Английский язык. Практический курс для решения бизнес-задач
9. manufacturer n – производитель, изготовитель, промышленник
manufacture v – производить, изготавливать, выпускать; перерабатывать (сырье)
manufacturing a – промышленный, производственный
10. engineer n – инженер, конструктор
engineering n – инжиниринг
engineer v – проектировать; создавать, сооружать
engineering a –
11. unit n – часть, доля, единица; подразделение компании; набор
12. program management – программное управление
13. delegate responsibility – делегировать ответственность
14. vehicle n – перевозочное средство; средство выражения и распространения; проводник
15. customers’ preferences – предпочтения клиентов
16. launch n – запуск (продукции, проекта)
launch v – запускать
17. sample n – образец (товара), выборка, проба (напр. грунта)
sample v – пробовать, испытывать, отбирать образцы или пробы
18. age group – возрастная группа
19. advice n – совет, консультация; авизо, мнение
advisor n – советник, консультант
advise v – консультировать
advisory a – совещательный, консультативный
20. backlog n – задолженность, просроченная работа; портфель заказов
21. solicitor n – адвокат, поверенный
solicit v – ходатайствовать, просить; навязывать (товар, услуги)
22. bid n – предложение
bidder n – покупатель; лицо, предлагающее цену; участник торгов
bid v – предлагать (цену), участвовать в торгах
23. contractor n – подрядчик
24. recall n – призыв ранее уволенных работников вернуться на работу; отзыв товара (по качеству)
recall v – призывать, отзывать
25.track record – послужной список; предыстория, прошлые результаты
26. delivery n– поставка
deliverables n – результаты (осязаемые)
deliver v – поставлять
27. domestic a – внутренний; национальный
28. showroom n – салон, демонстрационный зал
29. across-the-board – повсеместный, тотальный, включающий все категории и классы
Exercise 1. Answer the following questions.
1. Why were the Big Three losing market share to imports from Japan and Europe? 2. What was the situation in Detroit when the Taurus project was launched? 3. What was the traditional approach of the American carmakers to creating a new automobile? 4. What are the key characteristics of the
Exercise 2*. Which of the following statements are not correct and why?
1. Taurus and Sable manufactured by Ford were huge successes. 2. Detroit suffered from a perception of poor quality and that’s why the Big Three were losing market share to imports from Japan and Europe. 3. Ford executives understood that fuel economy was the reason why consumers were choosing imports. 4. To make sure Taurus and Sable would succeed, Ford invested $3 billion, which was the usual amount of money needed to develop a new car. 5. Normally, the five-year process of creating a new automobile is sequential. 6. With the sequential approach, different units work in close cooperation and are in constant communication with each other. 7. The final responsibility for the vehicle was delegated to Team Taurus. 8. To determine the customers’ preferences, Ford launched its largest series of market studies ever. 9. Detroit carmakers always asked assembly-line workers for their advice. 10. The American automakers usually involved their suppliers in the design process. 11. The Japanese principles were successfully applied in the Taurus project.
Exercise 3. Make 2—4 sentences using the term «track record».
Example: Aeroflot has a good track record in terms of flight safety, but this fact is not well known to its customers.
Oleg Deripaska, head of RUSAL, has an impressive track record of arranging successful mergers and acquisitions that turned his company into the world’s biggest aluminum producer.
Exercise 4. In economic context, «domestic» means «национальный, внутренний». Make 2 sentences with each of the following expressions:
domestic market
domestic producer
domestic prices
Exercise 5*. Fill in the blanks using terms given below.
Getting Customers to Love You
In 1984, General Motors shrank the Cadillac two feet and sales declined, forcing the dismayed…….. to rethink the way it…… cars. Instead of interviewing car buyers only at the start of………….. met over three years with five groups, each composed of 500 owners of Cadillacs and other models, to discuss design ideas. General Motors literally placed these people behind the wheel of prototypes, letting them fiddle with switches and knobs on the instrument panel, door handles, and seat belts while…….. sat in back and took notes.