lourdes sobbed.

– How? You weren't the only ones in there? – I asked in horror.

– No, all the cells were filled! And at first my blood ran cold from the screams! There were even Chinese or Japanese women there, can you imagine? – Susan answered me quietly. – He fooled us all!

– And where are they all? Why are there only two of you? – I asked, though deep down I knew the answer: they were dead.

– Every day his servant came and took away five or six girls: they left and never came back. I don't know where they are now or what happened to them, but-" Susan sighed bitterly. – I think Brandon killed them.

– Yes, he killed them! – Lourdes repeated her words quietly.

The three of us sat down on the bed.

So Grayson kept a lot of captives here and then killed them. And he would have killed Susan and Lourdes, too, if he hadn't had me as his prime target.

I looked at the girls, and suddenly a ruthless thought flashed through my brain: the vampire wouldn't let them go. He couldn't afford to let them go, despite their vows not to say a word about him.

– How did you get here? – I asked, determined to find out everything they knew about Brandon Grayson. Did they know he was a vampire? If not, they still had a chance to break free!

Susan laughed nervously.

– How trivial it all was! I met him in London, at an exhibition of paintings by contemporary artists. As I remember now, I saw him and thought: "My God, what a handsome man! Is it possible for a man to be as gorgeous as he is?" and then we were introduced to each other by mutual friends, and I… Lost my head! I'd never seen a man as handsome as him before. – Susan tugged angrily at her dress, and I realised that she was mentally berating and cursing herself for what she had done. – He had told me that he had been in love with me at first sight, and had suggested that I should go away with him to his castle where no one would find us, and yet I was engaged to another man. At first I hesitated, and it offended him. Then I changed my mind and begged him to forgive me… And I went away with him… But my fiance, my Christopher, who loved me madly, probably has not forgiven me and will never forgive me. What a fool I am!

– And what happened when you came here? – I continued my cruel interrogation, even though I knew I was hurting Susan by making her relive those terrible moments.

– He gave me a tour of the castle, and then he told me that there was something very interesting in his dungeon… We went there… And there it was! I was terrified! Those girls! Those screams! – She covered her face with her palms, and her voice changed to a trembling soprano. – And then he locked me in the cell and I…" Susan stopped talking and broke into tears.

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