За горами – горы. История врача, который лечит весь мир
Избранная библиография
Полный (на май 2003 года) список опубликованных работ Пола Эдварда Фармера
Farmer, Р. Е. AIDS and Accusation: Haiti and the Geography of Blame. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1992.
Farmer, P E. The Uses of Haiti. Monroe, Maine: Common Courage Press, 1994. (Second edition published in 2002.)
Farmer, P E. iHaitipara que? Hondarribia, Spain: HIRU Argita-letxea, 1994.
Farmer, P E. Sida en Haiti: La victime accusee. Paris: Editions Karthala, 1996.
Farmer, P E. Infections and Inequalities: The Modern Plagues. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1999. (Second edition published in 2001.)
Farmer, P. E. Pathologies of Power: Health, Human Rights, and the New War on the Poor. Berkeley: University of California Press,
Farmer, Р. Е., Connors, M., Simmons, J. (eds.). Women, Poverty, and AIDS: Sex, Drugs, and Structural Violence. Monroe, Maine: Common Courage Press, 1996.
Главы в книгах
Daily, J., Farmer, P E., Rhatigan, J., Katz, J., Furin, J. J. Women and HIV infection. In Farmer, P E., Connors,
M., Simmons, J. (eds.). Women, Poverty, and AIDS: Sex, Drugs, and Structural Violence. Monroe, Maine: Common Courage Press, 1996: 125–144.
Farmer, P E. AIDS and accusation: Haiti, Haitians and the geography of blame. In Feldman, D. (ed.). AIDS and Culture: The Human Factor. New York: Praeger Scientific, 1990: 122–150.
Farmer, P E. Birth of the klinik: The making of Haitian professional psychiatry. In Gaines, A. (ed.). Ethnopsychiatry. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1992: 251–272.
Farmer, P. E. New disorder, old dilemmas: AIDS and anthropology in Haiti. In Herdt, G., Lindenbaum, S. (eds.). The Time of AIDS. Los Angeles: Sage, 1992: 287–318.
Farmer, P. E. Culture, poverty, and the dynamics of HIV transmission in rural Haiti. In Brummelhuis, H. T., Herdt, G. (eds.). Culture and Sexual Risk: Anthropological Perspectives on AIDS. Newark, N. J.: Gordon and Breach, 1995: 3-28.
Farmer, P. E. Pestilence and restraint: Haitians, Guantanamo, and the logic of quarantine. In Hannaway, C., Harden, V A., Parascandola, J. (eds.). AIDS and the Public Debate: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives. Burke, Va.: IOS Press, 1995: 139–152.
Farmer, P. E. The significance of Haiti. In North American Congress on Latin America (ed.). Haiti: Dangerous Crossroads. Boston: South End Press, 1995: 217–230.
Farmer, P. E. L’anthropologue face a la pauvrete et au sida dans un contexte rural. In Benoist, J., Desclaux, A. (eds.). Anthropologie et sida: Bilan et perspectives. Paris: Editions Karthala, 1996: 89-106.
Farmer, P E. Quelles possibilites de reponses locales face au nouvel ordre mondial? In Hurbon, L. (ed.). Les Transitions democratiques. Paris: Syros, 1996: 257–264.
Farmer, P E. Women, poverty, and AIDS. In Farmer, P E., Connors, M., Simmons, J. (eds.). Women, Poverty, and AIDS: Sex, Drugs, and Structural Violence. Monroe, Maine: Common Courage Press, 1996: 3-38.
Farmer, P. E. Ethnography, social analysis, and the prevention of sexually transmitted HIV infection. In Inhorn, M., Brown, P.(eds.). The Anthropology of Infectious Disease. Amsterdam: Gordon and Breach, 1997: 413–438.
Farmer, P. E. AIDS and social scientists – Critical reflections. In Becker, C., Dozon, J. P.,
Farmer, P. E. Cruel and unusual: Drug-resistant tuberculosis as punishment. In Stern, V (ed.). Sentenced to Die? The Problem of TB in Prisons in East and Central Europe and Central Asia. London: Prison Reform International, 1999: 70–88.
Farmer, P. E. Brujeria, politica, y concepciones sobre el sida en el Haiti rural. In Armus, D. (ed.). Entre Curanderosy Medicos: Historia, Cultura, y Enfermedad en America Latina. Buenos Aires: Grupo Editorial Norma, 2002: 419–455.
Farmer, P E. AIDS e mazzismo: Medicina, stereotipi ed epidemiologia tra gli immigrati haitiani negli USA, 1981–1994.
In Spettri di Haiti: Dal colonialism francese all’imperialismo americano. Verona: OmbreCorte, 2002.
Farmer, P E. The house of the dead: Tuberculosis and incarceration. In Mauer, M., Chesney-Lind, M. (eds.). Invisible Punishment: The Collateral Consequences of Mass Imprisonment. New York: The New Press, 2002: 239–257.
Farmer, P. E., Bertrand, D. Hypocrisies of development: Health and health care among the Haitian rural poor. In Kim, J. Y., Millen, J. V., Gershman, J., Irwin, A. (eds.). Dying for Growth: Global Inequalities and the Health of the Poor. Monroe, Maine: Common Courage Press, 2000: 65–90.
Farmer, P E., Castro, A. Salud y derechos humanos: una via para la medicina y la salud phblica. In Derechos humanos y salud: Encontrando los lazos. Lima, Peru: Edhuca Salud, 2002: 88–90.
Farmer, P E., Connors, M., Fox, K., Furin, J. J. Rereading social science. In Farmer, P E., Connors, M., Simmons, J. (eds.). Women, Poverty, and AIDS: Sex, Drugs, and Structural Violence. Monroe, Maine: Common Courage Press, 1996: 147–205.
Farmer, P. E., Daily, J. Tuberculosis: Essentials of diagnosis, treatment, and prophylaxis. In Thaler, S. J., Maguire, J. H., Sax, P E. (eds.). Primary Care Handbook of Infectious Diseases. Totowa, N. J.: Humana Press.