9/11 и Бин Ладен, странности, размышления, мысли
26. Самолёты ЦРУ? военные? люди идут на войну за деньги, наёмники. Мысль подработать деньги и на наркотарфике очевидна неким порой, как это же больше денег.
27. Наркотрафик, это огромные деньги. а деньги это и власть.
28. а потом к власти приходят с деньгами кто? уголовные преступники? воры? убийцы?
29. И приказывают тогда что? (см Украина с 2014? под эгидой США). Убивать местное гражданское насление?
30. война это слезы и разруха и смети одним
31. и война
Ианна Инна Бальзина-Бальзин
Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin
* у меня есть пересечение с 6 древними ДНК деревни Hinxton что в 14 км от Кэмриджа в Англии. С людьми, кто жили там 2,300 - 1,500 лет назад, семь и родственники. Неподалёку оттуда есть деревня Balsham, что выглядит искажением моего фамилии Бальзина по линии моего отца Бальзин, от иностранной женщины с Европы, поселившейся в Российской Империи, оставившей своё потомство и детей, раз в России в Сибири, то русские.
* но я нашла и генетическое пересечение с женщиной по фамилии Thelma Balsham, по результатам генетических тестов, мы обе пересекаемся с некто под псевдонимом "Barking Palace"
* Thelma Balsham и я (Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin, maiden name Inna Balzina/Balzin shared
largest segment 6сМ and
Total 343.4cM for my one DNA test result and
we shared
Largest 4.6 cM and in 19 chromosome
Total >=1cM 580.6 cM
for my another DNA test result,
* We both (Thelma Balsham and me, maiden name Inna Balzina/Balzin , or Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin) are still connected geneticly
"Barking Palace" nickname DNA
on Gedmatch.com
* I am connected with
6 ancient DNA from Hinxton,
a village located in 14 km from Cambridge in England.
* A village Balsham not near from Hinxton, village Balsham is too near Cambridge in England
* By a local history, their local man from Balsham village was a famous scholar student in The University in Paris, France.
* My genetic test (Gedmatch) had put me to find my genetic connection to 6 local people, all one big family, relatives, living in Hinxton near Cambridge 2,300 years back at time - 1,500 years back at time
* Nathan John Ball is "Barking Palace" (*nickname)'es genetic 5.4 cousin
* Byron is "Barking Palace" (*nickname)'es genetic cousin
* Campbell is "Barking Palace" (*nickname)'es genetic 4.0 cousin
* Sinclair is "Barking Palace" (*nickname)'es genetic cousin
* D. Blair is "Barking Palace" (*nickname)'es genetic cousin
* Owen is "Barking Palace" (*nickname)'es genetic 4.8 cousin
* Bronde
* Baldozier
* La Beda
Blair -- Bliar - B! a lie!
* So, I find to see ancient roots as genetic connections for my maiden name, was really touched, thanks for all people, doing genetic tests.
* I was touched, really interesting was to find to see this all, and still much much more interesting.
***** Bin Ladan
Ladan , my father said me, his parents chat between them, his mother (my grandmother) asked his father (my grandfather) Nikolai Petrovich Balzin, the oldest son of Petr Kirillovich Balzin,
– May you say me to remain me, please, what was this maiden name surname of this girl, your sister, adapted to live in a family of your father? whom had been saved to give to your father family to keep as their daughter?
– She was Ladyzhenskaya originally, on her maiden real name, -
my grandfather replayed to his wife, my grandmother, in a presence of his small 7th youngest son, Aleksandr Balzin.
There was a cruel Stalin's regime time in USSR, making the feelings to keep a silence not ask parents any details from their conversation.
My father said me a story, as our family legend, about a small girl, some people saved her life, taking through all Russian Impair land far away, that they had changed her documents, plenty times, making new names and new surnames each time till a final stop to give her as a small child to adapt to a family of my great grandfather Petr Kirillovich Balzin as his daughter, to grow together with his others kids.
There were two girls from another families form their childhood.
My grandmother Vera (Belief), living here from her 8 yo age as a future wife and a fianc;e of their oldest son Nikolai, they grew up and married, had 7 children.
And another girl, name Dolya (Destiny), later as wife of Mr Urusov.
My father thought, this chat was about his auntie Dolya.
Mr Urusov, Professor V.M.Urusov, said me this was a wrong interpretation by my father's childish family and memory, probably, about this chat of his parents, as he had not asked them any details.
He said it was still some another girl, but a native daughter Stefania, whom married and was a wife of Denis Ladyzhenski, and she died in 1916.
My uncle Professor V.M.Urusov said me, his mother Dolya and my grandfather Nikolay Petrovich Balzin had the some one woman as their ancestor, they were related genetically, so.
Ladyzhenskiy (Ladyzhenski) looked so closed near to Lada and Laden/
I think about a possibility for Bin Laden to be as some my genetic cousin. I looked his face, and my 1st thought was "we both may be relatives genetically, by his face look".