Английский язык с Крестным Отцом
as sweet as God had ever made any woman and she had been a virgin.
And the other guys were always talking about blow jobs, this and other variations, and
he really didn't enjoy that stuff so much. He never liked a girl that much after they tried it
that way, it just didn't satisfy him right. He and his second wife had finally not got along,
because she preferred the old sixty-nine too much to a point where she didn't want
anything else and he had to fight to stick it in. She began making fun of him and calling
him a square and the word got around that he made love like a kid. Maybe that was why
that girl last night had turned him down. Well, the hell with it, she wouldn't be too great
in the sack (гамак;
who really liked to fuck and they were always the best. Especially the ones who hadn't
been at it too long. What he really hated were the ones who had started screwing at
twelve and were all fucked out by the time they were twenty and just going through the
motions and some of them were the prettiest of all and could fake you out.
Ginny brought coffee and cake into his bedroom and put it on the long table in the
sitting room part. He told her simply that Hagen was helping him put together the money
credit for a producing package and she was excited about that. He would be important
again. But she had no idea of how powerful Don Corleone really was so she didn't
understand the significance of Hagen coming from New York. He told her Hagen was
also helping with legal details.
When they had finished the coffee he told her he was going to work that night, and
make phone calls and plans for the future. "Half of all this will be in the kids' names," he
told her. She gave him a grateful smile and kissed him good night before she left his
There was a glass dish full of his favorite monogrammed cigarettes, a humidor
(коробка для хранения сигар с увлажнителем) with pencil-thin black Cuban cigars on
his writing desk. Johnny tilted back (откинулся) and started making calls. His brain was
really whirring (to whirr – жужжать, шуметь) along. He called the author of the book,
the best-selling novel, on which his new film was based. The author was a guy his own
age who had come up the hard way and was now a celebrity in the literary world. He
had come out to Hollywood expecting to be treated like a wheel (что с ним будут
обращаться как с королем) and, like most authors, had been treated like shit. Johnny
had seen the humiliation of the author one night at the Brown Derby. The writer had
been fixed up with a well-known bosomy starlet for a date on the town and a sure
shack-up later. But while they were at dinner the starlet had deserted the famous author
because a ratty-looking movie comic had waggled (to waggle –
покачивать) his finger at her. That had given the writer the right slant (наклон, склон;
быстрый взгляд; точка зрения, подход, мнение) on just who was who in the
Hollywood pecking (to peck – клевать /клювом/) order. It didn't matter that his book
had made him world famous. A starlet would prefer the crummiest (crummy –
крошащийся, рыхлый; никудышный, несчастный; to crum – раскрошить), the rattiest,
the phoniest movie wheel.
Now Johnny called the author at his New York home to thank him for the great part he
had written in his book for him. He flattered the shit out of the guy. Then casually he
asked him how he was doing on his next novel and what it was all about. He lit a cigar
while the author told him about a specially interesting chapter and then finally said,
"Gee, I'd like to read it when you're finished. How about sending me a copy? Maybe I
can get you a good deal for it, better than you got with Woltz."
The eagerness in the author's voice told him that he had guessed right. Woltz had
chiseled (надул: «обработал зубилом»: chisel [tizl]) the guy, given him peanuts
(бесценок, «смешные деньги»; peanut – арахис, земляной орех) for the book.
Johnny mentioned that he might be in New York right after the holidays and would the
author want to come and have dinner with some of his friends. "I know a few good-
looking broads," Johnny said jokingly. The author laughed and said OK.
Next Johnny called up the director and cameraman on the film he had just finished to
thank them for having helped him in the film. He told them confidentially that he knew
Woltz had been against him and he doubly appreciated their help and that if there was
ever anything he could do for them they should just call.
Then he made the hardest call of all, the one to Jack Woltz. He thanked him for the
part in the picture and told him how happy he would be to work for him anytime. He did
this merely to throw Woltz off the track. He had always been very square, very straight.
In a few days Woltz would find out about his maneuvering and be astounded by the
treachery of this call, which was exactly what Johnny Fontane wanted him to feel.