Английский язык. Практический курс для решения бизнес-задач
The accounts do not exactly offset each other, due to statistical discrepancies, accounting conventions, and exchange rate movements.
Measuring Imports and Exports
Imports: U.S. importers file tax documents with the U.S. Customs Service describing the type and value of imported goods. These reports are processed and tabulated to arrive at the overall level of U.S. imports. Inaccurate reports, delays in processing data, and smuggling can affect their value.
Exports: There is no tax on exports, so to collect information, the U.S. Department of Commerce developed a form called the Shippers’ Export Declaration (SED) form, which is filled out when goods are sent overseas. These are tallied to arrive at export totals.
The Bretton Woods Agreements Act of 1945 requires the publication of balance of payments information. The statistics are generally reliable although the collection process is often difficult, especially in case of data on travel, services, FDI and financial transactions.
Sometimes it is difficult to classify a good as an import or an export. Trade is usually tabulated on the basis of national origin rather than national ownership. If a product is shipped from the U.S. to Germany, it is considered a U.S. export and a German import. It makes no difference whether a foreign company owns the U.S. factory or if it is a U.S. firm in Germany that imports the product. If a U.S. company owns a plant in Brazil and sells a product to a Japanese company in Canada, the transaction is recorded as a Canadian import and a Brazilian export.
Source: www.newyorkfed.org
Essential Vocabulary
1. infant industry –
2. ad valorem (ad val) – «со стоимости», «адвалорный» (метод расчета налога, тарифа или вознаграждения в форме фиксированного процента от стоимости)
3. levy n – налог, сбор, взнос; арест собственности по судебному приказу
levy v – взимать, собирать (налог)
4. voluntary restraint – добровольное ограничение
5. tax break – налоговая льгота
6. trade ban – запрет на торговлю
7. health, safety and environmental (HSE) standards – стандарты по здравоохранению, безопасности и экологии
8. retaliatory action – ответное действие
9. balance of trade (ВОТ) – торговый баланс
10. favorable balance of trade – положительный (активный) торговый баланс
11. negative (unfavorable) balance of trade – отрицательный (пассивный) торговый
12. merchandise (commodity) trade balance – баланс товарной торговли
13. capital account (с/а) – капитальный счет
14. real estate – недвижимость
15. entry n – бухгалтерская запись (проводка)
16. debit n – дебет, левая сторона счета
debit v – дебетовать счет, записать по дебету счета
17. double-entry bookkeeping – система двойной записи
18. statistical discrepancy – статистическое расхождение
19. international aid – международная помощь
20. remittance (rem) n – денежный перевод, платеж
remit v – переводить, отправлять деньги
21. official reserve assets – официальные резервные активы
22. securities n – ценные бумаги
23. reserve position – сальдо резервов
24. claim n – требование, право, претензия, иск, рекламация; участок земли, отведенный под разработку недр
claim v – требовать, претендовать; утверждать; возбуждать иск о возмещении убытков
25. Сustoms Service – таможенная служба
26. smuggling n – контрабанда
smuggler n – контрабандист
smuggle v – заниматься контрабандой
27. Department of Commerce (US) – Министерство торговли США
28. Shippers’ Export Declaration (SED) – экспортная декларация
Exercise 1. Answer the following questions.
1. What are the arguments that advocates of protectionism usually use? 2. What protectionist tools can governments apply to manage their countries’ international trade positions? 3. What do the US free trade advocates traditionally say to support their views? 4. What are the key measurements of trade? 5. What is the essence of the balance of trade? 6. How is the balance of payments structured? 7. How are exports and imports measured?
Exercise 2*. Match the following definitions with terms given below and make sentences with each terms.