Западноевропейское искусство от Джотто до Рембрандта
The final scenes as one moves toward the altar were also the last in order of execution. TheLord Congregating the Waters was held to foreshadow the foundation of the Church. The Creationof Sun, Moon, and Plants shows the Lord twice, once creating sun and moon with a cruciform gesture of his mighty arms, then seen from the rear creating plants. Just above the altar the Lord separates the light from the darkness.
The seated prophets and sibyls show the majestic possibilities of the draped figure. Although Michelangelo's figures were clothed they looked nude. The Persian Sibyl was represented as immensely old, Jeremiah as grieving above the papal throne, Daniel aflame with prophecy as he writes in a small volume, the Libyan Sibyl looking down upon the altar, at the eternal Tree of Life. The final phase of the Sistine Ceiling is one of the supreme moments in the spiritual history of mankind. It was created during the years when Julius II, who commissioned and inspired the Sistine Ceiling, was fighting on the battlefield for the continued life of the Papal States against the armies of King Louis XII, and completed when the victory was won.
Make sure you know how to pronounce the following words:
Michelangelo Buonarroti; David; Moses; Ghirlandaio; Dante, Julius; Saint; Noah; Signorelli; Perugino; Goliath; Judith; Holofernes; sibyl
Pieta [ –
David– Давид
Moses – «Моисеи»
Dying Slave – «Умирающий раб»
Rebellious Slave – «Восставший раб»
Separation of Light from Darkness – «Отделение света от тьмы»
The Lord Congregating the Waters– » Отделение тверди от воды»
Creation of Sun, Moon, and Plants – «Сотворение светил и растений»
Drunkenness of Noah – «Осмеяние Ноя»
David and Goliath – «Давид и Голиаф»
Judith and Holofernes – «Юдифь и Голоферн»
Crucifixion of Human – «Человеческие страдания»
Brazen Serpent – «Змий-Искуситель»
Fall of Man – «Грехопадение»
Temptation – «Искушение»
Expulsion – «Изгнание из Рая»
Creation of Adam – «Сотворение Адама»
Persian Sibyl – «Персидская сивилла»
Jeremiah – пророк Иеремия
Daniel – Даниил
Libyan Sibyl – Ливийская сивилла
1. Read the text. Mark the following statements true or false.
1. Michelangelo's first masterpiece is the David.
2. The Moses was the first colossus of the High Renaissance.
3. The Redemption of man is the subject of the Sistine Ceiling.
4. Michelangelo's heavy nude figure was universally imitated by the painters throughout Europe.
5. Michelangelo imagined God over the altar.
6. Adam reclines on the fertile ground.
II. How well have you read? Can you answer the following questions?
1. Where did Michelangelo learn to paint? Where did Michelangelo study sculpture?
2. What is the Pieta famous for? What does the ageless Virgin symbolize?
3. Where is Michelangelo's heroic style seen?
4. What was Michelangelo commissioned in 1505? What remained from this project? How did Michelangelo represent Moses? How are the Dying Slave and the Rebellious Slave carved?
5. What was Michelangelo commissioned in 1508? How large was the ceiling?
6. What does the painting of the Sistine Ceiling represent?
7. What scenes are pictured in the lunettes around the windows and in the spandrels at the corners? Why does the oak tree invade the scenes of the creation?
8. What does the Fall of Man combine?
9. Where is the beauty of Classical antiquity and the spirituality of Christianity embodied?
10. What do the final scenes represent?
III. I. Give Russian equivalents of the following phrases:
the ageless exquisite Virgin; a formidable creation; lunettes; an activist prophet; to carve a statue; a buttress; to design a tomb; over-life statues in marble; successive reductions; a counterpart to; Advent; Lent; to set in action; the ceiling painting; to flank niches; a flattened barrel vault; an ambitious undertaking; a formidable creation; to allude poetically to; the vault compartments above the windows; generations of the ancestry; in the spandrels at the corners; to lift from the dust; a medieval hymn; to reach its supreme embodiment in; penitential periods; the resurrection at Easter; at Pentecost; to recline on the barren ground; a companion figure.
II. Give English equivalents of the following phrases:
– л.